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POLL : What did you think of Continuum - So Do Our Minutes Hasten?

12 May 2014

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  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................not the "Computer Nerd"! Continuum is now back in form again, let's count the ways (No Spoilers).
    1) Curtis Chen on the loose is very..................BAD!
    2) Matthew Kellog with Curtis Chen on the loose is even.................WORSE!
    3) More Jasmine Garza is a good thing, but with Kiera is even better............their scenes together are intense!
    4) "Bizarro Alec" aka Green Alec is becoming a serious problem, and Kiera has to do something before someone else does (Kellog).
    5) Kiera is stretched to thin and the "Sands of Time" are slipping through her fingers fast!
    I don't understand why the ratings have fallen so hard on this series. With the exception of episode 4 this season has been great. But it looks like all the shows on SyFy have dropped hard. Is there some boycott of SyFy that I don't know about? Next episode is May 25, DAMMIT! 4 A LIBER8ED TIMELINE, I am Nobody!!!

  2. This season destroys all I liked about the show. Kiera is described as a stupid chick who only realizes her life and the society she lived in 2077 is crap. Her goal is blurry she might not want to go back to her family, but she also has no clear mission to comply. Carlos is completely gone and has no positive energy, he is devastated by Kiera's death (despite the fact she is just in front of him) and worse doesn't search who killed her ! what will happen now Betty is gone, is he gonna drink until the end of the season ? The two Alec are so boring, the only nice alive character this season is Garza. The characters suffer of a lack of credibility and act without real motivation. Hope they are revived before the end of the season. This type of season is symptomatic of calling a reboot at the end, like in Fringe, a so seamless scenario that it only has to be erased. Yes I'm desapointed. But I will still be watching just in case all I felt about the characters in season 1 and 2 pops back in an unexpectied way.


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