Only one of them is allowed in the ambulance, and Dani leaps in before it drives away, leaving Nat to ponder what happened while standing in the street.
We cut to credits and re-enter our world of lesbian love at the Alice (Leisha Hailey) show, where Alice and her staff are preparing for their 100th episode. Alice had a big plan to host a blind dating show as one of the segments on this episode, and Sophie is promising that she vetted all of the candidates thoroughly. Alice thinks this can really work! After all, the very first ever Bachelorette is still with the man she chose, so that must mean television dating shows have a super high probability of success, right?
Alice is waiting for her coffee from a cute bartender named Taylor (Joey Lauren Adams), who pronounces her name “Elise” before looking up and realizing who she’s talking to. Taylor takes the coffee back to design some latte art, but it’s clear she’s not very good at it because she claims it’s “chaos”, and Alice asks her to stay for the show. And because this show is so predictable, we can already tell they´ll become a thing before the espiode ends.
It’s a productive day shift at the Dana Fairbanks Memorial Tavern and Finley’s (Jacqueline Toboni) got her laptop open, hesitant to hit “submit” on her completed application to the California State School of Hospitality, where I can only safely conclude she is looking to get a degree in restaurant management and eventually study abroad at the Olive Garden’s Culinary Institute of Tuscany. Shane (Katherine Moennig) saves Finley from taking this monumental step by showing up with a sledgehammer and an invitation to go “break stuff” at Bar #2.
When I tell you that the next montage of them breaking stuff like they´re in a lesbian Magic Mike movie which sounds awful to me is the most I´ve cringe at something this year. That was the most unnecesary thing I have seen in my life, I was very uncomfortable, I´m just going to block it and never talk about it again. Thankfully Tess (Jamie Clayton) shows up and interrupts the moment, she says they don’t start demo until tomorrow! Didn’t anyone read the calendar! Finley offers Tess a wack, for stress relief (which Tess is clearly in desperate need of right now) but Tess refuses so Finley takes the swing herself… bursting a water pipe. Anyhow Tess is very stressed out, probably mostly because of this terrible idea she herself had to buy a second bar for no reason. Which ends in more tension for our second favorite couple of the show on their way to break up, because no one in this show gets to be happy for more than five minutes.
In the house of Gigi, Dani is getting ready to leave when Nat knocks at the door. Gigi is still somewhat bedridden this morning and she can’t get ready by herself. Rather than informing her girlfriend of this, wearing something easier to put on, or just not attending a likely loud event while concussed, Gigi has called Nat to help her out! This certainly doesn’t please Dani, or me.
We venture back into the hallowed halls of California University and while walking to class, Angie (Jordan Hull) is on the phone with her mom, where she shares that Jordi has been texting her a lot, but other than that she’s all good. Her moms want to make sure she has her mace still (safety first!) and then Angie hangs up to focus on school. Angie has barely unpacked her backpack for her first day of the deeply imaginary freshman class “Introduction to Creative Writing” when she realizes the boy she kissed at the art show is in fact Hendrix (Simon Longnight) her new teacher!
I blame this on Pretty Little Liars, more specifically Ezra Fitz, this student/teacher thing will never in a million years be okay and is not something I want to keep seeing on my screen, so that´s about all I´ll say about them.
At the Alice Show, Shane brings Alice a framed copy of The Chart to celebrate. Alice loves it! Much better than the flowers from Bette and Tina and the basket of Bic pens from Tom, the man whose proposal she turned down in the space between season 2 and 3. Alice thinks Tom is a good friend, but Shane thinks he’s still hoping. Either way is fine with Alice, to be honest! Shane also brought a box of old hair products, which Alice doesn’t want, which is good because they’re actually for Ivy (Khelani). Alice knows something is up and instantly asks where Tess which I want to know as well.
Elsewhere backstage Dani is killing it at her job per usual. She’s walking around updating Sophie (Rosanny Zayas) on everything that she needs to know before the show, and Sophie is once again asking Dani to break down her personal boundaries and come over for dinner. She wants a double date! Dani, Dani’s ex who stood her up at the altar, Dani’s ex friend who ran away with her ex who stood her up at the altar, and Dani’s new girlfriend. Fun! Why does everyone act like Dani is the worst, when in fact is everyone else that has hurt her in the past and expect her to just get over it like it was nothing.
The Alice Show is about to start, and rather than head to the front of the stage Shane takes Ivy up on her offer to hang out behind it. Because like I said last week, Shane´s gonna Shane and character development does not exist in this show. So, of course she cheats on Tess and I´m so done.
Who is actually taking their seats? Nat and Gigi, who are sharing a reserved couch in the audience. Dani asks Gigi if she wants anything, and Nat says yes, champagne! Oh, and also, can Dani give this bag of oranges to Alice? The lady on the side of the freeway didn’t have flowers today.
Sophie’s in the middle of a crisis; contestant #3 is sloppy drunk and they need to find a replacement, asap.
Onstage, Alice is trying to get out of a straightjacket, watched by Nat and Gigi, who are flirting and sharing the bottle of champagne. It’s actually really hard to drink bubbly liquids with a straw, so this feels like fake advertising! Nat says that Gigi isn’t thinking straight, but Gigi’s still deep in her feels. I think it’s pretty normal to see the mother of your children who you met at 18 when you’re about to die, as opposed to your girlfriend of 1 year, and it doesn´t really mean anything more, but what do I know! Sophie tries to get Dani to do the dating show, but she refuses. That’s when she sees Taylor. Yay! And Dani sees Gigi and Nat holding hands. Sad.
And we are in that part of the episode people, I can sense the Gini break up coming and I´m already mad.
So is Gigi, who’s tired and about to head home. Dani goes to call Gigi a car (why Gigi can’t call her own cars is confusing to me), but Nat’s going to take Gigi home instead. Dani wants to know what’s going on. Now. My heart absolutely breaks for her, this is nearly the exact same situation she was in with Finley and Sophie; she doesn’t deserve for it to happen again. Justice for Dani! She´s convinced that something happened, and Gigi finally shares that in the ambulance, their “lips touched”. Dani is clearly heartbroken, and when Gigi says she’s confused, Dani says she’s done. I don’t understand why they’re breaking them up! They have the potential to be the new Bette and Tina we’ve just wrecked it.
In Nat’s car, Gigi is extraordinarily upset. Nat offers to let her sleep on her couch, a decently unnecessary offer given that, as we know, Gigi and Dani don’t actually live together yet. Gigi refuses, but she says that she should drive. Nat says she hasn’t even had that much to drink, but Gigi (who famously got in a car crash for texting while driving last episode) thinks that it’s Nat who’s the bad driver. There’s no time to swap seats, though, because at that moment Dani comes out and starts chucking oranges at the car. Nat can’t believe it! “That was for my ex! Our ex!” she exclaims, reminding us all of the hottest throuple to ever exist. And just like that, they are a couple no more.
I don´t know what to tell you, I think if it weren´t for the recaps I could have given up on this season already, but I´ll hold on for you folks.
I decided to make this a double review to get you all up to speed on what´s going on. So, last week, we witnessed two great couples getting massacred in the most senseless way.
It's Halloween and there are some dark moments and some sweet moments, including some long-awaited accountability on The L Word: Generation Q.
When the episode opens, Sophie (Rosanny Zayas) and Finley (Jacqueline Toboni) are getting coffee when Dani (Arienne Mandi) meets up with them. She tells them her "fun" friend Roxy (Paula Andrea Placido) is coming into town to take her out to party for Halloween. Dani ends up almost hooking up with Roxy, but she isn't fully over Gigi (Sepideh Moafi) yet. Roxy lets Dani know that when she's ready to date again, Roxy will be waiting for her. What? There´s already someone on queue for Dani, she only just broke up with Gigi, come on. What is this writing honestly, at least let the girl be single for a minute to figure herself out.
Alice's (Leisha Hailey) date with Taylor (Joey Lauren Adams) turned into a three day date that included them watching scary movies together on Halloween. Even though they obviously have chemistry, Taylor is holding back, which confuses Alice. While watching scary movies, Taylor finally tells Alice her contacts are bothering, having not taken them out in days. I feel this in my bones, because sometimes is confusing not knowing when the right time is to show the other person everything about you, like the real you, which is why it´s important to have that conversation and be honest about it. They still seem awkward around each other until they hear a noise outside and think someone is trying to break in. Taylor bravely opens the door to confront the threat, which is really just a Halloween decoration. Their brief scare breaks the tension and they are able to finally clear the air. Which I found very sweet and maybe there´s potential there. I just want Alice to be happy and get everything she wants.
Meanwhile, Tess and Shane are still out of sync, with Shane walking on eggshells. Tess is snippy at home, especially after Shane helps Tess' mom dress up as Dolly Parton for Halloween. Tess won't commit to Shane's dinner plans and seems generally irritated by her presence. Shane is clearly upset and frustrated by the situation. I can see the end coming friends. Later that night, Shane and Finley are behind the bar when Tess calls Shane to tell her the home health aide sent to help her mom was not the usual person, but a man named Victor. Tess is uncomfortable leaving her mom in a man’s care and tells Shane she isn't going to leave her mom. Shane, upset at the change in plans, hooks up with Ivy (Kehlani). Because, of ocurse she does. Finley, who had previously defended Shane with cheating accusations, sees Shane and Ivy. Later, she confronts Shane and calls her out for her, telling Shane what we´re all thinking, that she's a disappointment.
Maribel (Jillian Mercado) and Micah (Leo Sheng) attend a Halloween party given by someone Maribel works with who has four kids with her FTM trans partner. Micah has a laundry list parenting questions so he’s excited to meet these two and pick their brains. Maribel seems excited at first, but once they get to the party she's definitely put off.
At first Micah was the one who didn’t want to have a baby, but now that he's fully on board it seems like Maribel may not be ready for the realities of parenthood. She leaves early because she is tired, but Micah stays to hang out with the couple. I thought this was a very beautiful part of the episode, showing a queer family just existing in the world, showing us that all families are different and that´s okay.
Also, because this show loves to jump ahead so much, of course they just throw Angie already dating Samuel, her creative writing professor. And I do not want to comment on them.
Maribel's coworker's partner turns out to be Max (Daniel Sea), from the original L Word series. Max is a FTM trans character who was treated pretty badly in the original series. His storyline was not handled well and widely considered marginalizing. But here, Max and Micah really hit it off and eventually get a drink and talk more about parenting.
Shane, on her way to go talk to Ivy after they hooked up, runs into Max at the bar. They share a hug and catch up for a minute. But more importantly Shane apologizes to Max for how they all treated Max previously. Max, still being Max, tells Shane it was long ago and they were all different people then. Despite everything going on, I really enjoyed that, It felt like an apology not only coming from Shane but from everyone behind the scenes, at least I hope so. However this troubles Shane because she really isn't any different. Like so many other times before she's cheating on her partner because things are getting tough instead of communicating and dealing with issues.
When she meets up with Ivy again, she tells Ivy she can't keep doing what they're doing. Shane really wants to try and be a better person. Ivy and Shane agree they were what each other needed in that moment and they end things on a good note. But Shane turns around to find Tess standing there, having seen the entire interaction. Accountability is good, but this time it might be too late for Shane to save her relationship with Tess. Tess throws a drink in Shane’s face and leaves. Shane and Tess live together and they have businesses together, so the fallout of Shane’s betrayal could end up costing her a lot both emotionally and financially.
- What are your thoughts on this season so far?
- Who do you think will break up next?
- Do you think there´s still hope for Shess?
- Who do you think will cheat next? Comment below.