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Agents of SHIELD - Season 1 - Bill Paxton interview

13 May 2014

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Because while Garrett’s team may seem to have the upper hand, Coulson’s ragtag roster of “freelancers” are closing in. Already, that has forced Garrett to make some bold calls — like ordering Ward to “take care of” captured snoops Fitz and Simmons. Ward, though, “merely” jettisoned his onetime colleagues out into the ocean. A sign of weakness, Garrett surely would divine, if he gets wind of it.

Are teacher and student fated to butt heads?

“We saw in the last episode that it’s a pretty warped ‘father/son’ bond they share,” Paxton says, alluding to how Garrett sprang Ward from juvie then used extreme measures to toughen him up as a recruit. And as the final hour unspools, “It’s the classic thing where at some point, no matter how close you are to the father, the son has to rebel.”



  1. Okay, this made me smile. Either that "Ward is really a triple agent working for Fury" theory is true or he's starting to fight back against his abuser. Here for either option, tbh.

  2. If they're going to redeem Ward then he needs to be the one to kill Garrett.

  3. Yes please! Although someone else came up with the idea that he leaves Garrett alone to die, realizing that he's lost Ward as he's facing his worst fears, and now I'm not sure which one I like better.

  4. Argh, no redemption. Let the bad guys be bad guys.
    I'll appreciate if he rebels and remains bad and loyal to Hydra if Garret leaves Hydra behind to pursue whatever he wants to pursue now, evolution yadda yadda. Then he'd rebel but still be bad.

  5. I think Ward may kill Garrett but as an act of mercy because the serum just makes Garrett completely lose his mind like the video of Coulson suggested happened to the test subjects. So Garrett begs Ward to put him out of his misery.

  6. To all of the people who say Ward has done too much to be redeemed I say two words Darth Vadar!

  7. Ugh no redemption please. I woudn't mind him as a sympathetic villain but he's much more interesting as a hydra agent than he was as a shield agent. Anyway I'd rather have him redeemed than shown to be a triple agent ...


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