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Blue Bloods - Episode 4.20 - Custody Battle - Press Release

7 Apr 2014

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“Custody Battle” – When Erin is assigned to investigate a case in which an on-duty police officer is accused of killing a suspect already in custody, Frank urges her to stick to the facts to avoid a publicity scandal for the NYPD. Meanwhile, Jamie urges Eddie to forgive her father for his past mistakes, on BLUE BLOODS, Friday, April 25 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

CHEAT TWEET: Erin investigates a cop who is accused of killing a suspect in custody. New @BlueBloods_CBS 4/25 10 pm ET/PT


Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan)
Donnie Wahlberg (Danny Reagan)
Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan)
Will Estes (Jamie Reagan)
Len Cariou (Henry Reagan)
Marisa Ramirez (Det. Maria Baez)
Amy Carlson (Linda Reagan)
Sami Gayle (Nicky Reagan-Boyle)


Tony Terraciano (Jack Reagan)
Andrew Terraciano (Sean Reagan)
Abigail Hawk (Abigail Baker)
Gregory Jbara (DCPI Garrett Moore)
Vanessa Ray (Officer Eddie Janko)


Brent Werzner (Christopher Collins)
Angela Sarafyan (Frannie Ferguson)
Karlin Biederman (Alex Collins)
Charlie Semine (Officer Cutter)
Tonya Glanz (Officer Kara Walsh)
Vincent Curatola (Chief Norm Valenti)
Mark David Watson (Officer Spencer)
Guiesseppe Jones (Officer Coles)
Gameela Wright (Reporter # 1)
Cormac Bluestone (Reporter # 2)
Brian Roland (Richard)
Tibor Feldman (M.E. Dr. Craig Esterbrook)
David Rasche (Armin Janko)
Jeff Wiens (PBA Attorney for Cutter)
Tracy Wilder (PBA Attorney for Walsh)

WRITTEN BY: Ian Biederman
DIRECTED BY: Alex Chapple



  1. Poll 9: Ooh, another difficult one. Drugged Sam was even funnier than Drunk Sam but the Hook Man quote was one of the best parts of that episode. Um….yeah, Drugged Sam for the close win.

    Poll 10: I adore the Route 666 quote and quite frankly I think the quotable quips in that episode are far better than people give them credit for. However the speech in Yellow Fever is almost the only thing I like in that episode. Since I am absolutely sure that the YF quote will win by a landslide, Route 666 for me. I like quotes I can actually use in real life.

    Poll 11: Tall Tales hands down. I loved a lot of quotes in TT, but this one is my favorite. Sometimes in meetings I start thinking "blah blah blah blah" and then have to quick cover my laughing. Will hand it to MBV though for making Valentine's Day Unattached Drifter Christmas though. Much better name.

    Poll 12: "Poke her with a stick" always makes me laugh but I have to give Ava's enthusiasm the nod here. She's so psyched to be a criminal.

    Poll 13: And here is where I wish the rankings had turned out a lot different. It is absolutely unfair that one of these quotes is going home after this round. Both of them are high on my list of Sam quotes. In the end, I give it to low sodium freaks because that and "lost my shoe" are tied for my favorite Sam quote.

    Poll 14: Also on my best Sam quotes is the guidance counselor one. I understand that it will falter against the complaining fans meta, but it deserves a lot of love.

    Poll 15: I never cared for "My daddy shot your daddy in the head" even though the singsong voice was pitch perfect in creepy. Therefore fruit basket wins. I love that line and anything that reminds me of Death is a plus. Um, on Supernatural that is. That didn't quite sound right.

    Poll 16: Oh let's see. The quote that made Sam not looking for Dean canon, destroyed characterization and set season 8 on its collision course with disaster OR a quote that shows the brothers will do anything to save each other and features Dan at his big brother best. Gee, I wonder which one to chose. I can't believe the first quote even made it into this contest.

  2. Welcome to our Summer Hiatus Breaker Ultimate Quote Contest….finally. I am so glad to be starting and I hope you are too. Hopefully all that hard work of nominating quotes for over 1 year now will pay off and make the hiatus move by quickly. Thanks to all of you who were so faithful in nominating. I will have nominating stats in the future, but let's just say that the overwhelming majority of nominations came from season 1. This set of polls happens to have most of my favorite Sam quotes so some of these will be difficult for me.

    Poll 1: Easiest of them all. The Wendigo quote sums up the entire series in a nutshell. The Winchesters save people by hunting things that want to eat or enslave them - the epic heroes. This quote ought to be nailed on every wall in the writers' room.

    Poll 2: This one is hard because I like them both. Since I suspect most people will go with the werewolf quote, I'm going for Nightshifter because it always makes me laugh and I can use it in everyday conversation.

    Poll 3: Aww man, this one hurts. The quote from Bitten was by far the best thing about that episode and is one of my favorite quotes in season 8. Still the "unsanitary" quote makes me laugh. I agree so much with Dean on that one. I think this will have to be a last minute vote.

    Poll 4: Another really tough one. I adore the quote with Bobby calling them morons - it's so Bobby. However, the quote from Dead in the Water is from the scene that made me obsessed with Supernatural starting my 7 years love affair with the Winchester saga. I have to vote that way since chances are it won't be in the contest for long.

    Poll 5: This one is easy for me too. Although the bossy and short quote makes me laugh, it was never one of my favorite Sam quotes. However Dean threatening to kill anyone who dared to harm Sammy is one of the best Intense Dean quotes around.

    Poll 6: Surprisingly neither of these really does much for me. I vote nostalgic and go for the Pilot.

    Poll 7: Easy. Cas drinking the liquor store is one of my favorite Cas quotes. The other one is meh and I really did not like Lori as a PiP.

    Poll 8: Again neither quote is one of the best for me. While I appreciate that the ammo conversation between Sam and John was one of the few moments in Dead Man's Blood where I didn't want the Winchesters to shut up, I recently podcasted this episode and I'm still irked. No votes for it. Skin had so many great quotes better than this one (some of which will come later in the polls) but this one gets my vote by default.

  3. I wonder if there will be anymore between Jamie and Eddie... The last episode was good, I hope that they explore their relationship more, whichever way it goes :)


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