Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon 12 Monkeys - Episode 1.11 - Shonin - Promo + Sneak Peek

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12 Monkeys - Episode 1.11 - Shonin - Promo + Sneak Peek

22 Mar 2015

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  1. Goines high…that's unexpected. ha

    Something I just noticed in the promo - Ramse and older Goines in a scene together. Goines asking him if they'd met before. So somehow after 1987 Ramse ends up somewhere around 2015 before Goines dies.

    Something's up. Ramse's trip was supposed to be one way from the 2043 machine.

  2. They might have another machine. I'm convinced the Pallid Man is a time traveler.

  3. Yeah my last part of my comment didn't post. I have the same theory about them having a time travel machine as well.

  4. Ramse after 1987 will be explained.

  5. I thought right from the moment Ramse went back that there's no way it's a one-way trip. There's too much story here. Either Cole kills him this season or he's going to continue time travelling. They could have him age to 2015 but then he'd be older and a lot of makeup/work would go into the process for Kirk Acevedo. I think he's somehow going to either A. time travel a lot, or B. one-shot time travel to 2015 and antagonize Cole in our present day.

  6. Interesting theories you have there.

  7. I think that's a good solid theory to go with. I think it is something that won't be wrapped this season with only 3 episodes left. I think we'll see Ramse in Season 2 as well.

  8. IIRC, this episode is pretty Ramse-centric.

  9. I expected it to be considering the promo. All about what he does in 1987, meeting the 12 Monkeys group, etc.

  10. I'm scratching my head at where this show could possibly go in season two. Everything seems "Ramse's trip to 1987 is one way." "We're running out of injections and we can't make another batch." "It all ends in 1987." Do these final episodes give an indication of what direction season 2 is going to take (No spoilers, obviously. Yes or no is more than enough!)

  11. Dang, that is disappointing to me. I can't stands Ramses anymore. The writing has turned him into an irredeemable character to me. Seeing him with the 12 Monkeys just seals it.

    This may be the first episode I FF through at least some of it :-(

    I'd really been enjoying this show but this sudden 180 of turning Ramses into a villain has been very frustrating for me.

  12. yeah there's really no denying it anymore is it, the son of a bitch is with the Striking Woman who might as well be leader of The Army of the 12 Monkeys

  13. i've been hoping Ramse can change back but this looks like he's gone forever, so is there a showdown between Cole and Ramse, Miles and Monroe from Revolution style?

  14. i've been denying it for obvious reasons since he wasn't evil but now that he Splintered is there any way that Ramse's The Witness?

  15. I finished the entire season weeks ago, and the wait for season 2 is excruciating.

  16. Ramse and Cole do come face to face in this season, yes. That's all I can say.

  17. how is Goines old, he's dead

  18. oh ok cool, that's all i wanted, You saw the WHOLE season?! you lucky SOB LOL

  19. true that, the way he fought and anticipated Cole's moves

  20. But I have to wait for season 2 longer than you :/

  21. true, how does Cassie seems after Friday's episode? less cold to Cole or more?

  22. Ramse is obviously the Witness so I would expect him to continue onto season 2

  23. If anyone is not seeing the connection in the previous episode let me lay it out for you. Cassandra is the mother of Ramsies Girlfriend and Ramsises Kid is therefore her grandchild. Its pretty obvious pretty similar looks (not real life looks tv show looks) they are both about peace more than violent tendencies and the biggest clue was the scene where aaron makes that comment that goes something like (paraphrase) "would you save one person that you love or everyone" and cassandra goes "everyone". She probably eventually find out ramsies son is her grandson and then we will really see if she means "everyone" and also the hint where that black haired woman says cassandra is very important, dah offcourse shes important to the 12 monkeys because she is the one that bores the the daughter who becomes the love of ramsie and they have a kid and she dies and he seeks revenge by bringing the 12 monkeys into existance and then him or cole die and become that skeletion thing that brings on the plague but that skeleton plague thing was probably from a previous time traveller who got stuck in the past during the insital testing of the time travel machine.

  24. omg that'd be so great lol

  25. sucks right? it HAS to be him the way the Pallid Man talks about him, i guess he got stuck here. But is Kirk Acevedo still going to play him, he's obviously going to age so are they going to Jennifer him or is it another actor

  26. tertggedfgbgfgedfvb gedfbgefdytjhyhhgfyhnhytyhnhtygjtyhgnjnthgnhtgnhtgnhfgn hgrfgn grfgn rhgtfgbbn grfgtnryftyhnhrfgnhrtfgbn grtgfbnrgfgnrgftgnhrtgnrggnrg

  27. all of that makes no sense BUT the creation of the 12 Monkeys unfortunately. Ramse wants the plague to happen so he can meet Elena and then have Sam, what better way to have that than to create an apocalyptic cult to bring the plague

  28. You talking about the promo? Because we can assume the old Goines is from before he dies. Time travel. No ones permanently dead when you can travel into the past.

  29. Unless he's somehow able to jump into 2015.

  30. I assume either Cole ends up in 2015 permanently or they find a fix for those problems. I'm leaning towards Cole jumping to 2015 one last time and getting stuck there.

  31. Yeah that theory is a bit to complicated. I still like to think the virus is what caused the need for Cole to time travel instead of time travel being the cause of the virus and future events.

  32. as in with Cassie? LOL (shameless shipper here HA!)

  33. I'm shameless too because that's exactly what I'm hoping for. lol ;)

    But also most of the 12 Monkeys fighting has been happening in 2015. If Cole's going to get stuck anywhere 2015 is ideal for the main plot as well.

  34. I think it's possible and the most likely out of the theories I've seen.

  35. The Pallid Man ISN'T the witness, he's a follower just like the "hypnotherapist" lady

  36. LOL we need some at-home relaxing scenes with Cassie and Cole among all time travel battles. True, when i first heard of the show i thought Cole WOULD be in 2015 for the entirety of the series

  37. yeah, and i guess that's true but i thought the actor would be too busy with Madam Secretary to do any more appearances on the show,s i'm surprised even SEEING him on the show again

  38. That's where I'm leaning. I have a post w all my reasoning on yesterday's "what did you think" pole.

  39. I don't know how involved he is on that show, but I guess he found a break somewhere at the time this was being filmed. There were spoilers early on saying he would be in the episode.

  40. I didn't go into the show with any expectations either way. I liked all the time jumps but I think it would be nice at least for a bit, for a break on jumps.

  41. I never thought the Pallid Man or the Witness was the same person.

  42. he's a series regular

  43. I love your way of theorising... there is only one problem. with the fact Cassie being the mother of Elena ...
    Because that means Elena is yet going to be born..

    However, if you would remember the Alternate timeline episode.. when cassie died in the nightroom before she even would have had the chance to give birth to Elena (as your theorie is presuming)....
    Howcome in that future alternate timeline when Ramsey had the Eyepatch... Cole reminded him ... in his desperate shouting.... (The name of the only girl you really loved is Elena... )

    what do you think ?

  44. I can imagine how you feel.. and I feel with you.. hold on man.. wel on the brightside.. I hope you will probably see season 2 before we get to see it :D

  45. Hopefully, but I don't think Syfy will release that many screeners from season 2. We only got screeners for 2 episodes of Helix this year.

  46. hmm well we will have to wait and see...
    the strange thing is that in recent interviews,, the writers have stated to have figured and planned out a story arc for 4 seasons....

  47. Writers always plan many seasons in advance, but that doesn't mean they'll get that many seasons.

  48. Sorry, can't reveal that much or Syfy will be after me, lol. I guess you'll have to watch and find out.

  49. hahaha hmm that explains why I can't find any predictions..
    but I understand and thank you anyway :D


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