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Law & Order: Organized Crime - Not Your Father's Organized Crime - Review

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  Law & Order: Organized Crime “Not Your Father’s Organized Crime” was written by Ilene Chaiken and was directed by Ken Girotti, whose other many credits include FBI: Most Wanted, Orphan Black, and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. This episode seemed more fast-paced than the first episode, or maybe the show is just hitting its stride? Christopher Meloni (Stabler) delivers a performance that made me remember why I’d been so eager to review this show. I’m also already really liking the dynamic between him and Bell (Danielle Mone Truitt). I love how bitchy Sloomaekers (Ainsley Seiger) is about everything! And I’m also really impressed with Nicky Torchia as Eli.

The episode sees Wheatley (Dylan McDermott) confirmed as a scumbag as he steals a bunch of Covid-19 vaccine to sell for exorbitant prices to doctors – to sell to their line-jumping patients. He also has a party for his rich friends to get jabbed. Meanwhile, he seems to be positioning himself to take over – or at least take advantage of his father’s business/mob. It’s clear that Richie Jr (Nick Creegan) did not inherit either of his parent’s intelligence. Dana (Christina Marie Karis) clearly does have a head for business.

Lots of favorite scenes with Stabler… I loved his in-your-face confrontation with Wheatley. We get the requisite scene with Benson (Mariska Hargitay) – and I know I’m the only one on the planet who doesn’t swoon to see them together… She tells him that he has PTSD – he’s aware – and he tells her to back off. It is nice to see two old friends back together again, but I still don’t need to see them together as a couple… 

I loved the scene where Stabler has to go on the blind date and just can’t keep the charade up. It’s hilarious when the woman is sure she’s being brushed off only to have Stabler be absolutely sincere and convince her to give up her doctor’s name – and her vaccine – in the interest of the public good. It was a nice touch that she immediately responded to his sincerity and that while she’d maintain covid protocols and not shake hands, when she saw his pain over his wife’s death, she moved in to hug – and really, comfort him.

Eli wakes Stabler up when he’s caught in a nightmare about his wife’s death. Stabler manages to eventually reassure his son, only to break down as soon as he leaves the room. I have to think that Eli is going to be pretty traumatized himself after this episode, especially when he finds his Dad beaten to a pulp outside their apartment. Not to mention the “murder-wall” Stabler’s keeping in the dining room of the apartment! Were the thugs after Stabler or Eli as leverage? No doubt, this will result in the kids getting shipped back to Italy…

Finally, a quick word about Stabler and Bell. I loved her enjoying his confrontation with Wheatley. I also like that Stabler is at least reasonably respectful of her being in charge. It’s interesting that Stabler is suspicious of Washburn (Ben Chase), Bell’s old partner. I’m curious as to whether there’s any real reason for it. The team is also rounded out with the addition of Diego Morales (Michael Rivera). 

I really liked the dinner scene between Bell and Stabler. It’s a nice moment for him to learn a bit more about her. But I also really liked that Stabler risked his job to be completely honest with her. He tells her about being at the Wonder Wheel and finding Sinatra’s body. I also liked that she tried to stop him from telling her, not wanting to risk losing him. I also loved her heading him off about the phone – and saying without saying that she’s looking forward to seeing what Sloomaekers gets off it…

All in all, I thought that the highlight of the episode was Meloni’s performance. I’d also say that overall, this was a better episode than the first one. I always find the cross over events just don’t work for me. I’d much rather just have a straightforward episode! What did you think of the episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 

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