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Last Week in TV - Nov. 16-22 - Reviews and Episode Awards

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Hello and welcome back to Last Week in TV. We are about to head into the midseason hiatus so if you have any shows you think I'd like or ones I can't miss please nominate them in the box below. I already have Alias and Vikings on the top of the to-watch list and I am looking for a few more good shows to round them out. Next week we're reaching back a few years with the cancelled too soon show Missing starring Ashley Judd. Well, that is if I can get Hulu to cooperate. Other than that, it's been a pretty typical TV week. I did finally drop Jane the Virgin and I 'm still behind on The Missing (2014 version), but otherwise I am caught up. How did your TV week go? Until next time, don't forget to comment about your week so far and happy viewing!

PS - No need to nominate any shows that are in the weekly section. Unless I drop them, I will always review those. Also if I have already reviewed a show this season (currently Drop Dead Diva, Chicago Fire, Vikings, The Good Wife, Arrow, Bones, and Outlander), then I will not review them again until the 2015-2016 season. Feel free to nominate cancelled shows too as long as they can be found on Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu.

Shameless Plug - I am writing this week's Throwback Thursday review on 2 of my favorite episodes of all time. So after you stuff yourself with turkey (if you're an American celebrating Thanksgiving), check it out. Unless you've been following my time here at SpoilerTV, you might be surprised by which 2 episodes they are.

Nominated Show:

Bones - 10.01 - The Conspiracy in the Corpse

I dropped Bones somewhere in season 6 when it became apparent the "will they-won't they" relationship was the focus instead of the actual crimes or characters. Plus, I still wasn't over what they did to Zack. Just terrible. Apparently since then, Booth and Bones got married, had a kid, and Booth was imprisoned for killing 3 Feds. It's conspiracy time and it's not just Hodgins saying it. Luckily the conspiracy theory was interesting and complex without being too overdone for a fallen away viewer to follow. Sadly that time gap also negated the episode's most powerful moment for me. Sweets' death didn't affect me like Bones fans because I never much liked him anyway. I'm sure he grew on people throughout the show, but when I left Daisy and he were more annoying than anything. Instead the most traumatic part for me was figuring out this new Booth. I know it wasn't just me because the characters were remarking on it too. Still I'm curious about how much of his new personality is my faulty memory of him, the years I missed, or a truly sudden change that would have thrown devoted fans as much as it did me. Everyone else was pretty much as I remembered them. Bones perhaps was a little looser and definitely more affectionate, but mostly she seemed the same too. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing. I did like the addition of Aubrey but since it's 50-50 on whether he's working for the bad guys, Booth is right not to trust him. Overall I thought the conspiracy mytharc was good and the character interaction mostly interesting, but there's not much that separates this show from all the other crime procedurals I also dropped. Like all crime procedurals, it depends on how invested you are in the characters and I stopped caring about the time Hannah exited stage left to become the excellent Lagertha on Vikings. I would recommend Bones to anyone looking for another crime procedural though because the scientific parts are always interesting, the cases usually unique, and the characters behave like family.

Grade: B-
Ranking - 2
Audience - anyone who likes criminal procedures where the partners are together, like Castle

Best Reason to Watch - the conspiracy theory is vast and yet still interesting
Biggest Twist - Sweets died
Best Played - Hodgins exchanged the crucial bones with someone else's fearing correctly that the people involved in the conspiracy would want them too
Biggest Aww Moment - Booth and his daughter asleep on the couch
Belated Congratulations - Dr. Edison, glad you graduated from squintern to head of your own department
Biggest WTH Moment - no way they would let people that close to the victim autopsy the body
Best Negotiator - Bones, who blackmails Booth out of prison
The "Say What?" Award - The FBI assigned Booth a new partner? Why not assign him a desk in a basement somewhere?
Most Disgusting - besides the autopsies, which I forgot were nasty, the idea of someone peeing on a corpse is beyond gross
The "Welcome Back" Award - Sam Anderson from Growing Pains, The Stand, Angel, and 100 other shows
The "Wait a Minute" Award - Exactly how many years have passed here? Booth and Bones' kid seems pretty old and they didn't have her 4 seasons ago.
Most Sketchy - Dear Booth, if you want me to believe you are FBI then maybe shave and try not to look like you've been drinking and fighting all night. Just saying.
Biggest Surprise - Lance and Daisy are having a baby and Booth is the godfather
Best Quotes -
1. Hodgins: "And it is nice talking conspiracy without being called a loon."
2. Bones: "I'm new to blackmailing but I think I've covered it all."

New Show:

State of Affairs - 1.01 - Pilot

State of Affairs has all the requisite secrets, scandals, and backstabbing expected of a political drama. There's also the requisite number of douches, as in almost everyone. This show focuses on Charlie, a CIA analyst charged with deciding what to brief the President of the United States on each day. It's a high pressured job made even more so by the fact that PotUS was supposed to become her mother-in-law before her fiancé was killed in a terrorist attack. In the pilot, word comes that there may be a lead on the Fatah, the terrorist accused of the attack, but if they pursue the lead an American doctor taken by terrorists in Kenya will surely die. Charlie chooses to brief the President on the doctor and not Fatah, jeopardizing her career and freedom. While there were definitely moments of suspense and anticipation, it is very much your typical political drama complete with blackmail and career-threatening secrets. In other words, not my cup of tea. Basically this feels like Madam Secretary if you want the lead more risqué and the drama more scandalous.

Grade: C
Ranking - 2
Audience - anyone who likes political dramas with troubled mavericks leading the way

Best Reason to Watch - choosing between rescuing a doctor or killing a terrorist leader is compelling
Best Twist - Fatah was a CIA asset / Aaron might have been more involved with the attack than suspected
Best Escape - Charlie hitches a ride
Least Surprising - Charlie is being blackmailed
Worst Decision - Charlie chooses not to tell the president about a possible Fatah sighting
Best Banter - 2 AM briefer meeting before the terrorists attack a clinic
Best Secondary Character - Sid because while I have no idea who he is or what his connection is with Charlie, he fascinates me
Biggest Douche - Skinner although his protégé Lucas has a shot of taking over the title
Most Clairvoyant - Charlie knew before the ill-fated trip killed Aaron that it wasn't a good idea
Best Quotes -
1. Lucas: "Isn't it great when you can hate someone for no real reason right off the bat?"
2. Kurt: "How's the day going in general?" Maureen: "Well I'm officially divorced and I might be unemployed now, so great."

Weekly Shows:

Sleepy Hollow - 2.09 - Mama

To say that this was an improvement over the last episode would be to master the understatement. Granted that wouldn't be hard to do. What sells this episode is we finally get an Abbie-centric story and at last Jenny is back for the majority of an episode. (I can't stress enough how important that one is. Jenny needs to become the main character. She's far more interesting than all other characters combined.) I especially loved how the Mills sisters worked together here to defeat the demon. We need more instances of women kicking supernatural butt together on TV and Sleepy Hollow is the perfect place to start since they have 3 strong females. Now if they could only keep Katrina working with the group. I still need a Katrina and Jenny scene. That was really the only major demerit I have this episode. Hawley drugging a sick Ichabod was excellent. I get frustrated with childproof caps and homeopathic medicine when I'm sick too. Mostly though it was getting glimpses of the Mills sisters' past and their touching family reunion that makes this episode. May we continue to learn more about their history, especially if it involves Corbin. This show needs more Corbin too.

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Grade: B (A- if they hadn't sidelined Katrina again)

Best Reason to Watch - Mills sisters reunited and kicking butt together
Biggest Aww Moment - Mama says goodbye to her girls
Best Reaction - Henry is visibly moved by Katrina holding the baby
Best Humor - Ichabod inhaling the matzo ball soup but still being cranky to Hawley
Best Moment - the Mills sisters join hands while watching the videotape of their mama's session
The "Welcome Back" Award - Cynthia Stevenson of Agent Cody Banks and Hope & Gloria fame
The "Say What?" Award - What kind of mental hospital lets patients keep any kind of glass in their rooms? That's just nutty.
The "Get Over It. NOW!!" Award - I am so tired of Ichabod and Abbie fighting over Katrina. I'm actually completely over how this show treats Katrina.
Best Reference - Hawley calls Ichabod Mr. Woodhouse, the hypochondriac in Jane Austen's Emma / Henry quotes Hamlet
The "I Don't Think So" Award - No way after selling his soul to Henry inadvertently does Irving just take random pills
Best Effects - Demon Nurse disintegrating
Worst Plan - I've seen enough supernatural shows to know that summoning ghosts is a terrible idea.
Worst Quote - Hawley: "Check the back for an index or something." Really?
Best Quotes -
1. Abbie: "It's Quiet Time now." Ichabod: "When I am rested, there shall be hell to pay."
2. Irving: "My soul belongs to the Horseman of War, but for now I am still in control of my actions. Even chose my own color Jell-O this morning." Jenny: "That's a good sign."
3. Abbie: "After mom was committed, all I thought about was how I would end up crazy like her in a place like this. Then you were sent here. I knew I was next. It's tainted everything I've done since."

Scorpion - 1.09 - Rogue Element

Scorpion continues to be a great mix of action, heart, and just plain fun. The characters are getting more fleshed out and this week was finally Cabe's turn. When his ex-wife finds herself inadvertently in trouble, he comes to the rescue with team in tow. It is clear that he still loves her but the pain of losing their daughter was too much for their relationship. By bringing her back into his life, we explore what Cabe was like before the show and he gets to be fairly kick butt throughout. Woo hoo! It also continues to highlight the father-son relationship between Walter and him. I liked how the ex was able to reassure Walter of how much Cabe cares for him. In turn, Walter was able to be there for Cabe. Whatever emotional and social issues Walter has, he does communicate better with Cabe than anyone else and that is very evident here. My only real issue with this episode is that it was light on the other characters. However to finally get a Cabe-centered episode took some of the sting away.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - back story on Gallo
Best Scene - Walter reassures Gallo about his ex / Walter tells Gallo that he was like a father to him
Best Moment - Gallo's ex tells Walter that the reason he yells is because he's worried about losing Walter
The "Oh Walter" Award - only he would think of jumping into a car through the sun roof
The "Yeah, I'd be Nervous Too" Award - If my ex suddenly wanted to chat with my new boss, I'd give them both major side eye.
The "You Deserve to be Shot" Award - Seriously Walter, can you never ever follow directions?
The "Made Me Jump" Award - I knew that boat was going to explode and I still jumped when it did
The "Welcome Back" Award - Jessica Tuck from Grimm, who was recently outstanding on Stalker too
The "Second Verse Same as the First" Award - not sure why Walter needs to explain how the file was wiped off the computer twice in less than 10 minutes
The "I Just Don't Get It" Award - why did they not call Homeland when Cabe's ex was kidnapped and at least got some help in the chase
Best Quotes -
1. Paige: "You're a Cabe whisperer. I do the same for them."
2. Toby: "Oh '97. A fine vintage for Dinty Moore."

Supernatural - 1.06 - Ask Jeeves

I think the meta episode was supposed to be fun. It really wasn't. This, this was fun. In fact, it's my favorite episode so far this season and probably better than everything in season 9. It goes without saying that it was a vast improvement over all of season 8. Nothing like an old-fashioned game of Clue with a shapeshifter in the mix, especially with all the little nods to the game. I also like that it gave us some back story on Bobby, the character I most miss. Mostly though it is the restored relationship between the brothers that makes me happy. Sure the other foot called Mark of Cain is going to drop but for once they have an easygoing relationship and that's all I need to make SPN watchable. No angels and a fun case-of-the week are the icing on top.

Grade: A-

Best Reason to Watch - it's a true caper, complete with secret doors
Least Surprising - the silverware isn't real silver
Funniest Moment - Sam checking out if 2 cougars are shapeshifters while they are pawing him
Best Telenovela Twist - the maid is Bunny's daughter
The "Talk about Overkill" Award - Exactly why did Dean empty his whole clip into Olivia? I'm with Sam here.
Best Return - Phillip , the butler, was formerly Roy LeGrange, the miracle healer in Faith / shapeshifters, who I typically enjoy
Best Previouslies Ever - I'm writing this before watching the episode and while I have no idea how any of it pertains to the episode, it included some of the weirdest monsters in SPN history. I wish had Suicidal Teddy though. He was truly unique.
Least Surprised - Butler sees the dead woman and doesn't look surprised at all. What's up with that?
The "How'd I Get So Lucky" Award - after a veritable Dean and Baby famine, this is 2 episodes in a row that he's tinkering with her. Score!
Best Reaction - Dean and Sam to the doorbell playing Fur Elise
Weirdest Drink - glazed donut coffee? Huh?
The "Say What?" Award - Why is Dean watching Tori Spelling reality TV? He mocked Bobby for watching it in You Can't Handle the Truth.
Worst Nickname - Clown College Collette
Best Exposition Dump - Heddy, who tells us all the character stereotypes in a few biting comments
Best Side Eye - Dean inspects the knight armor in the hall
Best Clue Reference - the secret room has a lead pipe and rope, Dean picks up a wrench before going into Philip's apartment, Sam picks up a knife while trailing blood splatter, Dean grabs a candlestick when closet doors start rattling, and the revolver is hanging out of the dead detective's coat
Memorial - the episode is dedicated to the director's father, James A. MacCarthy
Best Quotes -
1. Dash: "Well Sam, I'll let you in on a little family secret. We don't really like each other. Then again, what family does?" Sam: "Mine does. For the most part. It's just my brother and me so.." Dash: "Then you're lucky."
2. Sam: "A husband and wife tag team killer ghosts?" Dean: "You've got to keep the marriage alive somehow."

SHIELD - 2.08 - The Things We Bury

Skye's crazy dad is growing on me (does he have a name?) and I love how Ward is now in the midst of Whitehall's plans. Everything feels like one betrayal after another is coming, which should keep things interesting. On Team Good Guys, I am glad Tripp is still breathing but I was disappointed by the lack of May. I thought I would like her as second-in-command, but it is taking her out of the field and butt kicking too often now. Time to get her back on the ground. Simmons too felt a little shafted but we did get more time for Fitz, something we needed. I like how he is progressing and has even seemed to recover some of his sense of humor as well. Bobbi and Hunter remain fun so they can be together or not as long as they don't get in the way of the action scenes.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - they found the city and the race is on
Best Twist - Ward makes it look like Christian killed their parents and then himself
Most Necessary - Ward partners up with Whitehall, presumably to take him down
Funniest Directions Ever - Coulson gives the Hawaii team instructions that just sound nutty. Maka- what, indeed.
The "Welcome Back" Award - Dichen Lachman. Not one week after she dies in The 100 she's back on my screen. I like that. I like that a lot. And dying again. That not so much.
Best Geek Moment - Simmons is hugely excited about Agent Carter, the founder of…, SHIELD, maybe?
The "Who are You Trying to Kid?" Award - Senator, nothing you say makes the least sense. You were not trying to help Ward so stuff it.
Biggest Waste of Time - watching time pass by in Whitehall's cell
Biggest Heart Attack - Tripp almost died. He's my second favorite character. He has to live.
Best Quotes -
1. Hunter: "Sorting paperwork, the life none of us chose."
2. Bobbi: "You think I would do that? I can't argue a man to suicide." Hunter: "Clearly you've never been in an argument with yourself then."
3. Simmons: "I would have agreed with you before alien became a word we used daily."

Forever - 1.09 - 6 AM

Henry being an old time grump about any music after the classical age made me laugh, but it was the scene at the end where Abe teaches Henry jazz that held all the heart. They remain the foundation of the show no matter what the case of the week is. However this week, the case was a plus as well. I learned a lot about forensics I never knew before (well if it's true) and the characters involved were compelling. The flashbacks also were a highlight. While I will be sad when this show ends, I am glad that we got a few more episode to soften the blow.

Grade: B+

Best Scene - Abe teaches Henry jazz
Dumbest Move - telling a criminal you found a smoking gun on him before an arrest
Least Surprising Twist - Pepper plans on killing the man who killed his son
Best Move - I like how they keep adding back story to the lieutenant
The "Mr. Crankypants" Award - Henry fusses over Abe's music and can't tell differentiate between rap and jazz
The "Yeah, I Didn't Need That" Award - Nope, no need to watch Henry snap rib bones and lift the rib cage up. Let's not, ever again.
The "Say What?" Award - Film, like the stuff we used to watch on film projectors, is an accelerant? How?
Most Punny - Henry performs an autotopsy on the victim's car
Best Turnabout - Lucas and Abe are the experts instead of Henry
Best Quotes -
1. Hanson: "Alright Betty Crockett, play it."
2. Jo: "Henry, please tell me you did not take evidence home and cook it."

The Flash - 1.06 - The Flash is Born

For me, the best thing about this episode was the interaction between Eddie and Barry. I like how Eddie gives Barry fighting advice, which works better than fighting Cisco's Rock 'Em Sock 'Em toy robot. It felt like they were bonding over a shared past, which paves the way for a true friendship. That worked a whole lot better than Iris and Barry's, although Iris has become slightly less flat of a character in the last few episodes. The flashbacks worked for her as well as Joe and Barry. I also love how she fought for herself by pulling the fire alarm, very smart, and punching Tony out. Speaking of, Tony was a great addition as well. Not because he was the most clichéd villain yet, but because I miss Star-Crossed. It really was a better show than it ever had a right to be. I'm not sorry Tony is locked up and won't appear again until the inevitable jailbreak in season 2. I just like having Greg Finley back. Maybe he can join The 100.

Grade: B

Best Character Interaction - I really liked Eddie and Barry here. That's a bromance I could see happening.
Best Twist - Iris punches Tony out
Best Aww Scene - the flashback where Joe teaches Barry how to box
The "Welcome Back" Award - Greg Finley, who played my favorite character on Star-Crossed, Drake. Here's hoping he shows up in all my CW shows.
Best Advice - Eddie counsels Barry not to give up on friends
Least Convincing Liar - Barry, who couldn't fool a child much less a detective
The "Well at least It's Not Time Travel" Award - having a second particle accelerator seems less plausible than metahuman injections or human experimentation but it's a lot less headache inducing than time travel
The "Oh Please Let's Not" Award - It feels like Wells was directly involved with the death of Barry's mom. Please tell me she wasn't a scientific researcher who worked with him.
Most Clichéd - The old school bully takes the fight back to his elementary school. Serious issues, this one.
Stupidest Move - Barry shows his real face to Tony, who when he breaks out will cause problems. No forward thinking here.
Biggest Moment I Don't Care About - Barry is now officially called The Flash
Dumbest Move - Old Flash threatens Joe right after he tells Wells he won't give up. Coincidence? I think not.
Best Quotes -
1. Joe: "That particle accelerator is the gift that keeps on giving."
2. Wells: "What exactly are we debating?" Cisco: "The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running." Wells: "I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel."

Benched - 1.04 - Sell It

Grade: B

Best Scene - Nina is certain she's going to die by her client's hands but he gets her a chair and sympathizes with her
The "I Don't Buy It" Award - I just don't get that a smart woman like Nina is this blind to basic social skills. Why would anyone try to follow all that conflicting advice?
Most Childish - surprisingly it isn't the way Nina talks to the jury but the testosterone overload between Phil and Trent
Most Awkward - Nina talking to anyone
The "I Feel Dumb" Award - I have no idea what Nina is saying any more than the jury and I promise I have an advanced degree
Best Plan - Nina uses trickery to make her client look more sympathetic
Best Twist - Teensy is really sweet and polite
Best Quotes -
1. Nina: "That's not the info you needed." Phil: "That's not info anyone needed."
2. Nina: "So the jury's prepubescent dum-dums." Phil: "No, they're not dum-dums. They're like smart dums. It's a very subtle difference. It's like jazz. If you have to explain it than you'll never understand."

The 100 - 2.05 - Human Trials

I am torn with this episode. I loved most of it but what I didn't like, I really hated. The reunions were the best part, both with Abby/Clarke and Kane/Jaha. I love the emotional component of Abby finally seeing her child again and the actors nailed the scene. I also think it is natural, if short sighted, that Abby wants to keep Clarke close and safe from all harm. It will never work and the sooner the adults realize that the children they sent down are not the same people they see now the better off everyone will be. Their experiences have changed them. In fact, they probably weren't ever the innocent children they want to pretend they were. They were living with a death sentence even on the Ark. That changes you. I'm also a fan of Jaha and Kane together. Not sure about the Gladiator component, but I hope they work together to find a way out. Alas I'm not a fan of the lingering Mount Weather scenes, mostly because I don't care one jot about Jasper and haven't since halfway through season 1. If he wants to be completely brain dead for love, let him. Just rescue Monty, who is now the best of them all since they have majorly screwed over Finn. Herein lies my biggest rant. It looks like they are sacrificing a great perspective on the shipping altar and it feels manipulative, cheap, and completely out of character. Am I supposed to believe Finn suddenly snapped because Clarke is kidnapped? That makes no sense to me. More sense is that the writers and PTB got so much hate for Finn's character on social media that they decided to appease them. I loved Finn last year and I hate fan pandering so I am thoroughly ticked off and quite frankly resentful of social media's sway yet again on a good show. It has to stop. I'm also not a fan of forcing someone to become a drug addict so they do your bidding as a storyline. It is rarely written well and usually comes off as soap opera-ish to me. I'll give them some leeway now to prove me wrong but this is likely to become my least favorite non-shipping related subplot of the season.

Grade: C+

Best Reason to Watch - forward plot movement as things get more and more intense
Best Scene - Abby and Clarke reunite and Clarke breaks down in her mother's arms
The "Hell has Frozen Over" Award - I finally agree with Murphy. Finn is a thousand times better as a peacemaker. To lose that perspective amongst the 100 will be a huge detriment.
Most Gullible - Jasper for believing Dante's lies again. There's a guy thinking with his hormones.
Biggest Mistake - well they certainly did a good job of tarnishing the character of Finn so that should make the shippers happy if no one else
Best Tactical - CrazyFinn may be ruthless but setting fire to the food makes for an excellent distraction
Best Reveal - PsychoScientist is also Dante's son and head of security
Least Likely to Learn from Past Mistakes - Abby and the Ark adults, who keep selling these kids short
Most Likely to Learn from Past Mistakes - Bellamy, who no longer sells Octavia short but trusts her in a fight
Best Return - Nyko, Lincoln's healer friend
Best Reunion - Abby and Clarke
Best Entrance - Jaha
Best Friend - Monty, who remains skeptical and smart when Jasper is not thinking well
Best Reaction - Raven's look when she knows she can't join her friends to find Finn
Best Continuity - Kane plants a tree for his mom
Worst Sign - when Murphy is the one making sense and talking people down, you know you're in trouble
Best Quotes -
1. Abby: "She thinks that because of what she's been through, she's changed. She's still just a kid." Raven: "You're wrong, Abby. She stopped being a kid the day you sent her down here to die."
2. Murphy to Finn: "You know I think I liked you better as a peacemaker."

The Goldbergs - 2.07 - A Goldberg Thanksgiving

And The Goldbergs is back. After a miss last episode, we double down on the heart and laughs just in time for the holidays and I, for one, am thankful. I love Pops making Erica a better person. I love Murray putting his videogame prejudices aside to play a game with Adam. I'm not sure I would do that. I think they're a waste too. I also thought this episode was funnier than last week. Barry trying to cook Thanksgiving dinner is probably only slightly more over the top than it would be if I tried. Thanksgiving is complicated. Beverly and Erica's challenges made me laugh as well. Overall, this is The Goldbergs that I look forward to appointment watching and live tweeting each week.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - everyone's traditions seem more crazy than your own
Best Scene - Erica decides to help Beverly with Thanksgiving after Pops tells her about Nana
Biggest Awww Moment - Murray tells Marv he's jealous of Adam's relationship with him / Murray plays Duck Hunt with Adam
Best Speech - Pops gives a toast to his dead wife
Most Embarrassing - Beverly's workout outfit. Jane Fonda screwed us all.
Worst Plan Ever - dropping out of school to play videogames full-time
The "How'd I Miss That" Award - I have never seen The Wizard and don't have a clue what Intellivision is. Never heard of it. That must have been around the time my family finally got cable and MTV.
Worst Tradition - Anything that requires you to be up in the wee hours of morning to cook all day for a meal that last 1 hour tops is not for me. This Thanksgiving as always, I am grateful that my sister-in-law doesn't see it that way too. Thanks sis!
The "Say What?" Award - How is it possible Erica didn't know her grandma died when Beverly was 17? I'd think Beverly would remind them of that every few months or at least on Memorial Day.
Most Passionate - Barry's plea for Thanksgiving
Best Nostalgia - Atari Pong / Miami Vice
Best Music - Man in Motion (theme from St. Elmo's Fire) by John Parr
Best Quotes -
1. Beverly: "Who's ready for some Jazzercise?" Erica: "People with no shame."
2. Erica: "Pops please, I don't want to hear one of your adorable, wise lectures that makes me a better person."
3. Murray: "I shouldn't even have to say this out loud. No one here is pursuing a career in videogames."

Red Band Society - 1.08 - Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car

I have to admit Dr. Naday was not anything I expected. I thought he'd be some fancy speaking pretentious jerk. This guy is a lot more fun and know that we know he actually has a plan, I agree with Jackson. He can stay. Still not sure about broody Hunter though. For the most part if it didn't involve him but it was at the hospital, I really enjoyed this episode. I wasn't crazy about the buying trip either, mostly because nothing happened. The only exception was Emma, who finally got a meaty part about her illness and not just which guy she wanted to mack. It was a refreshing change.

Grade: B-

Best Scene - Jackson calls out Dr. Naday and he explains his procedure to her
Best Awww Scene - McAndrew comforts Erin when she doubts herself
Biggest Surprise - Dr. Naday
The "Are You Kidding Me?" Award - since when does Kara change herself to please a guy
Biggest Idiot - Kara
Smartest - the pre-med bouncer at the strip club
Most Obtuse - Leo, who keeps pushing Emma to eat. Back off even though you're being nice about it.
Best Change - Leo actually seems to care about how Jordi's feeling so maybe the love triangle is over
The "Welcome Back" Award - Adrian Lester, last seen playing Mickey Stone in Hustle
Best Reference - Lizzie McGuire
Best Acting - Ciara Bravo, who did a great job showing the conflicts in Emma
Worst Subplot - getting gifts for Charlie
Best Back Story - Hunter
Best Quotes -
1. Hunter: "You're the best terrible person I've met in a long time. I mean you really throw yourself into it."
2. Dash: "No disrespect man, but I just don't see how a pet store can run out of dogs. That's like a gas station running out of gas."

Stalker - 1.08 - Skin

What do you do when a former skinhead is stalked by a current one? This episode explored several points-of-view and was the richer for it. Jack siding on the reformed side because he is trying to prove he is reformed himself. Beth remained calm and collected, using her own personal experience with being stalked. Ben, whose brother was a victim of a hate crime, had a hard time seeing beyond the victim's past and was to be the audience's voice I suspect. Mostly though it was the neighbors' reactions that were the most intriguing to me. To be honest, I'm not sure what I would think or feel if I knew a former skinhead lived next door. And that's what made this episode work. It was more of a thinking episode than usual.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - the philosophical debate about whether people can really change and what happens when it's your job to protect someone repellant to you
Biggest Twist - Trent tells Amanda that Ethan has a right to get to know Jack
Most Difficult - How exactly do you explain that you used to be a Neo-Nazi to your neighbors?
The "Welcome Back" Award - Marc Blucas, who slowly overcame the horror that was Riley Finn on Buffy to be more associated with Necessary Roughness for me
Best Administrative Butt Kicking - Beth, who tells Trent to back off because they are keeping the skinhead from killing anyone no matter what it does to his case
Biggest Mind Game - Perry sends Beth a teddy bear like the one he found in her closet
Best Way to Find Peace with your Ex - save her new guy from getting sliced by a psycho
Most in Need of Ending - these terrible, creepy versions of previously good songs
Best Quotes -
1. Janice: "You might say skinheads are professional stalkers. They know how to bend the law without breaking it."
2. Jack: "You can't expect people to be okay with your past, Mark. Honestly, I'm not but that doesn't mean I won't do everything I can to help you and your family."

White Collar - 6.03 - Uncontrolled Variables

The final season continues to move at a brisk pace as Keller and Neal are forced to work together to steal data from a tech company. The best part was watching Keller as a foil for Neal. If Neal were slightly less charming and a lot more rough around the edges, if he hadn't picked up traits from Adler or had a good heart in the end, he would be Keller. To see them work together emphasizes that point. Where Neal can schmooze a kindhearted woman, Keller goes for terrible pickup lines and bullying. Where Neal wants to avoid collateral damage, Keller wants the most efficient play no matter who gets hurt. While Keller is a realist about their situation, Neal is dreaming of happily ever after. A similar dichotomy comes with Peter and LeSuit (great name by the way). I am sure LeSuit has a personal reason for wanting the Panthers busted, but his methods are just as ruthless as Keller's. He's not so much into bending the rules sometimes like Peter as he is into smashing them to get what he wants. No wonder this guy didn't hesitate to use a sociopath like Keller. He may be one too. All in all, I liked almost everything about this episode. I have no idea what the purpose of the gift or Diana's visit to El was and I don't know where El's new anxiety comes from, but otherwise it was a compelling episode. Only 3 more episodes left. I hope that the foreshadowing of Neal playing dead isn't where this is heading but either way, I'm enjoying the ride.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - Keller vs. Neal
Best Nickname - Mozzie calls the Interpol handler, Le Suit
Best Plan - the tech company keeps their data on ancient floppies so it can't be hacked
Biggest Foreshadowing - Keller reminds Neal that taking down the Panthers means everyone he loves will be in danger
Best Return - June is always a plus - always
Most Uncomfortable Meeting - Peter and Le Suit joined by Neal and Keller
Creepiest Gift Ever - Moz gives El a sarubobo
Most Admirable - Amy, who doesn't blackmail herself to the top
Biggest Product Placement - BMW's Go Pro features
Most Lucky - Keller because if I were Peter, I’d have pistol whipped him for that Elizabeth comment
Most Gentlemanly - Neal fights to keep Amy out of it and tells her how to keep her job
Biggest Ouch - Keller rats Neal out to Amy
Best Quotes -
1. Moz: "You do realize that mutually assured destruction still contains the word destruction, right?"
2. Mozzie: "Two suits acting like suits is two suits too many."

Elementary - 3.04 - Bella

At first glance, the open-ended way the episode concluded where neither the real murder is caught nor the threat proven or disproven bugged me. My least favorite short story remains The Lady or the Tiger, after all. However, it takes courage to pose a question on TV and then let your audience make up their own mind. Now I'm not excusing lazy writing or shows that pile on unending questions because they don't know the answers themselves. Those still drive me nuts, but for one episode it can be cool. Otherwise the majority of the episode was a mess. It's the most far-fetched motive for killing someone I have ever heard in a crime procedural. Add incessant death metal and repeated questions and this episode tried my patience something fierce. I did like how Kitty and Watson worked together and am relieved that Watson and Sherlock appear to have repaired their main differences. Here's hoping both stick.

Grade: C+

Best Reason to Watch - Watson and Kitty working together / the open-ended ending
Best Scene - Sherlock convinces Watson that he had nothing to do with Andrew's new business. Let's hope that's the end of it.
Worst Plan - Sherlock is self-medicating with leeches
Smartest Plan - Kitty stays out of Watson and Sherlock's fight
Most Interesting Group - a think tank to see how many ways humans can become extinct - how fun
Creepiest - Bella, the talking doll
The "Are You Kidding Me?" Award - this student takes falling on your sword to a whole new level
The "No Watson, It Doesn't Make Sense" Award - no matter how many times I rewatch this, nothing about a genius taking down an engineer to make people fear AI makes sense. At all.
Least Interesting Subplot - whether or not Sherlock maneuvered Watson's boyfriend to move
Most Frustrating - Bella keeps repeating, "I don't understand the question. Could you tell me more?"
The "Let's Not Go There Please" Award - the lady suggests that the computer killed the programmer
Biggest Reference - Terminator
The "Oh Please Stop" Award - that's way too much death metal
Best Quotes -
1. Sherlock: "Given your perspective, this machine is either a murder weapon or a murderer. Either way it can't be allowed to sit here unattended all night, can it? Imagine the schemes it might hatch."
2. Sherlock: "Mason unless the machines rise tonight, we have a murder to solve."
3. Watson: "I kind of feel like hugging you right now." Sherlock: "Yet as my friend, you know that would be a rash decision."

How to Get Away with Murder - 1.08 / 1.09 - He has a Wife / Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me

This show has the best twists on TV right now. At first I was a little disappointed with the 9th episode because much of it we had already seen in flashbacks previously. However that end reveal where Keating heard Wes apologize to Sam's corpse and obviously helped him script what to do with the body was a powerful punch. What a way to end for the midseason finale. This show is a strange case of me hating all the characters and frequently rolling my eyes at their choices, and yet it has a plot that sucks me right in. It's beyond compelling. Perhaps because the pacing is pitch perfect and the acting top notch. Annalise Keating may be the most complex woman on TV today. Here's looking forward to a great second half after the break.

Grades: A- / B

Best Reason to Watch - Lila and Rebecca back story / the big reveal of how Sam died
Best Twist - Keating knows that Wes killed her husband
Biggest Idiots - these college students who don't just call the police
Most Obnoxious - Asher always
Most Awkward - your boss making you witness her grilling her husband about his affair
Biggest Douche - Keating for yelling at Bonnie in front of the students
The "Get Out While You Can" Award - Oliver, trust me. Connor is not worth this.
Best Acted - Keating in everything
Best Liar - Wes, who really has a knack for it right now
Most Deserving of Death - Sam
Best New Character - Mary Walker, who is a formidable opponent
The "She Must Love Keating" Award - Is Bonnie in love with Annalise because I'm not sure why she's bowing at her feet if she isn't? This scene is strange.
The "For the Love of Your Freedom, Keep It in Your Pants" Award - for everyone in this mess screwing people ends up coming back to haunt the
The "Are You Kidding Me?" Award - instead of chatting to each other, why don't they call the police
Best Revenge - Keating requests DNA samples from all the men in Lila's life, including her teachers so that Sam is tested too
Best Phone Message - "It's Rebecca. Don't leave me a message."
Least Romantic - Bonnie and Ashton's sexcapade
Best Quotes -
1. Connor: "You take notes. I have Adderall. We make a great team."
2. Rebecca: "I'm hanging out with a sorority girl. I don't want to tell anyone about this more than you."
3. Connor: "Enough about the ring, Frodo."
4. Michaela: "See what happens when you use your brain instead of your penis."

TBBT - 8.09 / 8.10 - The Septum Deviation / The Champagne Reflection

The Big Bang Theory does best when it combines heart with laughs. As such, these two episode show the vast difference in quality that is TBBT in its latter seasons. The 9th episode had Sheldon worried about Leonard and valuing his friendship. The 10th had him dressing in silly costumes and being brain dead. Guess which one resonates? The simple truth is that by the time a show reaches its 8th season, it's going to have some clunkers and some stinkers. Generally more frequently the older it gets. I guess then it's a matter of seeing it as 1 in 700,000 or 699,999. It's a surprise that we get an episode with as much heart and soul as episode 9 or here's one of the most unfunny episodes TBBT has ever done in the 10th. Your pick.

Grades: B+ / D+

Best Reason to Watch - Sheldon's concern for Leonard / Leonard, Raj, and Howard searching for meaning
Best Physical Humor - Sheldon runs into the wall
Best Visual Humor - Leonard and Sheldon both have taped up broken noses
The "Aww, Sheldon is Human" Award - I like that Sheldon is unreasonably worried about Leonard's minor surgery. He does care and he calls Leonard his best friend too. Aww.
Most Punny - Bernadette with her muffin humor
Smartest Plan - Howard sees that telling each other what they don't like about each other is a trap and tries to avoid it. Sadly it doesn't work.
Least Funny - Sheldon and Fun with Flags. Weird costumes do not a joke make.
Most Practical - Raj, who instead of running computations says they should ask the guy's old officemate
Best Guest - LeVar Burton
Most Anticlimactic - the mystery numbers turn out to be a food diary
Best Quotes -
1. Sheldon: "Take me to Leonard." Amy: "Just go to work. He'll be fine." Sheldon: "Amy, he's my best friend and if you don't take me, I'm going there anyway." Amy: "Fine. It's sweet that you care about him so much." Leonard: "I do and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to him and I wasn't at his bedside to say I told you so."
2. Sheldon: "I've learned that 1 in 700,000 people die from general anesthesia." Leonard: "Buddy, do you realize that that also means that 699,999 people don't die?" Sheldon: "I suppose that's true. You're such a glass half full kind of guy. I'm going to miss that."
3. Raj: "That look right there is why people eat before they come to your parties."
4. LeVar: "Wil Wheaton said get a gate. I don't know why I didn't get a gate."

Grimm - 4.05 - Cry Luison

It's hard to choose the worst part of this episode because there are so many worthy candidates. Adalind's never-ending scream fest of stupidity was tiresome before it even started. She definitely has to go. The case of the week ended when the bad guys didn't put up any kind of a fight at all. They just gave up. Wu is still in the dark. Nick and Juliette are about to go so far into fan fiction, I'm not sure the show can recover from it. Heaven help us if this spell too has consequences like EVERY SINGLE OTHER ONE! Does no one ever learn? Then add 2 scenes with a character I barely remember from that one episode he was in last year, whose only purpose seemed to be to tell Nick that being associated with Grimms sucks. I'm pretty sure we all know that by now. This episode was a complete mess. The only highpoints were HexenMom, who threatened to leave us, and Trubel working with Bud to threaten a Wesen trying to take advantage of Nick's un-Grimmness. This episode screams meh.

Grade: D

Best Reason to Watch - Trubel kicks Wesen butt
Best Reason to Fast Forward - everything Adalind
Best Return - Bud
Most Likely to be Pulled Straight from Fan Fiction - Juliette has to turn into Adalind and have sex with Nick
Worst Foreshadowing - HexenMom says she won't be there much longer. Say it isn't so. She's this season's Trubel, the one character that can reinvigorate the series.
Biggest Hypocrite - Bud, who goes off on his friend for not being able to keep a secret when the only reason he knew was because Bud couldn't keep a secret
Best Twist - there is a whole litter of bad guys
The "Channeling My Best Inner Robin Williams' Genie" Award - Tell him the Truuuuuuuutttthhhhh! And get this stupid subplot of hiding things from Wu over with once and for all.
The "Hey It's That Guy" Award - Josh Porter, who I barely remember from The Inheritance episode, is back. Why exactly was he only briefly seen in the previouslies? It sounds like he is actually going to be part of the mytharc so it would have been nice to have a refresher.
Best Quotes -
1. Rosalee: "Maybe think of it like wearing a costume." Nick: "A costume of a woman who tried to kill me."
2. Trubel: "I've been thinking. I can understand why you don't want to be like me anymore, but I'm not sure I should stay here if I'm the only Grimm." Nick: "Listen, Trubel…" Trubel: "If I stick around, I'll only be putting you in danger. You and Juliette are safer without me. You can't have a normal life if I'm here."

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Sleepy Hollow "Headless" and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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