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POLL : What did you think of Revenge - Payback?

10 Mar 2014

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  1. Jack's MOM..... now that was a wtf moment

  2. I hated the twist at the end. I'm so sick of this parent/ child twists e.g. Charlotte/ David Clarke, Victoria/ Patrick.

  3. Yeah, it was...but sadly not in terms of predictability...I knew what she was gonna say the moment she indicated she has a right to know about Conrad's misdeeds too. And as much as it's true we didn't know a thing about Jack's mother, I think the writers really jumped the shark on this one. (It is possible, sure, but it's a bit unrealistic and forced to me...and too reminiscent of Victoria's romance with David Clarke. They all start to turn out to be SOMEONE'S illegitimate kids out of the blue and I don't like that. Patrick's story was fine but this is too much. NOW I'M WAITING TO FIND OUT THAT DANIEL WAS FATHERED BY MARGAUX'S DAD.)

  4. I was so excited for Revenge to return, but I'm saddened to say that it did not deliver. This episode was totally anticlimatic and generally oversold by the whole ABC advertisement team.

    If that's the kind of shockers they want to surprise me with, then I'd rather wait on the sidelines...Don't take me wrong, we hardcore fans love a good shocker once in a while...But the reveal that Conrad's first wife MAY (who knows if she's not lying, hope she is) be Jack's mother was so lame and predictable.

    Then we've got the whole Patrick/Victoria/Jimmy convo, which also went down as expected, no matter whose side of the story was true.

    Daniel's back to his old drinking-brooding self seeking ways to get back at his father. Been there, done that. And obviously Charlotte fortunately happens to get a job at his old magazine and agrees to be a Dumpty to his Humpty.

    And then we of course have the long-awaited resolution to the Niko/Aiden plot...which was also underwhelming. The fight between her and Emily was nice and I did not expect them to kill her, sure...but it was anticlimatic, her going away like that.

    The only good thing that I totally did not see coming and forgot about was explanation of Emily's blackouts due to her mother's mental condition which she may have inherited. That was a nice touch and I'm actually excited at the prospect of Emily being even more vulnerable, this makes the stakes even higher and the plan more dangerous and urgent while she's spinning out of control.

    But in general I was a bit disappointed, it was a meh episode, especially for a spring-premiere, so I gave it a "Good". Btw can anybody tell me, the sweeps are over already, right?

    Extra points for Nolan's puppy-themed shirt. <3

  5. Finally Revenge is back again =D i didn't see that coming that Stevie is Jack his mom and i'm glad that Jimmy is dead so he can't bother Victoria and Patrick anymore.

  6. I love Stevie Grayson causing all the trouble, though her being Jack's mother was pretty much sign posted in neon lights during their first scene.

  7. It was very soapy.

  8. This wasn't one of there best episodes but it was a good one to see after being on hiatus for so long

    The ending I was surprised at first for a few minutes but didn't really buy into it afterwards
    Really liked the blackout moments and will make things intreasting going forward
    As for Victoria the rape story seems kinda fishy to me she has lied about stuff like this before I don't think she's lying but I don't think she's telling the full truth either I'd be intrested to know what y'all think about that

    The relax honey part was creepiest thing I've seen Victoria do yet and defiantly reminded me how screwd up she is inside

  9. While Stevie being Jack's mother might not have been the best way to it, Revenge managed to do two things with it:
    1. Provide Jack with the oppotunity of an actual storyline. Watching anything related to his relationship with Margaux is about as enterntaining as watching soap coming out of a dispenser. And Jack's previous arcs weren't that interesting either.
    2. It anchored Stevie into the show. Her purpose and agenda is clear: She wants to f**k things up with Conrad and what better way to that with Jack who hates him about as much as she does. You know what they say: The enemy of your enemy is your son friend.
    Patrick has been on the show for about half a season and has already killed two people for her and yet we barely know anything about him. His relationship with Nolan was a good way to integrate him more into the show but his ultimately his unnatural and fervid love for Victoria ruined that pairing. Revenge needs to develop him beyond being "Mommy's Boy".

  10. LMAOOO that final part was so predictable, when she was talking to Jack and saw him with sad eyes i said to my friend "i bet She's Jack's mom" and at the end, she is .. nice move but predictable.

    I was expecting a lot more for this comeback, i dont know how to feel yet about the blackout thing, the Voctoria/Patrick/the Dad storyline was the best part of the episode.

  11. Now it's getting really ridiculous. Jack's mother? Seriously? There is a saying: less is more. Don't deliver one stupid twist after another.

  12. I think that Daniel is Jack's father and Aiden is their mother. :P


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