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Once Upon A Time - Episode 3.15 - Quiet Minds - Sneak Peek

27 Mar 2014

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Thanks to Derisor for the heads up.


  1. nice callback/tie in to Regina's happy ending...

  2. She saw it! She saw tatoo!

  3. I really, really like these to

  4. Love their chemistry. Robin is quite the charmer even though his akcent is a bit annoying. And it seems like Regina is letting her guard down. I hope they already fall in love last year in the Enchanted forest.

  5. very sexy. loving the chemistry from both ends

  6. wow, that was fast LOL. Well, one thing is for sure, when it comes to romance OUAT is always pretty obvious.

  7. They're really cute. I'm glad this isn't playing out like Captain Swan and both the actors are into it.

  8. This is fab. I liked them before, but I'm totally on board and sailing this ship now. They've got amazing chemistry and I'm really liking OUAT's Robin Hood.

  9. Expect when it comes to Emma... then you don't know what the F they are doing.

  10. So, is that the good ship Queen Robin or the bad ship Evil Hood? :p

  11. This is moving suspiciously quickly; WAY TO QUICKLY expecially when it was promised to be slow burn...

  12. Official name is "Outlaw Queen".

  13. It could be some flirting. Remember, they might've (probably) had a relationship in the cursed year.

  14. I like this scene. Good chemistry. This scene is a lot more obvious about pairing these two, than all of the scenes I've seen so far from FTL.

  15. She will back off after seeing the lion tattoo.

  16. When I first read last summer that Robin Hood and Regina will be paired up, I was against it because I hated the idea of him losing his wife but watching this scene... Consider me aboard on this ship!

  17. imo, the attraction is carry over from their lost year in the Enchanted Forest. They did spend an entire year together (we're assuming so far). And we'll probably get flashbacks of the initial slow burn. This is just Tarantino-esque story telling lol.

    Someone posted on tumblr their speculation, which is: Regina will run away from the tattoo and fight the attraction. But in the Enchanted Forest, Regina will fall for Robin (and vice versa) all before the tattoo is revealed.

    I like the dichotomy of that, symmetry of knowing beforehand and after.

  18. I see you checking Regina's booty, Robin.

  19. . . . where's your sense of humour?

  20. I did not forbided using other names. I just only wrote that oficially they call them "Outlaw Queen", but I adore your names: Queen Robin and Evil Hood.

  21. She saw the tattoo I wonder who she going to run to for advice will it be Tinkerbell Snow Emma or Archie


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