4.14 - "And the Cupcake Captives"
Directed by Dan Scardino
Written by Charles Brottmiller
Reviewed by Gavin Hetherington
Season Guide
Click on an episode title to be taken to my review of the episode.
4.01 - "And the Reality Problem" (October 27, 2014)
4.02 - "And the DJ Face" (November 3, 2014)
4.03 - "And the Childhood Not Included" (November 10, 2014)
4.04 - "And the Old Bike Yarn" (November 17, 2014)
4.05 - "And the Brand Job" (November 24, 2014)
4.06 - "And the Model Apartment" (December 8, 2014)
4.07 - "And the Loan for Christmas" (December 15, 2014)
4.08 - "And the Fun Factory" (January 5, 2015)
4.09 - "And the Past and the Furious" (January 19, 2015)
4.10 - "And the Move-In Meltdown" (February 2, 2015)
4.11 - "And the Crime Ring" (February 9, 2015)
4.12 - "And the Knock-Off Knockout" (February 16, 2015)
4.13 - "And the Great Unwashed" (February 23, 2015)
4.14 - "And the Cupcake Captives" (March 9, 2015)
4.15 - "And the Fat Cat" (March 23, 2015)
4.16 - "And the Zero Tolerance" (March 30, 2015)
4.17 - "And the High Hook-Up" (April 13, 2015)
4.18 - "And the Taste Test" (April 20, 2015)
4.19 - "And the Look of the Irish" (April 27, 2015)
4.20 - "And the Minor Problem" (May 4, 2015)
4.21 - "And the Grate Expectations" (May 11, 2015)
4.22 - "And the Disappointing Unit" (May 18, 2015)

'And the Cupcake Captives' Recap and Commentary
Max enters the diner to Han mixing his own special drinks, which she thinks is a stupid idea until Han says it was Earl's idea, who has been using Han mixing drinks as a way to drink for free all afternoon. Sly Earl. He's still got it. We get a funny conversation about who's drink are who's (including Oleg's salted rim). In the cupcake shop, Caroline tells Max they sold the last T-shirt but Max shows Caroline she ordered more without Caroline knowing. Caroline has been busy with Sophie's wedding shower which Max hasn't been taking too seriously. Sophie arrives wearing a jazzed up cupcake T-shirt and asks about the cake for her shower the next day. Things are getting sorted and the shower is going to happen in Max and Caroline's apartment.
Max is in her apartment trying the candies for the visitors but keeps spitting them back in the wrappers and putting them back. Caroline comes in and sees Max hasn't done the decorating properly as she's put up black instead of pink. Sophie soon arrives and acts surprised as she's practicing her entrances which is actually really funny to see how she puts on her happiness and surprise. She goes to use the bathroom when the FBI come. Thinking they're there to arrest them, the girls find out there's a man in the building holding three girls hostage for months and they need to evacuate. Sophie comes out and thinks he's a cop stripper and starts having him feel her up. Her "oh yeah" was hilarious.
Max and Caroline get escorted out the building with Sophie following. Sophie's Polish friends arrive but they're not allowed past the line. Sophie still wants her presents and gets them from her friends (including a gift card she's sending back) before a reporter, Maria, wants to talk to the girls for Channel 2. It leads to Oleg coming out of the building followed by the perpetrator wearing one of Max's Homemade Cupcakes' T-shirts. The reporter (in comic fashion of course) asks into the camera, "what does Max's Homemade Cupcakes have to do with all this?" The girls are ambushed by reporters at the diner as they head inside to work where Earl shows the newspaper with them all over it. Journalists aren't very imaginative in sitcoms are they - Cupcake Captives, Cupcake Captor and the Cupcake Catastrophe. Haha. The T-shirt is in the 'what not to wear - EVER' in the fashion section, with Sophie coming in with a box left for Max and Caroline, containing the leftover stock of the T-shirts from the shop they sold them to.
Outside the cupcake shop, Maria is interviewing Han about Max and Caroline. Han seems to be milking it though with his Cupcake Captive Cosmos. The girls set up an interview with Maria to clear their names as Caroline convinces Max to do the interview and not her. She hides away while Max talks to Maria but Max deepens her voice which is actually very funny. Caroline steps in and tells her the shirt did not commit the crime, he was only wearing their shirt. Maria cuts the interview and the girls go on their merry way. Caroline gets Sophie into the apartment to throw her the bridal shower she didn't get to have. Max surprised both of them when she returned home early. Max and Caroline talk about what they're going to do next since their T-shirt business is over but Max assures Caroline they'll get through it like they always do.
Cupcake Total: $1,475.00 (down from $2,675.00)

Funniest Quotes
Han: Now I only used top shelf liquor.
Max: Question! Who got it down for you?
Oleg: Whatever mine is, I want my rim salted.
Han: Mine is a classic martini... shaken.
Max: Ah, like the first woman who saw you naked.
Caroline: We sold out more than Robert de Niro in the last twenty years of his career.
Max: Well analyze this, Focker.
Max: Showers are stupid things that this guy wants no part of.
Sophie: Please stop talking about things that aren't me?
Max: I don't do girl things. Like hang pink or sit while I pee. Which coincidentally I refer to as hanging pink.
Sophie: Had I known I would have dressed (while she is dressed fancy).
Sophie: Get ready for entrance number 2!
Max: Are you ever ready for entrance number 2?
Sophie: I'm pretending to have an eating disorder so everyone will think I have it all.
Sophie: Oh! Oh my gosh, black toilet paper! Aw nice touch girls. Yeah, I love the mystery of not knowing when you're done.
Caroline: Max, I told you pirating movies is a crime. Now I'm going to jail for Fifty Shades of Grey.
Max: Someone should!
Agent Drake: I hear ya. Not the Christian Grey I pictured.
Agent Drake: Now one of the captives escaped today and alerted authorities.
Max: Oh, that must have been that lady I passed screaming in the hall. (looks at Agent Drake) What? There's a fine line between hostage and off your meds in this building!
Sophie (when seeing Agent Drake): Oh yeah! You girls ordered a cop stripper for my bridal shower? Oh here comes the bride alright!
Max: You know who I think it is? Smells like cats but has no cats.
Caroline: Really? He doesn't seem like a go-getter. I think it's three nipples no nose.
Max: Three nipples no nose? He's a delight!
Oleg: It's not me! Is it? I'm not sure, what are the charges?
Sophie: Forget about the man upstairs, this is the real maniac in the bedroom!
Caroline: Oh no, he's wearing one of our shirts. Why, why, why is he wearing a medium?
Max: Oh, nobody's gonna see that.
(Man turns around with MAX'S HOMEMADE CUPCAKES on the back)
Maria: And the question on everybody's mind is what does Max's Homemade Cupcakes have to do with all this?
Earl: The story is all over the paper. They're calling those ladies the Cupcake Captives, calling that guy the Cupcake Captor and calling the whole thing the Cupcake Catastrophe.
Sophie: I was hoping it was a shower present since those selfish hostage girls ruined my special day.
Han: This is shocking! Max can read? So you just didn't want to tell people the specials.
Max: We're keeping the head as a warning to those who cross us.
Sophie: Oh, I'm so surprised, no I really am this time!
Sophie: Girls, we're gonna play What's Sophie's favourite sex position? It's on all fours watching How to Get Away with Murder.

Episode Verdict
Damn cupcake total, stop going down!! They literally are going to be broke in a couple of episodes time at this rate. Holy hell. Well this wasn't the funniest 2 Broke Girls yet but I loved the plot and how drastic the downfall for the girls was, putting them back to the bottom. Don't get me wrong, I want the girls to do so, so well, but this is called '2 Broke Girls' and I want at least 7 seasons of this show minimum so they can't get successful just yet. Still, everything is looking dim for the girls now which is going to be very interesting to watch in the weeks to come.
I enjoyed the wedding shower aspect of the episode, especially Sophie's entrances, and when the FBI agent came to escort the girls outside. I think this was the first time we ever got to see Max and Caroline's apartment from the outside, but I could be wrong. It was very entertaining to watch the Cupcake Captor part (and wearing one of the girls' T-shirts too!) and then see their business fall apart just like that. And damn it, the one day he didn't wear his pull my finger T-shirt too! I doubt a perpatrator wearing a T-shirt with a company logo on it would affect the business really, but it was an interesting idea and one I enjoyed watching.
The episode didn't start out too great but it definitely picked up when the FBI agents showed up. There were a few chuckles here and there but not enough to sustain the entire episode. However, I did really enjoy that this episode was very vital to the cupcake business and sets up some interesting things moving forward. Onwards and upwards girls, I'm sure we will have a rollercoaster final eight episodes of the season.
What did you guys think of 'And the Cupcake Captives'? Let me know in the comments and be sure to watch the next new episode of 2 Broke Girls on March 23rd on CBS!