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Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.13 - Unforgiven - Sneak Peek 4

6 Mar 2015

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  1. Thank God it's just a dream

  2. Kinda silly they spoiled the fact that it was a dream in the promos

  3. I mean this revelation makes you think why she is afraid of them and again they are like we didn't lead them on going into the episode. It's a bit of teasing and damage control at the same time.
    Think it was stupid to invorporate that scene in the official promo, it would have a bigger impact when the episode would start with this out of nowhere.

  4. demeteretjanus7 March 2015 at 09:13

    so the question remains : what did Snow and Charming do to Maleficent ? Something cruel and unfair, most likely

  5. Gaia Di Lorenzo7 March 2015 at 10:05

    Neal should fear Emma :O The writers are genius I can't wait. Nice SwanFire parallel too.


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