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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Here at SpoilerTV we allow you to personalize your experience by allowing you to customize various items on the site.

Any changes you make below will automatically save and update. When you have finished just click on the homepage to see your changes take effect.

Background Colour Picker

Click on the Colour Picker to find a color you like.

Homepage Style

You can customize how the homepage looks in terms of the style of thumbnail image/layout, color theme, unread indication, full or minimal site, and if the polls are hidden.

Homepage Layout : Default3 Columns2 ColumnsCard Layout
Wide Layout
Unread Indicator : Unread OffUnread On

Banner Selector

You can use any banner image you like on SpoilerTV. We provide a number of our official ones which you can see below. We have more banners in our Banner Gallery here which have been submitted by our readers.

If you want to use one of your own images, all you need to do is to put a link to your banner in the box below and press the Click Button. (For best results your image should be 1090px wide and 200px high.).

Enter the URL of your Image or pick from one below

Previous Banner Winners

If you want to use one of the banners below, all you need to do is to click on it and it will set it automatically for you. If you don't want any banner image, then click the No Banner Image image below.

SpoilerTV Available Ad-Free!

Support SpoilerTV is now available ad-free to for all subscribers. Thank you for considering becoming a SpoilerTV premmium member!
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