Maybe it was just a filler episode, but "Rayo de Luz" did a nice job of giving Allegra and Chester a chance to shine. Let's discuss!
Chester and Allegra
I wasn't looking for any chemistry between Chester and Allegra, but I can't lie- it's there. It could be that like Cisco, Chester has the magic of creating good energy with any member of Team Flash he shares a moment with, but whatever it is, he has it with Allegra. The shy smiles, the awkward babbling or just the side looks make it pretty obvious that there is something brewing between these two. And truthfully, I could ship it!
Allegra and Ultraviolet/Team Flash
Allegra's belief that her cousin can be redeemed makes it perfectly clear that she is a bona fide member of Team Flash. She leads with her heart just like her team's leader and even channels him when talking about going after Ultraviolet. The supernova of love energy that burst out of her was also a dead giveaway that not only is family the centerpiece of Barry and Iris' story arc, but that it's the arc of Team Flash. Each character seems to be on a journey to find love and belonging outside of the team.
Frost is reaching for connection with Chillblaine in the only way she knows how-aggressively. We all know just how much Barry and Iris are connecting these days, Cisco left to follow his heart, and now we have Allegra and Chester in the beginning stages of figuring out what their relationship is going to be. Family is definitely in the driver's seat of this season.
Joe West
It's interesting that Joe still feels this inclination to look into Kramer. And he isn't doing it because he's secretly jealous that she ended up in his position. After all, he gave it up. But his rationale for pushing forward in digging into her past, is to confirm his suspicions that she isn't just a dirty cop. He believes that she is good and wants to find out how a good cop turned into this die-hard angry law officer. It's an angle I don't really understand, but it works for me. I like Kramer- she's not one dimensional and for every time you think she's the bad guy, she turns the tables and, we see another side of her.
Other Things I was Thinking
*Chester still being traumatized by Barry and Iris' diddling in the storage room is hilarious.
*Ultraviolet said "prima" ten thousand times!
*The ladies kicking ass is always entertaining. Sue dropping in now and then to add some extra muscle to Team Flash has turned out alright.
*Chester is a great addition to the team and seamlessly moved into the space left open by Cisco.
*Would Frost and Chillblaine get it on already?! The thirst is becoming desperate girl!
*The revelation that Kramer is indigenous was unexpected, but amazing.
*Chester and Allegra have a spark!
*Allegra's character has become much more interesting and less annoying. The Nash Wells storyline didn't do anything for her; I am so glad he's gone so we can get to know her.
Did you enjoy "Rayo de Luz" or was is just a boring ole' filler? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @_NaomiAnna. The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on the CW. As always, thanks for reading!