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POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - Fire and Brimstone?

4 Nov 2013

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  1. Umm, I thought it couldn't air tonight??

  2. but it aired in Canada

  3. I love Canada. Watched the episode online. GREAT!!! But now I have to wait TWO weeks for the next one! Crap

  4. Please spoil. What happened? Esp beach scene.

  5. Jane told Lisbon how much she means to him. They hug. He picks her phone out of her pocket, tells her he has a surprise and ditches her at the beach. She commandeers a car (hilarious!) and gets to the house in time to watch it blow up.

    As for the RJ stuff, nope not spilling.

  6. So Jisbony or more like friends? Btwn CTV and healthcare Canada is looking like a nicer and nicer place to live.

  7. Also any other Jisbony scenes of note?

  8. Allison Shubitowski4 November 2013 at 05:00

    They were headed to the venue where Jane was to interrogate the Red John suspects. Jane pulled over to "watch the sunset." He then told Lisbon she meant a lot to him and they hugged. It was great. Her expressions were really priceless. He then said "I almost forgot. I have a surprise for you. Wait here." He then got in the car and drove away, leaving her stranded, but safe from the Red John chaos.

  9. Yeah, watch in online here:

  10. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F4 November 2013 at 05:01

    too bad we won't get a promo hopefully CTV shows it

  11. Yeah, I'm searching frantically for the next episode's promo but it doesn't seem to be online. I'm assuming there was a promo???

  12. I thought it was Jisbony, he wouldn't have said those things if he hadn't meant them. Besides, it seemed like he thought he was going to die so telling her how he felt before then. And it wasn't awkward at all hehehe.

  13. HERE! PROMO!!!

  14. A million out of 10. The story, direction, acting. Felt like I watched a movie. I did not ffwd but wanted too the scenes are so good I never wanted to. I thought the hug J/L was awkward from the promo and it was because Jane was pulling a fast one on her. I watched closely and saw him sleuth her phone from her jacket it was well done too after I saw it coming. 3 men for each dot. Whoa, I was on the edge for the whole show. Bertram looking like RJ. Jane saw him as dirt and he was right. They all have to be accessories and covering for each.

  15. can't even say anything. any word. except one: perfect. what a genious mr. Heller is. this episode kept me on the edge the entire time. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!

  16. Poor pacing including a cliffhanger.

  17. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F4 November 2013 at 05:40

    how is there a promo if US viewers can't watch it?

  18. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F4 November 2013 at 05:52

    I don't RJ identity will be that easy to find out.......I say there is one more twist

  19. My reaction too. I was worried about Heller. Cerone did great! I have hopes for a good RJ demise by Jane.

    West coast is getting a early season 5 episode. CBS thy name is ruin. :-! Fk them.

  20. Pacing? Flows like a movie. Great pacing. If you watched last week it was inevitably ending in a cliffhanger. The title is fire. The throwback of her was less natural I will give you

  21. Honestly nothing more than friendship from Jane. Lisbon I don't know.

  22. The scene said plenty why Lisbon will never be right for Jane. It was a classic con the second Jane saw she was lying about letting him kill RJ.

  23. No part of Jane was romantic with her ha. I felt almost bad for her. She should have seen it. She lied and he realized he had to get her out of his way.

  24. CBS What are you doing? The promo was for Great Dragon. How are they squaring it? Air latest promo but show previous episode next week? No delays. F&B should have aired withour problems.

  25. I was so sad that we couldn't see it tonight. But through the wonderful world of the internet we could see it and it was AWESOME. The beach moment definitely Jisbony and well i just can't take it and now i have to wait 2 weeks for a new one. What the hell was it up them showing the correct promo as if we saw the right eppy. You guys are going to love lit.

  26. CBS messed up and showed the promo by mistake.

  27. It doesn't matter where u live..

    U torrent will save the day. .

  28. I'm from Italy, and I totally agree with you!

  29. Fire and Brimestone was AWESOME. The best episode this season so far. Director John Showalter had me on the edge the entire episode. Everything was perfect, script, acting, music... Kudos to John Showalter, Ken Woodruff, Blake Neely and of course the whole cast. You guys rock!

  30. Damn! That's right! They're probably going to delay it for us Canadians too!

  31. It seriously makes me wtf at how little people know about Torrents.

  32. I know. . Spread the message;-)

  33. You don't even need torrent.. just online streaming ;)

  34. *Spoiler for those who have not been able to watch it yet*

    So, now we know that the mark is not unique to Red John. The tattoo is used to identify the members of the group that identifies itself with the phrase "tyger tyger".

    Now I'm thinking that Red John is not any of those three as well. In the video tape what Red John says is something like these are the people that you think could be Red John. I don't think he confirms that he is right. I think it's possible that Red John has one last trick up his sleeve.

    Now, I don't remember exact details and I'm just thinking out loud here so feel free to fact check me on this. What if Jane thinks he met Red John after the death of his family and compiled a list based on that assumption? But it's possible that Red John and Jane could have met before all of that. Lorelei's clue that Jane and Red John shook hands does not stipulate a time frame. That could be the final twist before revealing Red John.

  35. I guess he would have said anything to get his way. He said everything that he did to disarm her long enough to pickpocket her and leave her there. It was the only way he could get her away from his meet with the Red John suspects. The situation would be hard to control as it is with 5 suspects; with Lisbon or his CBI team with him, there would be far too many variables for him to successfully control the situation.

  36. Bruno Heller said that Red John is on the list. I think that Haffner could be Red John since he didn't have a tattoo.

  37. This episodes are going to be epic! So the three dots are the mark of the organization and we still don't know who Red John is. OK. Looking forward to the resolution.

  38. How the hell could they end the episode like that?!
    I love this season so much! Can't wait to see what happens next :P

  39. This was EPIC. This episode could have been an amazing season finale (thankfully it's not!)

  40. Yeah but before season 3 finale also, didn't they say Jane would come face to face with Red John and it turned out that it was not Red John. We have no idea how he knew the details to pretend to be Red John or why he did it even now.
    But yeah, perhaps it is one of them from the list. It is actually most likely that Red John is someone from the list.

  41. My money is on someone from the big list (1-2000?) whom Patrick crossed of cause he thinks he's dead.
    That or everyone who is in the tyger tyger organisation.

  42. NEW INFOS:

    According to Jordan Harper:

    ".. the plan as I understand it is to air Fire and Brimstone next week, Great Red Dragon on 11/17 and Red John on 11/24."

    Source: Twitter

  43. Martina Loves Castle4 November 2013 at 20:16

    Best season so far - best episode, too.

  44. Perhaps. I have actually dreamt about The Mentalist three times. In the first dream they caught Red John and he was a redhead (and I think I killed him for Patrick). In the second dream he had brown hair. In the third dream Red John was a woman (don't remember her hair color). A bit weird dreams.

  45. PS. Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Christopher Robin, Eeyore and so on? They hang out with the tyger tyger all the time...

  46. I'm sure they are going to tell Jane that they are triplets and it's just a birthmark. ;P

  47. Yes, I think they said that Patrick would come face to face with Red John in season 3. Red John must have told him the details.

  48. That wouldn't be a good enough explanaition, I don't think they can get away with that.

  49. I know, I was just kidding.

  50. We didn't need to see Jane says the same thing 5 times.

  51. I believe Red John is Patridge. When Lisbon found him "half dead" she turned around to inspect the door sound. Thats when I think Patridge got up and knocked her out. Then Rj's henchman would have taken his so called dead body away once the police arrived and covered the whole thing up. Tiger Tiger, 3 spots on arm style.

  52. Nicole-bi Wan Kenobi11 November 2013 at 04:31

    Agree he could be! Especially since the writers have alluded to "And Then There Were None" when talking about this season, and in that book, the killer faked his own death to keep on killing without suspicion.


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