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POLL : What did you think of Beauty and the Beast - Don't Die on Me?

14 Jan 2014

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  1. I don't think many people will agree with me, but I really liked the direction that they took this episode. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

  2. After coming back from break, this episode was AMAZING. So glad to see the backstory on the JT/Vincent storyline, and to know Jealous Vincent is on the horizon...can't wait to see it unfold!

  3. I was so worried about this episode, the way episode 8 ended felt like death but THANKFULLY that is not the case. Two huge reveals, poor JT such a burden to carry all this time and now I know why we need an archaeologist O.o that was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time - so excited for that. Promo for next week looks SICK :D I am anxious to see what will be transpiring with our fav couple now that they will be at odds with each other and I KNOW that will bring them back together again in the hottest way ;) All I can say is BRING IT ;)

  4. After THAT episode, I am super excited! GREAT Comeback! :) Best episode YET IMO! :) I so can't wait to figure out what that skeleton was doing there!!! OH! and that promo?! I'm still laughing after seeing it! I don't care if V or C kiss other people if they're making each other jealous! ;) As long as it doesn't go further than that, I'm perfectly fine with it because I know they will be together soon! :)

  5. I thought the episode, was pretty intense, Tori was actually the best I've seen her, since I'm seeing V looks at her as a little sister and the big confession from JT didn't see that coming, Cat, knows she's not going to let V go so easily, she's trying to convince herself it's over, for that I' ll say yeah right!! I know it's not going to go over to well with a lot of viewers, but overall I enjoyed it, can't wait to see what's up next!!!

  6. I glad that they turn the story line round to good again. We'll see if this is enough for next Season.

  7. I loved this episode because you could finally see old Vincent back who always thinks about others first and specially Cat.

  8. Love it....was such a long break and I was worried about how they would pull everything together but they did it very well and I was not disappointed Vincat has hit rock bottom now so the only way is up from here.Looking forward to see what future episodes have for us.

  9. Definitely an episode that brought up a whole host of emotions. And Yes, rock bottom but the rise is happening. It is pretty reminiscent of SO!, in some ways-the trying to move on from each other and thinking they are both doing the right thing and can do it; even the next episode with the kissing. Vincent saw Evan kissing Cat in SO1 and hated it and Cat saw Vincent kissing Alex and hated it; so let the games begin!

  10. Wilma Gelderblom14 January 2014 at 06:04

    This episode was amazing! So good! It opens a new arc, a complete game changer, and the journey for VINCAT is ahead of us!! It was awesome! :)

  11. Awsome but so sad...

  12. really enjoyed this episode, felt like we are turning a corner & getting a chance to see more of the characters developed. Glad Catherine is stepping back and its Vincents turn to find his way to her!

  13. Agree...and painful. V&C conversations and scenes were full of cliches and poor acting job. The whole show is now like a bad teenager dream about love "we love each other, now a bit hate each other...etc" If this show is about romance, I wanna see: hugs, kisses, wedding, marriage, kids... That would be brave from the writers! Otherwise they stay just soapy....for me.

  14. Really loved this episode yes Vincat are rock bottom however it drew closure for the first 9 episodes it was needed after the frantic previous episode,its now time for the healing of both Vincent and Catherine so that the love will shine through again.I saw love between them last night apart then I have for the past few episodes of them kinda being together,
    Jay Ryan once again was on top form as Vincent not just to look at either this guy is an excellent actor.Kudos to Austin Basis who plays JT who pulled at my heartstrings when his "secret" about why he is so protective of Vincent was revealed,Gabe am sure can be put to more use than an irritating lost puppy!! Tori was excellent this episode except for the desperate "together" pleas to Vincent sorry the guy is just not interested in you xx 10/10 #BatB

  15. Really loved this episode yes Vincat are rock bottom however it drew closure for the first 9 episodes it was needed after the frantic previous episode,its now time for the healing of both Vincent and Catherine so that the love will shine through again.I saw more love between them last night apart then I have for the past few episodes of them kinda being together,
    Jay Ryan once again was on top form as Vincent not just to look at either this guy is an excellent actor.Kudos to Austin Basis who plays JT who pulled at my heartstrings when his "secret" about why he is so protective of Vincent was revealed,Gabe am sure can be put to more use than an irritating lost puppy!! Tori was excellent this episode except for the desperate "together" pleas to Vincent sorry the guy is just not interested in you xx 10/10 #BatB



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  16. Way to make a return favorite show!!! Was bracing myself for all kinds of torment but as usual BatB entertained me with its blend of drama suspense heartache killer action and a healthy dose of comic relief! The Big Reveal is a very cool lead in to the second half of this supercharged season 2. Bring on the next ep!!!

  17. I didn't have high expectations from the writer of "Reunion" and the few spoilers and depressing reviews didn't help to set a positive mind.The episode looked rushed , as usual, but not awkward as I thought or I'm just getting used to S2 new standards.

    - VinCat jumped the shark. Literally. There's no way back. They lost any credibility as "meant to be" . They are doomed.
    - BATB agents are the dumbest officers ever seen on a Tv show unless you are watching Police Academy . Cat's questioning was comical . How to insult the audience's intelligence.
    - Cat deserved a break to clear up her mind and put her life back on track but the whole "gratitude" explanation was plain stupid and cheap. To be honest she was totally out of character and annoying the whole episode. How could she walk away from him in his worst-ever moment ? No mercy for a bleeding man ? Disturbing . And I didn't like KK acting. Pretty monotone. Where's my drama queen ?
    - Jay stole the scene. GREAT job . Best emotional performance of Season 2 ( the guy is hot-hot even when is dead-dead ! ). This was the first time I felt for the poor beast. I wanted to hug him .
    - I'm starting to accept Tori characters. She deserves some credits for saving Vincent life. She's the one who set him free. I see her purpose.Finally.
    - Gabe is Gabe . Doing the same things and saying the same quotes . He's actually Catherine's comfort food and his personal pet. He make me yawn .
    - Confused about the mythological element and the connection to V & C . Was looking for something more jaw-dropping than a dog (?) skeleton. Wondering if Vincent was Catherine's beloved dog in a past life. Sort of dog-man reincarnation ? Let's see how this play out.
    - JT backgroud story was poorly written . That's all ? Unimpressed and disappointed. Another missed opportunity.
    - Tess / JT : I like their dynamics. Friends or lovers ? Scratching my head.

    I deeply truly hated the last scene : watching Tori next to Vincent in the most important moment of his life was so wrong on so many levels but sum up Season 2.Did Vincent and Catherine share anything really personal or important together ?

  18. After the last few eps this season, this ep was definitely an improvement. Honestly, I expected to hate it, but it wasn’t that bad for me. I enjoyed some parts of it while others still make me sad/mad. Really Cat? After everything, Vincent is bleeding out on the floor, about to come out of hiding because YOU basically asked him to, and you just walk away? It seems kinda cold to me. I doubt she would walk away from a stranger yet she walks away from a man she loved? I’m not buying that. The only thing I can think of is the writers were desperate to show her letting go. I hated watching Tori by his side when he woke up at the hospital and when he confessed to being Vincent Keller. That spoiled the moments for me. Those are moments the romantic in me was hoping VinCat would share together. If they share all their special moments with other people what makes their romance any different from anyone elses? I hope Jen and Sherri get back to the writers room soon! I miss their writing!!!! When I think of meant-to-be couples, I think of a couple that beats the odds, who put each other before and above anything or anyone else. Those odds shouldn’t be themselves creating the obstacles, but outside forces that TOGETHER they overcome. Love isn’t easy, but it shouldn’t be that hard either. JMO. I do see the light at the end of this dark tunnel we have been going down and am looking forward to the rest of the season. I just wish the last 5 eps could have been condensed down into 2 or 3 and they hadn’t dragged things out this long. It can only go up from here right?

  19. After the long hiatus this episode was well worth it!I love that Catherine is trying to move on! I think the direction the show is taking is great i like that the leads have their differences it will make their reunion so much sweeter! if they just get back together the show would not be called a drama,the title is Beauty and the Beast!They will keep finding their way back to each other!Love it BATB writers!Jt poor guy living with that secret all this time,love the great spin they put on that!Cast and Crew are amazing! I kept thinking Vincent was going to flatline at any moment!

  20. Hi Sarah, I agree on most of your points (especially the fourth & last one) and for me they make a lot of sense but at the same time these kinds of imperfections are one of the reasons why make me unconditionally love BATB. I am very happy to be part of BATBnation with so many smart and fun people ... Sometimes BATB writers become lost in the labyrinth of their ideas (ahaha :) but at the end this is why we speak about it all the time conflicting between logic and emotions,hating and loving it at the same time. Love to analyze BATB further more ... hope to chat with you soon on Twitter, GetGlue or Tumblr. Ciao

  21. I love the second season as much as I love the first one. I love the turmoil of the situation, I like most of the actions and reactions of the characters, their feeling and so on. Bravo! (with exclamation point) to Jay Ryan, the best of this episode. This episode was a very good one for establishing some important aspects of the new VinCat relationship, either we like or dislike it. Even if the show is technically imperfect, at the end of each episode is successful because makes all of us think and speak about it for a whole week. Passion, wisdom, anger and love rule our feeling toward BATB because of what the show is: incoherent, beautiful, suspenseful, unbearable, a word discombobulated (i love this one :) With much love and respect for the show and all my beasts friends!

  22. Angela Paraboschi14 January 2014 at 20:04

    I like the new direction of #Batb

  23. Longfellow Deeds14 January 2014 at 22:28

    I agree with you- I finally felt the characters were getting a chance to 'grow up' and with Vincent now out of hiding the possibilities for great new story lines can only get better. Really looking forward to 210!

  24. by the looks of how the Siberian dogs were so crazy near the skeleton i'm assuming its part bloodline is wolf that may have existed thousands years ago who may have been powerful and somehow it's skeleton is preserved. Also i'm not surprised if the wolf blood was harvested and injected into the soldiers by Murifield.


  26. I love this show and every show has it's ups and downs. We live in a world of instant gratification and expect everything to be resolved in one episode. The writers have a story to tell and I' m willing to see how everything unfolds. I may not agree with some things, but hey, who says I'm right and they're wrong. I know they must have their reasons. All I know is that I want this show to continue and so I love it like my dogs love me, unconditionally :)

  27. Loved the direction of the new story line. We need some jealousy, angst and drama which will hopefully bring Beauty and her Beast back together and stronger than ever. Loved #DontDieOnMe - it blew me away. Awesome episode.

  28. Definitely agree with you Brenda. I caught the fact that Vincent looks at Tori like she's a frightened little sister that he needs to give guidance too. Don't see any hint of a romantic attraction.

  29. I'm with you - this episode blew me away. It brought tears to your eyes to see the pain both Vincent and Catherine are going through, but the "Pull" is still there for both of them. It won't be long and their stars will collide again.

  30. Yes, the old Vincent is still in there, he's slowly emerging he's that sweet lovable guy who feels the need to protect and save the innocent victim, I just love him a lot!!!!:)

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