As the end of season two approaches, Colony slows down a little, but continues to pivot towards possible new directions, as the Bowmans lives continue to be placed in peril!
From early in the episode the female Pilot from another block sets out to find the Red Hands, believing they are ones to have stolen the gauntlet from Hennessy's safe, but before she leaves, she makes a deal with Will and Broussard. She'll take them with her back to her block, if in return they find the means to get them out of the LA Block! It's clearly a relationship of convenience, but despite not knowing the Pilot very well, both tasks seem like a tall order to fulfill, which viewers find out is more certain for Will and Broussard, as they team-up mid-episode to find a solution.

Amanda Reghetti hasn't had a lot to do this season and it's been a little disappointing not using the her association to the alien cube more to the writers advantage in sending Maddie or her identity down a rabbit hole, but her performance was good in this episode! Maddie's a character I find at times hard to like or feel for, because I find her disloyalty to her sister and her trust in The Greatest Day misplaced without a lot of family backstory to make her viewpoint more understandable, but at the same time I know Katie has misused Maddie and perhaps hasn't shown her the respect Maddie deserves. After all Maddie lost her husband and should have a right to care about her son's future. But I found the scene where she contacts Katie on the phone crying, as she begins to sell Katie out to the Blackjacks, moving and heartbreaking. I could feel for her betrayal in feeling betrayed. Also, even though we may not have yet seen the full outcome of what is going to happen to Maddie, considering the Bowmans and Brousard killed many Blackjacks and escaped, I have to say I was surprised to see that Nolan supported her and didn't just hand her over. It made him seem more genuine than I had thought, unless something is still missing from viewers awareness??
The scene at the parking garage was the most intense scene. I had really thought Broussard was going to be a goner, but the shocking reveal came from Broussard telling Will that he's on a list to be put in one of the space capsules was also intense and worrisome, especially since Broussard had struggled to tell Will, as their relationship seems unstable--and because the two had failed in trying to find a way out of the block. In addition this scene is coupled with the opening scene--a rather intense scene of government operatives raiding a warehouse, everyone dead, except the one person they carelessly beat down and shove into one of the capsules!

And lastly, Snyder finds himself back in the political game helping Helena try to gain the upper hand over Alcala. He goes to Bennett and seemingly is able to turn him. It's clear that he still finds Will an asset, but whether that means, he'll help will escape or make a deal with Will that involves removing Alcala and giving Will his job back all remains to be seen, especially since Helena wants the gauntlet too and with Bram joining the Red Hands!! It seems hard to predict how the winds might blow in the final episodes of the season!