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Ratings News - 3rd May 2014

3 May 2014

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Today's Early Overnight Ratings

This table shows the early overnight ratings. These ratings are normally adjusted later in the day when all the ratings have been consolidated to take into account any local preemptions and/or overruns. You can find all the final adjusted numbers in our Ratings Database. (See the About section below for details about ratings)

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About the Daily Ratings

Each day (except Sunday) during the main TV Season we post the TV Ratings for the previous nights primetime shows for the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, CW, FOX, NBC). Cable Network ratings will be added to the Ratings Database.

The first item that gets posted (normally around 2pm GMT) is the early overnight analysis based on the early household numbers (these are not the same as the Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers that are posted later).

Next, if available, we will post the Top 25 Market 18-49 Ratings to give you a rough idea of the ratings to following.

Later on (normally between 4pm-5pm GMT) we post the official early overnight Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers in the table above.

Finally, later in the evening (10pm-11pm GMT) or the following day, the final adjusted ratings numbers are released, these are then posted in the Ratings Database. The Final Adjusted numbers are what we use for all our Renew/Cancellation Tables, Full Season Tables, Ratings Scorecards etc (see below). Friday's Final Adjusted Ratings are normally available on the following Monday.

Additional Ratings Resources

If you’re interested in Ratings/Renewals/Cancellations then we have a number of resources here at SpoilerTV that we recommend you check out.

Our Cancellation/Renewal predictions for the current season.
Ratings Database
Historical Ratings Database for nearly all major US shows going back to their first episodes.
Full Season Tables
The current season full ratings tables for both Total Viewers and 18-49 Demos
Ratings Scorecard
See how all the shows stack up against each other in the Ratings Scorecard Table.


  1. Pablo Troncoso3 May 2014 at 16:19

    OUCH at HoD! Those numbers are awful

  2. Here are the 1/2 hr Breakdowns

    8:00 p.m.

    ABC – Shark Tank: Swimming With Sharks
    Viewers: 5.68 million (#3), A18-49: 1.4/ 6 (#1)

    CBS – Unforgettable
    Viewers: 7.51 million (#1), A18-49: 1.1/ 4 (#3)

    NBC – Dateline
    Viewers: 6.20 million (#2), A18-49: 1.2/ 5 (#2)

    Fox – Kitchen Nightmares
    Viewers: 2.43 million (#4), A18-49: 0.9/ 4 (#4)

    CW – Whose Line is it Anyway?
    Viewers: 1.19 million (#5), A18-49: 0.4/ 2 (#5)


    8:30 p.m.

    ABC – Shark Tank: Swimming With Sharks
    Viewers: 6.00 million (#3), A18-49: 1.6/ 6 (#1)

    CBS – Unforgettable
    Viewers: 7.63 million (#1), A18-49: 1.0/ 4 (#3)

    NBC – Dateline
    Viewers: 6.63 million (#2), A18-49: 1.3/ 5 (#2)

    Fox – Kitchen Nightmares
    Viewers: 2.42 million (#4), A18-49: 0.8/ 3 (#4)

    CW – Whose Line is it Anyway? (R)
    Viewers: 1.01 million (#5), A18-49: 0.3/ 1 (#5)


    9:00 p.m.

    ABC – Shark Tank
    Viewers: 7.98 million (#2), A18-49: 2.2/ 8 (#1)

    CBS – Hawaii Five-O
    Viewers: 8.55 million (#1), A18-49: 1.2/ 4 (#3)

    NBC – Grimm
    Viewers: 5.40 million (#3), A18-49: 1.4/ 5 (#2)

    Fox – Kitchen Nightmares
    Viewers: 2.59 million (#4), A18-49: 0.9/ 3 (#4)

    CW – Hart of Dixie
    Viewers: 716,000 (#5), A18-49: 0.2/ 1 (#5)


    9:30 p.m.

    ABC – Shark Tank
    Viewers: 8.19 million (#2), A18-49: 2.2/ 8 (#1)

    CBS – Hawaii Five-O
    Viewers: 8.83 million (#1), A18-49: 1.2/ 4 (#3)

    NBC – Grimm
    Viewers: 5.00 million (#3), A18-49: 1.4/ 5 (#2)

    Fox – Kitchen Nightmares
    Viewers: 2.51 million (#4), A18-49: 0.8/ 3 (#4)

    CW – Hart of Dixie
    Viewers: 632,000 (#5), A18-49: 0.2/ 1 (#5)


    10:00 p.m.

    ABC – 20/20
    Viewers: 7.12 million (#2), A18-49: 1.8/ 6 (#1)

    CBS – Blue Bloods
    Viewers: 11.24 million (#1), A18-49: 1.4/ 5 (#2)

    NBC – Hannibal
    Viewers: 3.04 million (#3), A18-49: 1.2/ 4 (#3)


    10:30 p.m.

    ABC – 20/20
    Viewers: 6.84 million (#2), A18-49: 1.6/ 5 (#1)

    CBS – Blue Bloods
    Viewers: 11.52 million (#1), A18-49: 1.5/ 5 (#2)

    NBC – Hannibal
    Viewers: 2.48 million (#3), A18-49: 1.0/ 3 (#3)

  3. I've a too rare taste ... *shakes head in disbelief*

  4. Pablo Troncoso3 May 2014 at 16:23

    woah Hannibal! It scored a 1.1?!

  5. Not good for HoD :'(

  6. Shark Tank 2.2 ?!?

  7. Let me guess - NBC was pre-empted in Portland for NBA....

  8. Hart of Dixie is really making a strong case to be cancelled

  9. I think nbc was pre-empted

  10. Brandy Danforth3 May 2014 at 16:37

    It'll be renewed for syndication.Plus,SC,CD,BatB,TTP are doing just as bad or worse.

  11. Awesome.

  12. Hannibal with a 1.1. #@*& yeah.

  13. Wow HoD is not looking good. Its cheap to make but at some point its not going to be worth it anymore :(

  14. Ouch for HoD,what will it score for the final season? 0.0 or o.1?

  15. HoD are pretty laughable

  16. Wow Hannibal! Even if it drops, 1.0 is an improvement over last week's 0.9, so we're going up in ratings.

  17. HANNIBAL, DUDE!!! 1.1 :)

  18. Aryam Manzueta Avila3 May 2014 at 16:47

    Good far ABC and NBC

  19. Very happy for hannibal,that shows needs to get renewed!!

  20. HoD could actually be cancelled this season because a TV series only needs over 55 episodes to air in syndication. Syfy's long-cancelled 'Sanctuary' starring Amanda Tapping which now is in syndication has only 59 episodes and since HoD has over 60 episodes throughout it's run i dont think the show needs to be renewed since that is more than enough to get syndicated. The syndication rules have changed over the years. Does anyone here know someone who watches 'Sanctuary' in syndication? I've seen all the episodes when they were airing on Syfy. Here in my city "Sanctuary' reruns on weekends with CSI, CSI Miami, Criminal Minds, White Collar, The Closer, Burn Notice and a few other syndicated shows.LOL.

  21. NBC was preempted in Portland for coverage of the NBA playoffs. NBC's ratings are likely to be adjusted in the finals.

  22. Those are exceptions. The standard episode count for syndication is still 88.

  23. Brandy Danforth3 May 2014 at 17:39

    Minumum syndication is 88 episodes.There are very few shows I know of syndicated with less.Most shows in syndication and the shows that are successful in syndication have 90+ episodes.Networks that buy a show for syndication want shows with more episodes so they don't start over often and they pay more for more episodes.Now CW might give HoD a shortened fourth & final season and syndicate it with less like they did with Nikita.HoD won't be cancelled this season-CW already has one spot to fill with Nikita gone and four other shows (Carrie,Star-Crossed,Tommorrow People,Beauty) that are doing just as bad as HoD and not as close to syndication.CW gave Nikita a short final season ,and they'll give one to HoD to get closer to syndication numbers.

  24. Debsterforever3 May 2014 at 18:14


  25. Flashpoint, Leverage, The Unit all were syndicated with less than 80.

  26. Truth! You should change your name to 'Fannibalforever' because Dexter isn't on air anymore and there is no Deb(ster) :D unless your name is debster or Deb?... :D

  27. Brandy Danforth3 May 2014 at 19:51

    Yes but those are the very rare exceptions.Majority of what's syndicated and what does well in syndication has 90+ episodes:BBT,Akways Sunny,21/2 Men,HiMYM, Modern Family, The Middle ,CSI,CSINY,Csi Miami,Crimminal Minds,Sex & the City,Good Wife,Castle,Mentalist,Gilmore Girls,Charmed,7 th Heaven,Gossip Girl,OTH,Ghost Whisperer,NCiS,NCiS lA,Hawaii five 0,The closer,Dawson's Creek,Buffy Vampire Slayer,SPN,SMV,Angel,Greys ANatomy,DH,Brothers & Sisters,BH 90210,The 0C,Private Practice,ANTM,Boy Meets World,Sabrina Teenage Witch,Community,Star Trek Next Generation, Voyager,Deep Space Nine,Highlander

  28. TheHindu Times4 May 2014 at 00:31

    Great for Hannibal!


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