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Once Upon a Time - Episode 3.19 - A Curious Thing - Promo

21 Apr 2014

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  1. Whoa! Definitely looks like shit goes down next week. I can't wait!

  2. And Henry is the one person whose death might change the course of history. Yet again.
    On other news, Aurora is back, together with the FTL flashbacks.

  3. ♥ Love is Strength ♥21 April 2014 at 02:23

    Zelena: This is how you take a happy ending.

    Guys, what if she says that AFTER the kiss? After Emma loses her magic. ‘Cause Zelena is treating to kill Henry and of course Emma will kiss Hook and lose her magic because of her son. I know is sad, but what if that means that they ARE true love? Cause, unfortunately, we never have the confirmation.

  4. So much epic-ness!

  5. WOAO if Henry dont get his memories back with this, nothing will do the trick.

  6. Somehow I still hope they are and that the kiss won't take away Emma magic instead it'll just break the curse because it's a true loves kiss..

  7. Can't wait for this new episode! Gonna be very tense and awesome!

    There are rumours that we'll find out who cast the curse in this episode. Meaning it's probably not Zelena... maybe it could be Glinda, or Aurora/Philip (and they need to sacrifice the thing they love most, which could be each other or Mulan...)

  8. Can't believe we only got 3 more weeks of new eps and then we are sent on hiatus again. I think Emma will kick some witchy ass here and than we'll get Zelena recovering in "Kansas" and telling about Oz.

  9. Zelena hurting Emma and her family is inevitable, as we see in this promo. So I don't understand how her threat against Hook (that he can't reveal the kissing curse to anyone) is at all dangerous. He might as well reveal it, maybe Regina could help.

  10. As long as her magic isn't gone I don't care if Hook is her True love, I actually always liked Hook.

  11. TheShiftyShadow21 April 2014 at 11:38

    Please, please, please, please kill Henry. #KillHenry

  12. Totallyaddicted00521 April 2014 at 15:37

    b/c it would take away emmas magic. Emma needs her magic.

  13. The curse only works to take Emma's magic if his lips touches hers though. Hook could just say tell someone about being cursed and ask for help.

  14. Yeah I hope her magic doesn't go away or if so they'll find a way to get it back and soon!

  15. Do we know what happened to Aurora/Philip's baby? I know everyone's thinking baby charming will be Dorothy but maybe Aurora/Philip's baby is actually dorothy and they sent her to kansas to escape the curse like the charmings originally did with emma?

  16. I was thinking the same thing. He should tell and take his chances and just tell them that Zelena is trying to take Emmas powers away.

  17. It is bad that i say YES YES continue with Henry's death?


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