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Today is a big day. The overall biggest day of round 1 featured the shows up for voting for today, and it's going to be a thriller. Perhaps the record for most votes in a poll (currently standing at 3644) could be smashed today. We have Joss Whedon's Firefly, which brilliantly saw off popular action-thriller 24 in round one, taking on J.J.Abram's Fringe, which saw off the huge online fan-base of Legend of the Seeker in the second highest voted poll so far. That's gonna be huge. Also today we have the critically acclaimed The Wire taking on Buffy Slayer, The Mentalist in round 2. I for one was surprised to see Buffy be beaten so early, it was very popular in the nomination stage, and so The Wire has it's work cut out today. So if your fans of any of today's shows, you have to spread the word. Get the votes in. It's all that counts. At least then you can complain if your votes doesn't get through. Make it count. Let the battles begin!
View today's other post here: Best Show Ever 2.1d
Firefly vs. Fringe

Seasons: 1 (Finished)
Previous Results: R1. WON vs. 24 (51.19%)
Format: Space Western/Drama
Synopsis: The series is set in the year 2517, after the arrival of humans in a new star system, and follows the adventures of the renegade crew of Serenity, a "Firefly-class" spaceship. The ensemble cast portrays the nine characters who live on Serenity. Whedon pitched the show as "nine people looking into the blackness of space and seeing nine different things". The show explores the lives of people who fought on the losing side of a civil war who now make a living on the outskirts of the society, as part of the pioneer culture that exists on the fringes of their star system. In addition, it is a future where the only two surviving superpowers, the United States and China, fused to form the central federal government, called the Alliance, resulting in the fusion of the two cultures as well. According to Whedon's vision, "nothing will change in the future: technology will advance, but we will still have the same political, moral, and ethical problems as today."
User Reviews: None Submitted

Seasons: 2 (Ongoing)
Previous Results: R1. WON vs. Legend of the Seeker (54.32%)
Format: Science Fiction/Thriller/Horror/Drama
Synopsis: The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security. The team uses unorthodox "fringe" science and FBI investigative techniques to investigate "the Pattern", a series of unexplained, often ghastly occurrences that are happening all over the world. The show has been described as a hybrid of The X-Files, Altered States, The Twilight Zone, and Dark Angel.
User Reviews: mlj102
Fringe is one of the few shows I can think of that actually succeeds in achieving a balance between the various story elements. It has a little bit of everything: drama, suspense, emotion, humour, science fiction, character development… you name it. In a word, Fringe is brilliant. The stories are intriguing and engaging, the acting is top of the line, the characters are people you can relate to, and the quality of each episode is simply amazing. It’s a show that makes you think, without getting too complicated or overwhelmed in its own story and it provides real answers in a timely manner. For those who love to dissect every episode and analyze all the clues and themes, there is more than enough to keep you busy. On the other hand, those who simply want to watch the show from week to week without thinking about it in between can do that and still enjoy it and be entertained. Fringe is as good as it gets. If you have ever wondered if you should watch Fringe, I would highly recommend it because, odds are, you’ll love it and will wonder why it took you so long to start watching.
Thanks once again for voting and taking part in the Competition. Hope your doing well, and that your favourite shows are getting through. Comment away and lets see who grinds through today.
Top 3 Most Voted for Polls So Far:
1. The West Wing vs. LOST (Day 6, Round 1 - 3644 votes)
2. Legend of the Seeker vs. Fringe (Day 2, Round 1 - 3283 votes)
3. Firefly vs. 24 (Day 2, Round 1 - 3069 votes)
Also if you would like to submit a review for any show for the next round, then send them to harris_4_president@yahoo.co.uk!