Harry: Listen to me. You three are my Legacy. And I couldn`t be prouder. I am at piece knowing you won`t faulter in your mission to fight evil.
And while storywise Charmed slightly pulled the breaks with this outing, the show delivered an emotional outing following the consequences of Charity`s action and all the reveals from the previous outing. Megan Follows directed the episode written by Sarah Goldfinger
Let`s start this review with the Harry part of the story. The All-mighty Elders made Harry their scapegoat and decided to strip him of his powers and kill him in the process. The girls' reaction to this news was heartbreaking. Seeing how Mel, who was most reluctant to a male magical advisor, step up and went head to head with the Elders felt so good. The girls mourning the Elders decision transferred well to the screen and you could sense how the girls were hurt by the decision. Harry was family now and they couldn't coup with losing him.

But it seems that stuff ain`t that lost for Harry. Fiona needs him and that just might be Harry`s saving grace. Leah Pipes is such a phenomenal actress. The darkness that erupts within Fiona`s scenes is just mesmerizing. She radiates with a great amount of empowerment and intimidation, it is a real pleasure seeing her perform. Really missed Leah since she dropped out of The Originals. The scene where she took Harry from the sisters and put Jada in her place was nifty. She is a bit reckless and knows her power, so she didn`t even mind attacking Sarcana members who stood up against her. Quite eager to find out what Fiona important secrets Harry`s mind is holding, why Fiona can`t access them and what role it will play in the Grand scheme of things.
The Demon of the week was used to delve into some other aspects of the current storylines. On one side we had Maggie who is desperate to safe Parker but is also scared of losing him and being left alone again. That girl is clinging a bit too hard on Parker and heartbreak is on its way for sure. The writers didn`t show Parker`s full demon form just for fun so I assume it will come down to the sisters vs Parker at one point at least. Maggie being captivated by Viralis was completely expected. She was easy prey for Viralis. Tyler Blackburn was a perfect fit for the role, he worked Viralis kinks well. Yes, his phallic ending was a bit over the top but its what he deserved. The fight between a hypnotized Maggie and Mel was entertaining but I do wish we got a bit more back up on their fighting skills. It was like puff they are there, just like magic.
The Mel-Niko scenes I was not a fan of. It always seems like the writers are not sure where they wanna go with Niko. Playing up protector Niko or suspicious Niko or flirty Niko. I am like can you decide what you wanna do with her and go there. It is inevitable that Niko will get her memories back or find out about Mel but it is dragging. On the other side, Mel decided to break up with Jada over her reluctance to help Harry. It felt reasonable on one side cause Mel was desperate, hurting and bit blinded, yet rushed and pushy just to contrive drama and open space for Mel-Niko moments.
Once again I have to give a proper shout out to the costume designers, people bts doing the stages and the CGI. I love how it all looks. This dark vibe of mystery is really impressive and adds up a lot to the episode(s).
What are your thoughts on Harry`s fate and Fiona`s plan? What are you expecting from the arrival of the new Whitelighter? Charmed returns next Sunday with an all-new outing, 9pm Central on the CW. Till then. . .