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Arrow - Episode 2.18 - Deathstroke - Extended Promo

27 Mar 2014

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  1. start_wearing_purple27 March 2014 at 05:04

    Video has been removed.

  2. When Isabel thinks of Oliver throwing her down on a table I doubt that's what she has in mind. Ouch.

  3. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F27 March 2014 at 05:30

    I guessing the reason why Oliver is fighting Isabel is she has a connection to Slade, my guess she will be arrested

  4. Yeah, the Slade connection seems like a foregone conclusion at this point. Unless Arrow throws a last-minute curveball, I'm sure that's what it is.

  5. I like the whisper at the end

  6. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F27 March 2014 at 06:02

    yea that should be the reason why since Oliver hitting a girl is out of character and not like him

  7. Did anyone else get turned on when he kicked that door down?? Like no BS! HULK SMASH! (LOL Marvel fan here). Then the background music just made it more epic. I got chills.

  8. The whisper was perfect. Thumbs up.

  9. Looks good. Slade isn't the type you would mess with but I think Dinah Lance will be Slade's first victim and that will be the reason for Caitlin Sno and hat other guy from Central city to appear in 2x19

  10. i wouldn't say "took over." Blood was just the trailer. Slade is the Motion picture. ; )

    I actually don't miss Blood at all. He was okay but he's expendable. He's a minion. I'll be surprised if he makes it to season 3.

  11. Poor Thea and Roy. I feel for her. She is the only innocent in this show and now she is thrown head first into all the mess that is happening. Poor girl. How is Roy going to control himself? I loved the Arrow into Slade. So bad ass. This episode most probably will end with Thea breaking bonds with both Oliver and Moira. Oliver would forgive Moira because he will realise he has been acting like a hypocrite.

  12. I love the whispered quote at the end.

  13. start_wearing_purple27 March 2014 at 14:58

    I posted that right when the video went up. It was a youtube video that had been removed. Obviously someone found a real copy.

  14. I wouldn't be surprised if Malcom doesn't make a return in this episode to save his daughter. Any thoughts??

  15. Yeah! I just hope that Thea will gain some focus after this episode. She has been left out ):

  16. Juliana Carvalho28 March 2014 at 16:08



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