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Once Upon A Time - Season 3 - Teases about the midseason premiere

18 Feb 2014

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TVLine's teasers.

Hypable's teasers.


  1. Hesitate to read the teasers.....
    I want to be me fully surprised when I see the midseason premiere....................

  2. So putting together TVLine and Hypable's teasers, I think Chris Gorham is playing Emma's new boyfriend. Makes sense.

    I can't wait to see Hook's adventures in New York. Should be fun.

    LOL at Snow playing wingwoman for Regina. I like that one.

    Wonder what Hypable means when they say Henry is like Harry in Chamber of Secrets. People think he's crazy for speaking a language no one else can?

    God, I need this show back in my life.

  3. Yes, I'm here for Regina and Snow as mother/daughter hopefully. It was about damn time.

  4. I already knew they were going to Oz at some point so I'm not surprised to see that there will be flying monkeys.


  6. That was obvious. Putting together the two teasers, i think Regina might pull her own heart out to stop the pain of losing Henry.

  7. Wonder what Hypable means when they say Henry is like Harry in Chamber of Secrets. People think he's crazy for speaking a language no one else can?"

    I'm thinking maybe Henry is reliving "operation cobra", where he again understands that stories in the book are real, and he's saying things that would make sense "if" those stories would be true, but for characters like Emma and her new boyfriend(?), it's like he's talking nonsense, because HER [current, false] memories don't dictate that past.

    I mean it would be really awesome if he were literally saying things in another language (like as if the language changes when he speaks the truth as part of the new curse), but I'm not sure if the writers would be that fun!

  8. Okay, your idea sounds awesome, but yeah, no way that's happening. And I can see Henry reliving Operation Cobra.

  9. I mean the only other parallel we could draw setting language aside is that maybe he simply finds the book [again] (book could be metaphor for "secret truths" which Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets kind of expounds on with Tom Riddles diary...)

  10. Maybe he does find the book but it concentrates on OZ,since that is where they are headed....

  11. Maybe! -but I'm thinking it's going to show the new enchanted forest stories of the "missing year" leading up to the new curse and once again FTL turned Storybrooke characters....

  12. this is looking like a hell of an episode, to eb one of thebest i havent been so exited for a return since first season when the curse broke!

  13. Klutzy_girl, I'm sorry the article that i submitted from TVFanatic wasn't included,it added more info into what was coming their way.

  14. YES! I've been dying to see some of this :D

  15. I like your idea better! -But I just think they're going to follow suit in some way.

  16. Right! I completely forgot about the enchanted forest and missing years! I like your idea better!!


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