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Once Upon a Time – Sympathy for the De Vil – Review

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This episode got incredibly dark incredibly quickly. Readers, did you find sympathy for the “de vil”? I’ve been waiting for Cruella’s back story since the character had been introduced on Once Upon a Time and I really wasn’t expecting this. I loved what they did with her story and how the Author was woven into it. This episode was rather light on Hook and the Charmings, and actually these characters haven’t been featured in a while. I’d like to see them come back to the forefront of episodes to come, but the interactions we got between Emma and her parents, just wow. The game has been changed or rather has been changing for a while and by the end of this episode things have come to a head. As for the flashbacks, I loved the aesthetic of Cruella’s fictional 1920s London. Everything from the sets to the costumes looked magnificent. I also appreciated seeing how the Author’s tools work, what their limitations are, and so forth. I think this episode is the last breath of air we will get before a bombastic final set of episodes. The very best thing about this episode though is the rewatch value. Watch again knowing how Cruella’s past turned out and it’s almost like watching a whole different episode. Every conversation takes on a new meaning. I can see why the writers have been saying this is one of their favorites in the series.

In the opening flashback we see a young girl running through the woods, being chased by a Dalmatian. The girl almost escapes except another Dalmatian appears out of nowhere and corners her. Just then, a period style car similar to the De Vil-mobile pulls up and a severe-looking woman dressed all in black exits. She calls off her dogs and asks the frightened girl to come home. The woman in black reminds the unwilling young girl that she can make her return, signaling to the dogs who stand at attention. One assumes the woman in black is the girl’s mother for she tells the girl, who is young Cruella, now that her father is gone there are going to be a few changes made around the house. Quickly we see the pair return home, where the mother locks young Cruella in the attic. She tells her daughter that the room she currently occupies will be her world until she learns some obedience. Cruella’s mother is being set up to be downright awful, which makes the revelations in this episode so intriguing. Also, I loved the opening chase scene, how it was in slow motion with the muted sounds. It set an interesting mood to this intro.

Present day finds Cruella driving the De Vil-mobile like a maniac, as usual. She slams on the brakes and comes skidding to a halt right in front of Maleficent, who was standing in the road waiting to confront the queen of darkness. I love Cruella’s perturbed, annoyed expression at the fact that she almost ran Maleficent down. The dragon queen is there to talk; she wants to know everything about Lily, her lost daughter. Cruella plays dumb for a moment but the jig is quickly up as Maleficent calls her ally out for lying. Cruella admits that she is a dreadful person and left the baby to die in the woods, taking the egg to preserve her and Ursula’s youth throughout the years. Well at least that little plot point was cleared up. Maleficent is incensed and lets loose with a pretty delicious threat that Cruella’s death will “last for days” before transforming into a dragon and preparing to barbecue Cruella, furs and all. Unfortunate for Maleficent that Cruella’s power also works on dragons, giving her control over the dragon queen. I love that Cruella had been banking on the fact that Maleficent would transform and uses that to her advantage, commanding the queen of darkness to sleep. How fitting.

Over at Casa De Charming, Emma is still harping on at her parents for information about the Author. Emma snarks that secrets tend to keep cropping up and clearly she is still upset at Snow and Charming. This is mostly because the Charmings always taught her that there was a right way to do things, a heroic way, and what they did was far from heroic, an idea Emma is struggling with. Emma refuses to believe that she would harm a defenseless person, even if it was the only option available. Keep this in mind for later. Snow White interestingly points out that Emma’s sense of right and wrong here is exactly why they did what they did, but I feel that the Charmings are going too far to justify themselves. Emma needs to hear them admit their mistake was wrong.

Regina comes in and breaks the news that Robin Hood is in need of some saving. The mayor drops the bomb that Marian was actually Zelena the whole time and despite not understanding how her sister thwarted death, Regina knows that the Wicked Witch is in league with Rumpelstiltskin. So Regina must cross the town line and go to New York to rescue Robin. I like that Robin is the damsel in distress here. It’s obvious the Rumple won’t just let Regina leave on this mission, but the mayor isn’t worried; she has a plan to handle the imp. Here we jump to the pawn shop and see Regina visiting a wary Belle. Regina explains that Rumpelstiltskin has done quite the number on her and now expects them to work together. Belle sympathizes regarding the Dark One’s manipulations and asks how she can help. A crafty grin grows on Regina’s face as she remarks how glad she is the librarian asked.

Out in the Storybrooke woods, the Author is brought to the cabin that’s been serving as evil headquarters this season. Rumpelstiltskin is not amused by the Author’s nervous chatter and tells him to zip it. The Dark One is still in possession of the enchanted quill, the one that can give life to mere stories, so the Author plays nice. However, the scribe reminds Rumple that the quill is worthless without its magic ink, something that doesn’t trouble Rumple as he has plans on getting his hands on some soon. The Dark One explains that the Author will help in this plan by turning the savior to darkness and it’s very interesting that the Author seems confused by this. He isn’t aware of how turning Emma dark will help, so clearly Rumple’s plan is skirting the boundaries of even the Author’s imagination. This must be some twisted stuff. Anyway, once Emma’s heart is blackened, everything Rumpelstiltskin needs will fall into place. Wouldn’t it be twisted if the magic ink required needed to be extracted from a powerful dark heart?

Despite all of thes dastardly admissions, the Author is distracted, drawn to one of Cruella’s spare hanging about the cabin. Even though the scribe denies it, Rumple insists that the Author must know Cruella, if only from his stories. Before the Author can continue to protest, Rumple is diverted, almost as if he hears someone calling for him. The Dark One poofs away and we find that this is pretty much the case for we see Belle at the old town wishing well, calling into it to summon Rumple. Belle seems aloof and reminds Rumpelstiltskin of how he once said that she chased the darkness out of him. The librarian wants to know what Rumple’s game is, guessing that perhaps he was trying to win her back, but the Dark One says it’s more complicated than just that. Rumpelstiltskin removes his own heart and shows it to Belle and we see that it is the exact reverse of Snow White’s. The entire thing is blackened and wizened like a piece of charcoal, save for one small red glimmer. Years of evilness has done this to Rumple and if he loses that one bright spot of goodness he will lose any ability to love, becoming a dead husk. The only person who can reverse this is the Author. Rumple returns his heart, not really expecting Belle to understand, but she insists she does. We get a great line where the librarian admits that she worries she might have thrown out the chipped tea cup too soon.

With this, Belle and Rumple embrace, only for Belle to point out one small problem; The Knave of Hearts is a better kisser than the Dark One. Talk about your mood whiplash. Belle goes on to taunt Rumpelstiltskin, telling him how pathetic he is, like a mangy dog begging for scraps, groveling back to her. Rumpelstiltskin is so confused, pointing out how unlike Belle this is and soon we find out why as Regina steps out from behind a tree, a heart in her hand. Ah, so that’s how Belle “helped” Regina. Regina dismisses the enchanted Belle and Rumple quivers with rage, promising to make Regina suffer for this. Regina has the upper hand, or rather heart, reminding her former teacher that all she has to do is squeeze. Rumple calls her bluff, but backs down at the slightest twitch from Regina’s fingers. The mayor curtly tells the Dark One that she is off to New York and that this plan should be kept from her sister or else.

Back to the cabin, where things don’t look so good for the Author as Cruella saunters into the room. She is amused that the Author might not have thought he’d see her again and demands he give back what he took from her. The Author refuses and even despite being throttled and threatened with pack of dogs, the scribe is not afraid of the queen of darkness. He knows that even with her magic she doesn’t wield enough power to harm him. Cruella hates the fact that he’s right and my goodness this scene is so much fun to watch a second time through. I feel it adds to the depth of the story once you’re in on the secret. The Author remains firm that he will not give in to Cruella and the evildoer counters that he will pay for making her who she is. However, the Author points out that idle threats make for boring stories. He does see one interesting development; Rumpelstiltskin doesn’t know that the pair have a past together. Which means Cruella lied to the Dark One and should probably find a place to hide. Cruella won’t give up, leaving the Author with the parting thought that there is more than one way for her to end him.

We flashback in time now and see an older Cruella, still fresh-faced without her trademark two-toned hair or severe makeup, happily listening to her radio which is playing a jazzy rendition of her famous theme song from 101 Dalmatians. Unfortunately, Mother crashes the party and confiscates the radio, angry that Cruella stole it. Cruella is bored out of her mind with her solitary life and begs to leave the house, but this is out of the question. Their confrontation is interrupted by a visitor at the door. It’s the Author, only he is posing as a newspaper man on the hunt for human interest stories. Cruella’s mother tries to get him to leave, but the Author is adept at reading people it seems, flattering his way into the house by remarking on Mother’s amazing dog training abilities. Almost like magic, he’d say, though Cruella’s mother brushes off the compliment, saying her skill is due to hard work and discipline. The Author finds this mundane answer to be boring and we know how much he likes to jazz up a story. The scribe quickly shifts his focus on the portraits adorning the walls, all of Cruella’s mother’s late husbands. The Author asks some callous questions and incurs the wrath of Mommy Dearest, earning him a boot out the door. Cruella’s mother suggests that maybe it would do well for the Author to write his own story for once and slams the door in his face. Before he leaves the property, the Author’s attention is caught by young Cruella hanging out of her attic window. She heard everything and thinks she has great story for him, only the Author has to get her out of her attic first.

In Storybrooke, Henry is walking home when he comes across Pongo, who is uncharacteristically without his master, Archie. Pongo disobediently runs away and Henry gives chase, cornering the pooch in an ally. Suddenly, Pongo begins to growl and it’s clear he is not himself. The De Vil-mobile rolls up and sure enough, Cruella had been using Pongo to fetch Henry, who she now commands get in her car. Stranger danger, Henry!

Back in the past we see young Cruella waiting in her attic. She is drawn to the window by the sound of stones being thrown and upon investigation finds a key waiting for her on the sill. As quick as she can, Cruella joins the Author in the garden, amazed that he was able to get a key guarded so closely by her mother up to her. The Author suggest they go someplace else to talk. Cruella prefers to go to a place that’s loud and fun since she’s been deprived for so long by her mother, who even went as far as to rip Cruella’s favorite flowers out of the garden. Young Cruella, I have to note, is so bright and bubbly, so different from the woman we’ve seen stalking around Storybrooke. The Author offers to squire Cruella away for the evening in what will so be the De Vil-mobile. The pair go to a speakeasy named Murray’s, a place that actually existed it so happens, and the joint is jumping. There is an abundance of loud jazz, exuberant dancing, and gin freely flowing. Too bad Cruella has yet to acquire a taste for it. We see the Author and Cruella at a table together and the latter is beyond excited. The Author thinks Cruella’s situation living in the attic has the “makings of a Cinderella story”. Well, he would know wouldn’t he? However the reason Cruella has been locked up is self-preservation on her mother’s part. Cruella could spill the nasty secret that Mommy Dearest had offed her husband. Cruella is certain of this since the following two husbands died in similar ways and the Author looks as if he could float away with happiness. He thinks it all makes for a great story. Cruella hears that jazzy theme song once again and is compelled to dance, dragging the Author with her. The scribe knows he doesn’t spend enough time living life, merely recording it, so they dance the night away. This scene as all the makings of a romance story that will lead to betrayal and heart break for Cruella, as is Once Upon a Time’s fashion. What this episode does with all this set up is something I grow to appreciate the more I write about “Sympathy for the De Vil”.

Back in Storybrooke, Regina is preparing to leave for New York while Emma looks on, asking if it’s such a good idea that the mayor leave. They don’t know what Zelena might have up her sleeve and Regina could be walking into a trap. Regina is firm on the matter though; Robin is in trouble and that leaves her no choice. Emma doesn’t want her to go alone, but the Author is still loose, so the savior is needed in town. Emma gives Regina a gun since her magic may be of no use in New York. Emma seems exceptionally protective of Regina here, perhaps because of the strained bond with Snow and Charming. Now that Emma knows what it’s like to have a support system, she must be clinging on to anyone who she thinks she can trust. In fact, Emma isn’t even angry that Regina kept the Charmings’ secret knowing the mayor was just trying to help. Emma insists that her conflict is with her family. At this moment, the two mothers both get a video message. It’s from Henry, pleading for help before Cruella slides into frame and promises to keep their son safe, they only have to do one little thing. Kill the Author. I have to say, Cruella is in big trouble here because Regina and Emma both look equally infuriated.

Meanwhile, Rumpelstiltskin has returned to the cabin, still unimpressed by the Author’s nervous chatter. Rumple comes right out with it, revealing that he has spied on the Author and knows the scribe and Cruella have a shared past. Rumple is irritated as the Author is essential to his schemes. And Cruella wants him dead, so much so that she made the foolish mistake of kidnapping the only boy in town with not one but two powerful magical mothers. Realizing how much trouble he is in the Author begins to panic, questioning if Rumple intends on having the savior kill him as a method of darkening Emma’s heart. No, should this Author die then the mantle of his office would be passed to another, potentially less cooperative person. I wonder if this Author-swapping works the same way the Dark One’s dagger does, that the person who kills the Author becomes him. Rumple wants to know what it was that the Author took, why Cruella wants him dead, so the scribe shows Rumpelstiltskin a slip of paper containing what the Author wrote about her. Whatever it is, the audience isn’t privy to it yet, but it does amuse Rumpelstiltskin to some degree, so you know it’s dastardly.

Flashback and we see the Author and Cruella alone on the dance floor, swaying cheek to cheek. They’ve closed out the speakeasy and everyone else has gone home. Cruella is beyond content, saying she shall never forget this memorable night and leans in to give the Author a smooch. The Author wants to share his secrets with this woman, so he shows Cruella the enchanted quill and its pot of ink. He explains that instead of going door to door as a newspaper man, what the Author really does is travel across realms gathering stories. He explains to Cruella that where they are is a land out of time and seems almost fond recalling realms he’s been to in the past, some beautiful, some terrible, some magical. However, the aspect of this job that the Author is most proud of is the fact that he can change people’s stories. Dipping his quill in the ink, the scribe scribbles on a napkin and suddenly a diamond necklace appears on Cruella. Naturally, Cruella thinks it’s a trick, so the Author adds a pair of earrings to match. Realizing that her date is telling the truth, Cruella grows excited, reaching for the tools, only to be sharply warned by the Author that there’s no telling what could happen if that powerful ink was spilt. The Author waxes romantic about how the pair of them can use his power to run away together and offers to give Cruella magic to keep her safe from both Mother and her dogs. The Author jots down a simple sentence proclaiming that Cruella now has the ability to control the desires and thoughts of animals and this takes immediate effect as Cruella feels the magic course through her. The Author wants them to leave together right away, but Cruella insists that she first face her mother, a thing she must do alone. She suggests they meet at The Author’s hotel and takes the Author’s car home, joking as she leaves that she hopes the Author doesn’t run off with another lucky girl. Everything about this scene is setting the audience up to believe that Cruella will soon have her heart broken by the Author. We’ve seen similar stories play out on Once Upon a Time before.

In the present day at Casa de Charming, our heroes are taking a closer look at the video Cruella sent. Charming recognizes a trail marker and knows where Henry is, but before they can all go in guns blazing, Emma points out that that is the perfect way to get Henry hurt. I love that Regina quips at making Cruella into a coat and only Snow White bats an eye. Our heroes reason that if the Author is Cruella’s enemy, he must know how to defeat her. So Emma sends the Charmings off to find the Author while she takes Hook and Regina to search the woods for her son. It’s extremely telling that Emma is more comfortable alone in the woods with two former villains than her own parents. Snow and Charming look stunned at this and Snow points out that despite Emma being upset with them, avoiding her parents won’t help. Emma isn’t avoiding them though. With so much on the line, the savior needs to be around people she trusts. After letting that bomb drop, Emma promptly leaves. What a blow to Charming and Snow. It looked as if the latter had been slapped in the face. I admit, those words cut deep and I almost can’t believe Emma went that far to hurt her parents’ feelings.

We cut to Regina, Hook, and Emma trudging through the rainy woods. The mayor has no problem calling Emma out for acting like a petulant child, but Emma is feeling fiery and throws it back in Regina’s face that she held a grudge against Snow White for most of her life. Can’t really argue with that one. Hook steps in, pointing out that the fact that Emma is even able to go on this search with Regina and he, the fact that they are now allies, is because the savior was able to look past their misdeeds. Emma still isn’t convinced, pointing out that Snow and Charming seemed to hold themselves to some higher idea of virtue, whereas Hook and Regina were honest about their villainy. I love this kind of friendly heart to heart Emma is having with Regina and Hook. I am a big fan of Emma having adult friends, who are not her parents, to share things with. Hook points out that even heroes make mistakes and Regina chimes in with some advice Snow once gave her. The princess told Regina she still had a chance at grace and forgiveness. Regina is now just realizing that Snow was referring to herself and has been trying hard to make up for this one terrible choice in her past. However, none of this is swaying Emma.

Flashback to the smitten Author waiting for Cruella to return to the hotel. There’s a knock at the door, only it’s not Cruella, it’s her mother. The Author explains that he wishes to live life instead of record it and so he and Cruella are running away together. Mother warns against Cruella, but the Author reveals he knows her secret, that Mommy Dearest murdered all her husbands. At this Cruella’s mother scoffs, saying her daughter must have really manipulated him. It was Cruella that committed the murders. Mother didn’t want to believe it but Cruella was always a troubled little girl. On the night her father died, Cruella’s mother went to go comfort her but found the girl calm, almost smiling after the fact. Mother thought she was imagining things until she saw the flowers on Cruella’s bedside table. The Author interjects, saying that those were the flowers Cruella’s mother shredded out of spite, but no it was because they were poisonous. The flowers were the murder weapon. Mother didn’t go to the police because she thought if she kept Cruella close she could fix her, but this obviously wasn’t the case as the girl murdered the next two husbands as well. Cruella’s mother leaves with a final warning; stay away because her daughter takes the things you care about and destroys them. The Author looks a bit shaken up at all this, but convinces himself it’s all fiction, however his quill is missing. I believed the stories were fiction too upon my first viewing, sure that Cruella’s mother was just playing the Author. That was, until the scene continued, showing Cruella’s mother returning to a darkened house. Here is where things take a turn for the unsettling as Cruella emerges from the shadows to greet her parent. Mother sic’s her Dalmatians on her daughter, but Cruella’s new found magic does just what the Author intended and protects her, subduing the dogs. Cruella commands the dogs to kill and we are saved the gory details, though I think it’s a bit more horrifying that all we see is Cruella’s face with ripping, tearing, and screaming in the background. It’s so disturbing and my goodness I loved it.

In the present day, Henry manages to escape from the distracted Cruella’s clutches. I am so amused that Cruella was playing Angry Birds on her phone with the fervor of a knight in battle while Henry gave her the slip. Cruella sic’s Pongo after the boy, who is running through the woods now, shouting for help. Emma, Regina, and Hook hear the shouts, but disagree as to their direction, so the trio splits up. We also see everyone’s favorite imp with the limp, Rumpelstiltskin, watch from afar as the events unfold. All the strings he has been pulling are finally tightening together. Our heroes are fooled by magic conch shells playing the sound of Henry’s shouts in an effort to scatter them apart and it looks like Henry is in even deeper trouble as he runs out of ground, coming short at the edge of a deep ravine. Cruella catches up to the boy but Emma is close behind, so Cruella pulls out her gun and threatens to kill Henry if Emma comes a step closer. I want to point out that Emma looks very pale and ill here, as well as thoroughly done with Cruella’s shenanigans.

Speaking of shenanigans, the final flashback of the episode has to be my favorite scene from “Sympathy for the De Vil” and it is straight out of a jazz themed horror movie. We see frantic quick shots of Cruella in the dark, sewing something like a maniac as lightning flashes outside. The Author quietly creeps into the attic, where Cruella is busy haberdashing, and asks where her mother is. Cruella doesn’t answer right away, but eventually turns around with that same bright and bubbly attitude and tells the Author that Mother is dead. Cruella goes on to talk about how she will forever treasure the look on her mother’s face when her beloved pets tore her to pieces and now I know we are officially in Crazy Town and Cruella is the mayor. Needless to say the Author appears alarmed. Seeing his expression, Cruella assures him that they are safe, they don’t even have to worry about the dogs. “They’re with mother now”, she quips and she reveals what she was sewing. A coat of Dalmatian fur. Ok, that last line got me, it really did. Cruella being a psychopath all along is utterly fantastic. My first viewing of this episode made me think that the Author was in control, manipulating Cruella, but watching again it’s very clear who was playing who. The Author is as appalled and Cruella informs him he is simply a means to an end. When asked why, why she murdered all those people, Cruella honestly doesn’t have an answer. She has embraced the darkness with open arms since she was little. While listening to this latest crazy admission, the Author spies his quill on the table. He makes a lunge for it, uncapping his ink so he can write and change the situation, but Cruella rushes forward and there is a struggle, the enchanted ink splashing onto her face. This gives Cruella De Vil the appearance we are used to. While his enemy is recovering, the Author took the opportunity to scribble something on a sheaf of paper. Cruella sneers at the Author, saying if he can’t get it done in real life he always resorts to scrabbling like a rat in filth. She pulls out a gun and trains it on the Author, but can’t pull the trigger. Cruella demands to know what he did to her and the Author simply admits he did a she did, took what Cruella loved and destroyed it.

Jump to the present day, where the Author is still waiting in the cabin of evil on high alert. The Charmings burst in and the Author gets even more wound up, not trusting that they won’t hurt him. All the Author was trying to do was protect the world from Cruella but he didn’t see the end of the story, the long game like Rumpelstiltskin. Then, the Author finally reveals what he wrote, what he took from Cruella. The slip of paper simply states that Cruella De Vil is no longer able to take away the life of another. Henry isn’t in danger and he never was because Cruella can’t kill him. She’s defenseless and Emma has no idea. What Rumple wants is for the savior to darken her own heart by ending Cruella. The rewatch factor with this reveal is great. Go back and watch the Author and Cruella’s conversation in the cabin knowing this twist and it takes on a whole new clarity. And can we just mention the fact that Cruella De Vil’s happy ending was being able to murder people again? This amount of cold-blooded insanity rivals the creeping quietness of the Snow Queen in season 4A. Cruella is a villain without a sad back story or a reason and that is refreshing. And really when you think about it, we’ve never seen Cruella lay a hand on anyone else during her time on Once Upon a Time. She’s gotten by on threats alone. Between this and the reveal that she’s nuttier than a fruitcake, this episode was just amazingly written.

So at the cliff, Cruella and Emma are still in a standoff. Cruella has Henry at gunpoint, taunting Emma who summons her magic in preparation to save her son. Cruella calls Emma’s bluff, reminding her that heroes don’t kill, but her final words are cut off as Emma unleashes a beam of magic and blasts Cruella off the cliff. The Charmings arrive just as this happens, too late to save anyone. Together our heroes gaze over the edge of the cliff at Cruella’s crumpled body, however Emma seems to show no remorse and the episode ends with a shot of her stony expression. This is huge. Emma, in the entire course of Once Upon a Time, has never killed anyone before and now she has been manipulated to take a big step over to the dark side. Emma Swan was influenced by Rumpelstiltskin to kill a woman who couldn’t defend herself. I think this is the moment her heart has finally begun to darken and I would bet anything she now has a spot her heart to match her mother’s.

There it is “Sympathy for the De Vil”. Were you surprised, readers? Let us know in the comments below!

I find it very interesting that with our Queens of Darkness, we have Ursula, who really wasn’t that much of a baddie to begin with since we actually never saw any of her evil deeds, Maleficent who is very clearly meant to be seen as the hero of her story with the Charmings as the villains, and Cruella who bucks the Once Upon a Time format by showing a villain who wasn’t made but born a nut. Seeing Ursula and Cruella who come from two very different paths working together makes one reflect on the nature of villainy within Once Upon a Time. I don’t think either knew each other’s secrets or pasts, and I wonder if they would have been allies had they known.

I wonder if the Author really has a cruel streak or if he’s like most writers and simply strives to make things more interesting, forgetting that with his brand of authorship what he puts to paper is very real to some. Does he even see his subjects as people or characters? It seems that it’s the latter, with the Author coming off as callous because he’s convinced himself it’s all fiction. Also, the Author seemed so nervous when interacting with any of our usual Once Upon a Time folk, I also wonder if this is the first time he’s ever run into anyone he writes about after he mangles their lives. Is this like meeting a celebrity for him, or is the Author afraid of retaliation he might see from his meddling in their stories?

Emma killing an innocent, or rather someone unable to defend themselves, is the final weight on the scale, tipping the savior over to the dark side. Ironically this type of action is exactly why she is so angry at her parents. I think the change to darkness crept up on all of us. We’ve been waiting and waiting to see how Emma’s heart would be corrupted when it was her parents of all people who set the ball rolling. And to add insult to injury, Emma’s turn happened because the Charmings were trying to protect her in the first place. The Author meddled, so the Charmings meddled, and as a result and despite their efforts Emma is experiencing a fall from grace. I love what the make-up department has been doing with Emma’s look these past couple of episodes. It only hit me last week how ill she looked, how transformed. The dark potential in her heart clearly has been festering for a long while and recent events have done more to accelerate that. Will the savior make the final turn and will we see some sort of villainous Emma on par with the Evil Queen or the Wicked Witch? Is Emma going to be the season 5 “big bad”? I sure hope so.

Be sure to tune in next week when Emma's past returns in "Lily"!

About the Author – Ashley B
Ashley is as serious as a sleeping curse when she says television is her life. Professional event planner, avid movie viewer, convention enthusiast, and resident sass master, Ashley writes reviews for ABC's Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, and Galavant, as well as Showtime’s Penny Dreadful. She looks forward each week to the weird and wonderful world her favorite television programs provide.
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