With production underway on Season 5 (and after getting a few requests) I decided against my better judgement that it was time for another Casting, Rumor and Speculation post. This year was particular hard for me since so many of the new characters to be introduced have been aged up or have very different physical descriptions than in the books. Plus, I did not expect them to use North and South American actors, but casting Pedro Pascal last year changed everything. I tossed in some HBO alums for fun even though I do not necessarily expect them to be cast in Game of Thrones!
Like the last two years, I looked over various fan-casting posts on the internet and came up with some ideas of my own as well. Please, feel free to suggest actors in the comments! This year I could use a lot of help for a number of roles!
With the uncertainty of exactly how the show moves forward as it quickly approaches surpassing the books, and the need to make the last 4 (or 5) books of the A Song of Ice and Fire into only 3 seasons of TV, Season 5 and beyond could be a unique experience very different from the books. In the end it should make for a very interesting production season of news!
I will be updating this post with production news and casting rumors fairly regularly. I hope to do updates every week or two when news is slow, but I will update the big casting rumors as they come in.
Some very interesting production news and a small casting tidbit as well!
*Spoilers below**
His CV has him filming with director Mark Myloid (Episodes 5x03 and 5x04) and as leaked last month, he will be transporting an important cast member. The fact he has already started filming suggests he will be transporting Jaime and Bronn into Dorne, and if the Obara audition video is accurate, he will then inform Obarra the Kingslayer has slipped into Dorne planning to take Myrcella back to King's Landing.
The bit of production news features Jaime and Bronn as well!
A few filming details have leaked out thanks to some fan reports to WotW.

They reveal new details for a few scenes that will be created for the TV series including Jaime and Bronn's arrival in Dorne, the two of them killing a viper and eating it, Ellaria hearing of their plans, and an encounter with a Dornish patrol that leads to some fighting.
I love the idea of Cersei sending Jaime to Dorne to rescue Myrcella! It keeps Jaime on screen for fans to enjoy and when he returns without Myrcella it will set up a great fight to create a wedge between Cersei and Jaime!
WotW has collected some cast tweets and fan sightings as actors return to set. So here is a social media roundup.
Jaime and Brienne are back together!

Carice van Houten has shared a couple pics from the set.

Now pic.twitter.com/QruUQ4xbC7
— Carice van Houten (@caricevhouten) July 30, 2014
Guess where I am.. pic.twitter.com/x5gGELjRkg
— Carice van Houten (@caricevhouten) July 28, 2014
Ian McElhinney shared:
Back from Greece. Now in County Leitrim for a few days before I head back to westeros.
— Ian McElhinney (@SerIanMc) July 24, 2014
Kristian Nairn, Daniel Portman, Finn Jones and Sophie Turner.
@LaurenceWreford wish u were here :) @FinnJones @Daniel_Portman @SophieT pic.twitter.com/HxnPEPWMjY
— Kristian Nairn (@KristianNairn) July 29, 2014
Liam Cunningham is back.
Dublin- Westeros! That is all. #GameOfThrones
— liam cunningham (@liamcunningham1) July 30, 2014
In an article back in May promoting his new project The Sea Ciaran Hinds revealed he will be back in Season 5!
On Game of Thrones I have not yet been roasted, crucified, slaughtered or whatever they do with people in that show eventually, so I will be coming back for shooting again in the fifth series," he says.
It looks like Portstewart Strand in Londonderry, Northern Ireland will be standing in for the shores of Dorne. Locals have spotted the production signs and been kind enough to report to WotW.
#GameOfThrones rolls into town at @PStrandNT #GoT #Portstewart pic.twitter.com/AGIJEmthj4
— Naomi (@tallforagirl) August 3, 2014
Definitely something happening on the strand today #Portstewart #northernireland #GameOfThrones ? #got ? pic.twitter.com/jC2T7TjHPZ
— Ciaran Doherty (@DohertyCiaran) August 4, 2014
Game of thrones setting up for some filming - wonder if they need any ovine extras? @GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/IZFPmSMVxJ
— Sam Trubbles (@Sammyblacksheep) August 3, 2014
RD shared a nice report...
"I was up at Portstewart Strand today and managed to watch some of the filming. John Snow and the Knisguard are NOT there. It looks they will be filming in at least 3 locations. The part I saw was in the dune system. Jamie Lannister and Bronn were present with stunt doubles in matching clothes. Bronns usual attire and Jamie wearing a purple leather riding jacket opened. They were accompanied by 6 unarmoured guards, who I presume to be Dornish. The uniforms have me confused as not sure I recognise them. They were yellow/gold with brown patterning through them. They are long gown to the knee and an attached like turban. Their spears are quite exotic and similar to that used by Prince Oberyn. No helmets. They also have 4 dressed horses. The scene that I saw was Bronn (the actor himself) pulling a sword from the sand and spinning to duel with an oncoming soldier on horse with a spear. They also have 2 boats, one old looking row boat and a rib (for film crew I guess) They had guys in wetsuits planning something today, I presume for future filming. They also had 3 people on horses doing some sort of rehearsing by riding into the sea and looking out or something but again no filming."
Markalav shared a couple pictures of what RD described..

Nice to have confirmation of Jaime and Bronn in Dorne. Sounds like they are filming a scene where Jaime and Bronn try to sneak into Dorne and need to fight their way out. If the Sand Snake audition scenes are going to be in the series I expect Bronn or both of them to be captured and brought to the Sand Snakes... Eeek!
No casting news today, but some rather big and spoiler filled production news!
After reading that one of the questions for possible extras was 'Will you be willing to appear naked in the show?' I wondered, but ....
We heard that HBO asked the Dubrovnik city council to allow filming of a scene in which a naked actress walks from the Dubrovnik cathedral to the Sponza Palace entrance (readers of course know who that is). The scene will require about 500 extras. As the map (courtesy of Sue) shows, the two locations are set at opposite ends of the old city’s main thoroughfare, Stradun.Via WotW.
Some wondered if the actress would be up for the scene... I'm glad she is since it is one of the most powerful scenes of the entire series to me. This news strengthens my view that they will move entirely through AFFC and ADWD material this year.
Another nice casting scoop from the fabulous new site WatchersOnTheWall!
The news brings some of the smaller roles that are to be cast for Season 5. Most have place holder names, but the descriptions can be interesting!
In Dorne:
- The show is seeking an actor to play a thirty-something Dornish man described as confident, fierce and charismatic and most notably, skilled with riding horses. They’ll have fight scenes that take place entirely on horseback. The character interacts with the main cast in an important sequence, and is considered someone you wouldn’t want to tangle with. The actor is only needed for a week’s worth of filming....
I think this almost certainly means no Darkstar. Cheer or groan, whichever applies to you! XD
In Essos:
- The show is casting for a young man to play a captured vigilante, referred to as a “Son.”
Sons of the Harpy will make the series! I'm glad since it was one of the best elements in Dany's arc to me.
"Unnamed Fighter"
- A young Unsullied fighter who likes to spend time at Meereenese brothels, enjoying the affections of the women in his own way.
Stalwart Shield anyone?
"Ship's Captain"
- We’ll be seeing a ship’s captain in two episodes next season, working with a main cast member. The role is quite small but the captain is carrying an important passenger.
Is he carrying Tyrion to Essos, Sam and Company to Braavos, smuggling Jaime into Dorne, or perhaps a Young Griff is on deck? My money is on Tyrion....
Unknown Region:
"Elderly Serving Woman"
- Brienne will encounter an elderly serving woman who becomes her ally in dangerous territory. The character will appear in a few episodes, though the role is small.
Perhaps Brienne will be in Frey or Bolton territory next year? Does Brienne go South to the Crossroads Inn again to encounter Masha Heddle or the BwoB?
"Man in his fifties"
- Required to be thin and have a long, thin face, to play a character with financial cunning and steeliness. The character has several scenes over two episodes.
Maybe someone related to the Iron Bank or a new Master of Coin in King's Landing?
Also of note from WotW..
Walda Frey and the Braavosi Ship Captain Arya encountered will return next year.
Update #2
Two other notes of interest from the internet today:
1 -
Jorah Mormont is in series 5 of Game of Thrones. I met Iain Glen yesterday & he told he was to start filming soon #iainglen #gameofthrones
— IainGlenfans (@iainglenfans) July 27, 2014
So if anyone was worried about Jorah being in Season 5, fret not!
2 - According to his CV, Gary Oliver (Ternesio Terys, Braavosi ship captain of the Titan's Daughter) will be filming with various directors on Season 5. Assuming we see him in Episode 5x01 or 5x02 transporting Arya or dropping her off in Braavos, it seems like he will be in at least one more episode since each director is filming two episodes in a row this year.
Could it mean he is in on of the late episodes transporting Sam to Oldtown?
I hope so! Of course it could also be that Arya doe not arrive in Braavos until Episode 5x03 or that because he is in multiple episodes his agent assumed there would be multiple directors.
Comic-Con news.....
Alexander Siddig as Doran
Toby Sebastian as Trystane
Nell Tiger Free as Myrcella
DeObia Oparai as Aero Hotah
Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan
Jessica Henwick as Nymeria
Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand
Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand
Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow
You can read the full post here.
Variety hints that there could be major casting news at Comic-Con on Friday!
David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have already confirmed that the sprawling series is heading to Oberyn Martell’s homeland of Dorne next season. Plus, the web is rife with speculation as to who will play his daughters, known as the Sand Snakes. Expect those casting reveals and a few more (such as Bronn’s new bride, Lady Lollys Stokeworth; religious leader The High Sparrow; Oberyn’s brother, Prince Doran, and his bodyguard, Areo Hotah, and other members of the Martell clan) and hopefully a comment from the producers on the whereabouts of Lady Stoneheart."
Nothing truly new here since many have expected a big casting announcement at Comic-Con this year. Not sure this if this is a guarantee based on insider information or simply speculation, but I'm hoping for something similar to Season 3's New Cast Video...
Nothing new on the casting front yet, but...
It appears that Season 5 filming may have started!!
Downtown Radio and users on Twitter have reported seeing the familiar Game of thrones film signs posted at shoot locations.
The most interesting report to me comes from Jon on Twitter who commented seeing the signs around Scrabo Tower. That combined with recent Sean Bean comments to Vulture that he would like to appear on Game of Thrones again makes many wonder if that could be the Tower of Joy.. THE f$(%^9 TOWER OF JOY!

The photos of Scrabo Tower certainly make me think of the ToJ... and all that comes with that much anticipated scene! Here is hoping the Seven hear our prayers!
Also of interest...
Last week WiC reported that ABCdesevilla had news on Season 5 shoot locations.
location shoots for season five of Game of Thrones will happen in October, from the 14th to the 22nd at the Real Alcázar in Seville, and then the show will move on to Osuna. Preparations of the alcázar will begin the week before.
Additionally, according to ABC.es, HBO has retained special permission to dye dark blue the waters of the pond surrounding the statue of Mercury. The show will use an eco-friendly product that evaporates several days after being used in the water

Watergardens for sure! Looking forward to Dorne and all it brings!
From WiC,
The New Zealand Herald reports that Keisha Castle-Hughes is rumored to be joining Game of Thrones to play a Sand Snake!!

Which Sand Snake the 24-year old actress will play was not stated. The newspaper cites Castle-Hughes’s Twitter activity as another possible hint at casting, with her traveling to London and Belfast recently and frequently expressing enthusiasm for the show.
I saw her in Whale Rider years ago and was impressed, but have not seen her in anything since.... She could make a great Sand Snake, maybe Obara or Nymeria judging from her age and look. She is not how I pictured Nymeria personally, but she could be a nice fit for the description of Lady Nym in the casting leaks. Regardless, she is a quality actress and should be great as whichever Sand Snake she portrays!
I thought I would collect the recent production rumors as a start since the casting rumors have been slow coming this year!
- Production news has leaked out from Iceland's RUV that Game of Thrones will be filming in Iceland once more, but only to get a few sprawling landscape shots. No actors needed. There was originally a plan to film a battle in November, but when the scene grew in scale the logistics of filming that time of year with limited daylight hours left the production looking for a new location.
- This year the Game of Thrones production will visit Spain!
HBO is pleased to confirm that a portion of season five of GAME OF THRONES will be shot on several natural locations in the Province of Sevilla. Specifics on the locations will be announced closer to the time of production.- HBO Press Release
WiC reported that "according to Cadena SER’s sources The Alcázar of Seville has been finalized, as the other palatial candidates were ruled out."
Winter-is-Coming also posted that various news outlets have reported location scouts were seen around the country and that the Andalusian region was chosen. HBO has not officially confirmed any specific locations, but the cities if Seville and Osuna have begun preparations.
In addition the Spanish newspaper El Mundo spoke with Rosario Andújar, the mayor of Osuna, who revealed production members had been to several sites that may be used including The Plaza de Toros, The University, La Colegiata, and The Canteras de Osuna.
Plaza de Toros and the Conteras de Osuna:
The University and the Colegiate de Osuna:
I think The Alcázar of Seville would make a wonderful Water Gardens and the ceiling in its Hall of Ambassadors reminds of the Sunspear throne room ceiling in the books... I think the Plaza de Toros will be the perfect Daznak's Pit!
- The production team also added one more stop in Croatia this year, the coastal city of Å ibenik. Home to fortresses, a Mediterranean medieval city, palaces, churches and Dalmatian stone houses it will add a new look to the series.
I think it could make a very good Braavos personally. Compare the two pictures below and imagine the VFX they could add....

Five or six weeks ago Winter-is-Coming a couple reports of new characters to be added for Season 5. The list is not complete and there has been no official HBO confirmation. That said, it is a nice starting point!
Roles Being Cast for Season 5
Prince Doran Martell:

The older brother of Oberyn, Doran Nymeros Martell is the head of House Martell, the Prince of Dorne, and the Lord of Sunspear. He is described as the major new player this year, appearing in multiple episodes. The fifty-something prince uses a wheelchair, is reclusive and rules wisely. It appears the show is looking to continue the trend it started with Pedro Pascal, and cast Latino actors for the Martell clan.
My Suggestions:
Castulo Guerra, Demian Bichir, Joaquim de Almeida, Marcel Iures, Miguel Sandoval, Sergi Lopez
I think Marcel Iures has a good look to be Pedro Pascal's older brother, is a great actor, and he has a connection to HBO as well. I'm expecting a younger actor for the role though.
Prince Trystane Martell:

Doran's son, Trystane, is the fiance of Princess Myrcella. He is handsome with olive skin and straight black hair. The role is being aged up to 18 years old.
My Suggestions:
None yet.
With the conspicuous omission of Arianne and Quentyn from the new cast leaks Trystane could be made the heir of Sunspear. That would change his character dramatically... Wait and see I guess.
Areo Hotah:

Areo Hotah is the captain of Doran Martell's guards. The show is particularly looking for a black actor to fill the role.
My Suggestions:
Colin Salmon, David Harewood, Eriq Ebouaney, Hugh Quarshie, Isaach De Bankolé, Peter Mensah
The casting news threw me, but I think Eriq Ebouaney and David Harewood both have great looks for the part.
The Sand Snakes, Oberyn Martell’s bastard daughters by different mothers(with ages ranging 18-25):
Obara Sand:

The eldest and most athletic Sand Snake is given to martial pursuits as she considers herself a warrior. Obara is Oberyn's daughter from an Old Town whore. She is a sturdily built woman of swarthy coloring and no particular beauty.
My Suggestions:
Janina Gavankar, Jessica Clark, Lara Rossi, Sabrina Ouazani, Tania Raymonde, Zawe Ashton
I've always had a very difficult time finding the right actress for Obara Sand. I'm very interested to see who they cast!
Nymeria Sand:

Nymeria is elegant, refined, and beautiful. Lady Nym is described as “mixed race,” with her father being the fairer Oberyn and her mother being darker skinned. The second oldest of these Sand Snakes, she’s emotional and very strong. In the book's she is the daughter of a noble woman from Volantis.
My Suggestions:
Antonia Thomas, Georgina Campbell, Hannah John-Kamen, Jessica Clark, Jessica Sula, Karla Crome
I thought they may keep Sarella Sand before Nymeria, but I wonder if they combined the two roles based on the new physical description. I would love to see Hannah John-Kamen or Karla Crome as Nymeria, although Jessica Clark has a very similar look to how I pictured Lady Nym.
Tyene Sand:

The daughter of a Septa and the youngest of the Sand Snakes that we meet, Tyene uses her wits and seductive powers more than physical prowess like her sisters. She is known to be treacherous and just as deadly as the other Sand Snakes, but her weapon is poison.
My Suggestions:
Amaia Salamanca, Ana de Armas, Emily Berrington, Gabriella Wilde, Gemma Ward, Nora Arnezeder
I'm unsure they will cast the blue-eyed blonde in the books, but I always pictured Tyenne something like Aphrodite on Hercules. Gabriella WIlde fits the bill to me.

Varamyr, better known as Varamyr Sixskins, is a diminutive member of the Wildlings and a skinchanger who controls three wolves, a snow bear, and a shadowcat. He is grey-faced and bald with round shoulders.
My Suggestions:
Dayton Callie, John Kavanagh, Michael Cronin, Ned Dennehy, Peter Firth, Philip Davis
The show is looking to cast a 35-45 year old actor, but I always pictured Varamyr older.
High Sparrow:

The books’ pious head of a religious movement will be appearing in several episodes in season 5. The books describe him as a thin, hard-eyed, grey-haired man with a heavily lined face.
My Suggestions:
Adrian Dunbar, Craig Parkinson, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Richard Bremmer, Russell Kilmister, Stuart Graham
I can think of dozens of actors who could fill the role nicely, but Richard Bremmer and Julian Rhind-Tutt are two of my favorites.
Septa Unella:

The show is looking for a character actress to play the imposing and unrelenting septa who spends a lot of time with a major series character next year. She is described as big boned with callused hands and a scowling homely face.
My Suggestions:
Anna Chancellor, Cara Kelly, Pam Ferris, Paula Malcomson, Siobhan Finneran, Sylvestra Le Touzel
Honestly I never had a good image in my mind for Septa Unella. I think the role will likely go to a less-well-known actress, maybe Sylvestra Le Touzel. She has a great look for the part and who Nina Gold has cast her before.
Maggy the Frog:
A fortune teller in A Feast for Crows, she’ll be in one episode next year.
My Suggestions:
Shohreh Aghdashloo, Miriam Margolyes, Sorcha Cusack
Maggy could be much younger than the actresses I chose if they use a flashback, but I always saw her as older personally.
Lollys Stokeworth:
Lollys is the youngest daughter of Lady Tanda Stokeworth. Described by the books as morbidly obese and is considered simple, placid and dull.
My Suggestions:
None yet.
Yezzan zo Qaggaz is an extremely wealthy slave trader. In the books he has yellow eyes and is so morbidly obese he can no longer stand. He is obsessed with grotesques and often purchases slaves with physical deformities to add to his "collection".
My Suggestions:
Ian McNeice, Michael Culkin, Mike Verdrengh, Robbie Coltrane, Timothy Spall, Vincent Pastore
I have a suspicion they could go a different direction with Yezzen and cast a more slender actor, but I still pictured larger actors in the role.... I would love to see Verdrengh get the role.
The Waif:
The strange child from the books that Arya encounters will likely be played by an older actress, one in her later teens, and we understand the show is specifically looking for a woman of East Asian descent for the part.
My Suggestions:
Jessica Sula, Karla Crome, Rila Fukushima, Sophie Ellis
This is another role I pictured quite differently than they are casting it. I just don't have much knowledge of young Asian actresses.
According to WiC sources there are two more roles being cast as well..
Imogen: A 12 year old blonde girl. It’s speculated that this may actually be the casting call for young Cersei. Given that there is no Imogen in the books, and we’ve heard that Game of Thrones is auditioning girls for the role of young Cersei, this seems likely.
Brunette girl: 12 years old. There’s no additional information about this part. For book-related possibilities, our best guess with regards to the role is probably Melara, a girl involved in young Cersei’s story with the fortuneteller Maggy the Frog.
With the inclusion of Maggy the Frog some think the young actresses could be used in flashbacks or visions... I think that could be the case, although I know at one point D&D were attempting to keep flashbacks out of the series.
- Most of the art used comes from Fantasy Flight's Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Credit to all original artists for their great work.
- Thanks to WinterisComing.net for gathering the rumors and news!