Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Hannibal - Episode 2.11 - Ko No Mono - Promo + Detailed Preview

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Hannibal - Episode 2.11 - Ko No Mono - Promo + Detailed Preview

3 May 2014

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If last week's episode leaves you feeling a little over-satiated, take a breath because this meal is far from finished. Love, mystery and murder are still on the menu, and with the finale on the not so distant horizon, you're definitely going to need some room for desert.

Our next course, "Ko No Mono," airs Friday, May 9th. The title refers to a seasonal vegetable dish, often pickled. And take our word for it, this week's episode has hints of both sweet and bitter. Family ties will put several characters in a bind; you'll be left with no doubt as to whether blood runs thicker than water.

What twist will the perverse partnership between Will (Hugh Dancy) and Hannibal (Mads Mikkelsen) take? Despite some pesky recurring night visions that leave Will Graham waking in a cold sweat, his tutelage/therapy under Dr. Lecter is progressing nicely. The former foes are bonding now as never before; sharing secrets, vivisection tips and forbidden meals will do that for a friendship.

Alana (Caroline Dhavernas) is suffering a new crisis of faith. Freddie's death has her thinking the unthinkable about Will. A direct approach only turns up more questions and gnawing doubts. If only she could discuss Will with his therapist and her paramour, Dr. Lecter. But we know how Hannibal feels about patient confidentiality: it's an immutable matter of ethics.

Speaking of patients, Mason Verger (Michael Pitt), even though he's under the doctor's "care," still seems a very long way from finding happiness. Daddy issues, sister issues, heir to family slaughtering firm issues - they've all got Mason going mad. When he suspects Margot (Katharine Isabelle) may have alternative plans for the family dynasty, Mason is driven to a most drastic action.

And where is Jack Crawford (Laurence Fishburne) while all this blood is being spilled? Let's face it, sometimes the hardest thing to find is the object underneath you. Jack's suspicions about Will and Hannibal have embarrassed him before, so perhaps he can be forgiven if he treads somewhat lightly on all that ice beneath his feet. When will the truth come out? It may be a cold day in hell, but we like to think the day of Hannibal's reckoning is around the corner.


Thanks to tvmania for the video.


  1. So Freddie does die.

  2. I don't believe that. No way is Will a murderer (of an innocent). It has to be some elaborate ruse to get everyone to believe that Freddie died.

  3. It doesn't say who killed her though.

  4. Freddie...can't..die. That's irredeemable...

  5. Debsterforever3 May 2014 at 18:17

    We saw Hannibal was in a plastic suite and we know that Hannibal is a genius.

  6. Debsterforever3 May 2014 at 18:18

    Freddie's part in Red Dragon can be replaced. I miss Beverly more than Freddie.

  7. If you're going to choose someone to trick into getting you pregnant would it really be the guy that just got out of a mental hospital for the criminally insane?

  8. not unless you're a little off your rocker too! ;)

  9. I am thinking he has her hid. Will is probably using the mean from the other dead guy and leading Hannibal to believe it is from Freddie. I think she is alive. I agree with you.

  10. Maybe if they are using this to fake Freddie's death then in season 3 dolarhyde will use the same method (burning wheel chair) and it'll have more impact on will.

  11. Does anyone understand what's Hannibal is saying about Margot? Sometimes i have a hard time with Mads accent.

  12. oh, I forgot about that!

  13. I thought it was her meat in the previous episode.

  14. Me too! I thought I am the only one because I'm just a learner :)

  15. NeedACleverName5 May 2014 at 14:54

    "Margot's having a child."


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