Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Elementary - Episode 2.23 - Art in the Blood - Promo

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Elementary - Episode 2.23 - Art in the Blood - Promo

3 May 2014

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Thanks to Sara for the heads up.

Hopefully we'll get a longer and better quality version soon.


  1. So, Mycroft is an agent of MI6. I hope there's still a Shelock-Watson-reunion moment. He said so many good things about her, I would hate to see all those words go to waste under the fact that Mycroft is not such a "bad mad". I really don't know what to expect. Cool.

  2. SHIELDNCISfan3 May 2014 at 23:27

    I dont think the promo confirm he is Mi6 but he likely is with the restaurant as a cover

  3. Thank goodness! I've been waiting for Mycroft to reveal his true intelligence the whole season.

  4. Finally a damn promo.

    Not even a hint of a JoanLock reunion? Shame. :(

  5. Maybe Mycroft is a chef at MI6? :P James Bond gotta eat.


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