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Supernatural - Ultimate Quote - 2D - Poll

7 Jul 2013

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Note - Since the SpoilerTV Favorite Show contest begins tomorrow today's poll will start and end early. Polls will close at 5 pm central tomorrow. Don't forget to spread the word about the Fav Show contest. It is more fun with more people. Plus it is a great way to get the word out about your favorite shows and possibly get new people to try them. In the first contest, we got a lot of people to try Supernatural.

Today marks the last day of round 2, which will weed us down to 64 quotes heading to round 3 out of the 256 we started with. We've come a long way in such a short amount of time. Woo hoo! After today the voting should get harder as we chose from the best of the best. Those narrowly beaten last time include Ruby's short bus slam by 7 votes, Dean's "I full on Swayzed that mother" with 46% of the vote, and the Born Under a Bad Sign quote where Dean tells Sam he's going to save him no matter what (45%). Lots of good quotes in today's selection including what may be my favorite SPN quote of all. Happy voting!

Quotes Too Long for Poll:

Poll 50 - Dean: "Hey don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Sam: "Dude, I'm the one who's going to have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Dean: "Hey see if they've got any pie. Bring me some pie. I love me some pie." (AHBL1)

Poll 52 - Dean: "Here's the thing. When we were young, I pretty much pulled him from a fire and ever since then I've felt responsible for him. Like it's my job to keep him safe. I'm just afraid if we don't find him fast….please, he's my family." (The Benders)

Poll 54 - Dean: "Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon riding in the back seat. It's like the setup to a bad joke, or a Penthouse forum letter." Sam: "Dude, reality. Porn." Dean: "You call this reality?" (Heaven and Hell)

Poll 59 - Dean: "You cannot be in that crater back there. I can't…If you're gone, I swear I am going to strap my Beautiful Mind brother into the car and I'm going to drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well not good. Now you said you'd be here. Where are you?" (Hello, Cruel World)

Poll 60 - Dean: "Sam, come on. Oh Sam. Sam, Sam hey. Hey come here. Come here. Let me have a look at you. Oh hey look. Believe me it's not even that bad. It's not even that bad alright. Sammy. Sam! Hey, listen to me. We're going to patch you up okay. You're going to be as good as new. Huh. I'm going to take care of you. I going to take care of you. I've got you. It's my job right. Watch out for my pain in the a** little brother. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sammy! No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh God. Sam!" (AHBL1)

Poll 62 - Dean: "Guess what you do next? 'Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive.' I mean I don't know how he's doing it but this guy is doing it. I can't see your face but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders. You just thought I was a d**." Sam: "Guy's good." (The Monster at the End of this Book)

Poll 62 - Dean: "We hunt demons." Andy: "What?" Sam: "Dean." Dean: "Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam here he's my brother." Sam: "Dean, shut up." Dean: "I'm trying. He's psychic kind of like you. Well not really like you, but see he thinks you're a murderer and he's afraid he's going to become one himself because you're all part of something that's terrible. And I hope the hell that he's wrong but I'm starting to get a little scared that he might be right." (Simon Said)

Screencap by Home of the Nutty

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  1. Hey guys, we will take a break after this one for the Favorite Show poll. Don't forget to spread the word. This is a great time to discuss TV.

    49. Objectify gets my vote. It is one of the best Dean and Bela exchanges and they had quite a few winners. I prefer Sam's "I have an idiot for a brother" quote from FPB anyway.

    50. Sorry Dean but cookie beats pie for me in this instance. I prefer the pie quote that lost to this one and I love the Asylum quote. I do however like the pie video, which I feel duty bound to share any time I can. Forgive me if you've already seen it. I post it a lot because it makes me laugh and I also meant to post it last time and forgot.

    51. I used to really like the Blues Brothers quote but it's growing a little stale on me these days. However, I still think the love Bobby shows for the Winchesters is inspiring. Bobby love for the win hopefully.

    52. Short and funny are my default picks. Besides, who didn't say it with Dean? This is a whole fandom quote.

    53. Two great brother quotes here. Wish they weren't against each other. Still my vote goes to Big Brother Dean, one of my favorites. I love how Dean may be just as worried as Sam but he is going to comfort Sam all he can. Dean has all the right words here.

    54. Again short funny beats long funny. Besides that movie really was terrible. I wouldn't blame the spirits for trying to close it down.

    55. Not a huge fan of the fairy tale quote and especially not when it is going against the best serious Sam quote of them all. I hope this one goes to the final four.

    56. Hot nurses beat upstairs brain but only because Dean says it's so.

  2. 57. I adore evil-kicking Dean a lot. I really do, but I am not sure any quote can make me vote against "No chick flick moments." That's my motto and the #1 "Words to Live By" that I wish they had stuck to.

    58. Big Bad Wolf is going to be decimated by fairies in this one but since I can't stand the fairies quote, he gets my vote.

    59. This is one big, long emoangsty cryfest speeches I would actually vote for…if it weren't going against the panic room. Nothing but wood chipper beats a panic room.

    60. I much prefer the cryfest over Sam's body in AHBL2 to AHBL1. I'm going with brother banter because it really would be awkward if Sam shot Dean again.

    61. Dean's "eat me" has no prayer in this contest but it definitely gets my vote.

    62. Hmm, I like both of these. They are both long. I give it to Andy making Dean tell the truth because Andy was awesome and also because this one was funny AND packed an emotional punch, a 2 for 1 special.

    63. Since I'm 95% sure that clowns kill is going to win this, my vote goes to Intense Dean. I like both quotes though.

    64. This is one of my favorite Crowley quotes of all. It definitely gets my vote. I loved the freak quote in Skin during the first season but once we finished season 5, freak had been turned into a bad word on SPN so it's kind of lost its luster for me.

  3. as Jason explained I am shocked that someone able to get paid $9170 in 4 weeks on the computer. did you read this web link w­w­w.K­E­P­2.c­o­m

  4. like Amber implied I didn't know that a person can profit $9135 in one month on the internet. have you read this site link w­w­w.K­E­P­2.c­o­m

  5. just as Doris explained I am impressed that anyone able to get paid $6142 in a few weeks on the computer. did you look at this website w­w­w.K­E­P­2.c­o­m

  6. Patrick Maloney7 July 2013 at 22:29

    Angry Sex because even though people might hate her I freaking loved the character, Extra Cookie, Phantom Traveler, Benders (it is my favorite of this bunch), Dream a Little Dream of Me because it really was a low point not of quality but desperation in Dean, Hollywood Babylon because that was just the Snarkiest episode, Bedtime Stories which is another one of my favorite quotes of this bunch, Faith another one of my favorite quotes of the bunch, The Magnificent Seven but partly because it is probably not gonna win, Bedtime Stories because it really was weird, Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester because it's my favorite quote from Bobby, Asylum, The Benders, Simon Said, Everybody Loves a Clown because it totally added to Sam's character, and last but definitely not least Skin

  7. 49 --- Folsom Prison blues

    50 --- I really wanted to go with the cookie but I had to pick the pie

    51 --- They grew up heroes. So easy!

    52 --- I shot the sheriff. But you didn't shoot the deputy. (best not lose!)

    53 ---

    54 --- couldn't decide so I voted with the minority. spirits think movie sucks

    55 ---

    56 --- upstairs brain

    57 --- chick flick - some great character defining one liners in the pilot

    58 --- close one…but I had to go with fighting the fairies.

    59 --- Obviously, Bobby's panic room

    60 --- awkward (the death speech is beautiful but it's not a quote. It's even
    called a speech in the poll. [sorry couldn't resist])

    61 --- Eat me!

    62 ---

    63 --- I'll tell you who I am. I don't get the other quote. the one that's winning. Sorry

    64 --- we're a pair of freaks…though in general I thought this pair of quotes was
    kind of week.

  8. 49. Don't objectify me.
    50. I love me some pie.
    51. Bobby and his adopted boys
    52. Henriksen: "I shot the sheriff." Dean: "But you didn't shoot the deputy." This was to good for me not to put the whole quote here. It was perfect. Can't believe so far we have voted the same.
    53. Yep again, big brother Dean
    54. Parting ways on this one, Angel and Demon in back seat.
    55. Sam: "You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."

    56. Like both of these, going with upstairs brain

  9. 57. No Chick Flick Moments
    58. As much as I enjoyed Clap Your Hands, this quote never did anything for me, Killing the Big Bad Wolf gets my vote
    59. Had to go with Dean's call to Bobby, but I liked the Panic Room one also.
    60. Sam shooting Dean would be awkward.
    61.Love Cas, but just don't see what everyone sees in that quote..went with Eat Me.
    62. Don't really care which one of these wins, but I went with Sam's brooding shoulders
    63.Trust me. And the next time you see me, I'll be there to kill you. This was filled with emotion.
    64. Crowley This isn't Wall Street. This is hell. We have a little something called integrity. I laughed so hard over this.

  10. I voted with majority (so far) for all but 2 or 3 polls.

  11. I'm so glad the Jus In Bello quote is winning in its cat.

  12. I'm kind of surprised that "don't objectify me" isn't winning. I never thought people thought the FPB quote was anything that special.

    I think the ones where we differ, you are going to be the big winner although it does look like we might get another tie with #56. I would be good with that.

  13. If no chick flick moments has to lose, I guess I'm glad that kick butt Dean will kick it out. If it lost to some drippy, emoangsty cryfest, I would be the one crying. Looks like we're both going to be disappointed with today's results in this batch.

  14. I think Bela was a lot of fun. If they had toned her down just a little bit, I think the majority of the fandom would have warmed to her.

  15. #52 - I think this one has a few more polls in it. You can rest easy.

    #57 - The pilot is the most quotable episode of them all to me.

    #60 - Technically this is a quote because only one person is talking. It's also a speech because it is so long.

    #63 - It's the episode with the killer clown in it from season 2. Dean's fear is flying. Sam's fear is clown. Sam was trying to show his fear is as valid as Dean's.

    #64- agreed although I would love to see a Crowley quote make it at least to round 4. Isn't going to happen unfortuantely.

  16. If it can make it in the next round (which could be tough), I think it will be in the final 8 quotes. It's a widely recognized quote and a lot of people felt like they were in on the joke as Dean said it.

  17. Patrick Maloney8 July 2013 at 05:05

    I think it was more that she was introduced during the shortened season, so there was a higher concentration of Bela

  18. That could be a factor too. Of course she was in the same number of episodes as Ruby was that year and people were more favorable towards Ruby at that point. Personally I was rooting for Bela to make it while I wanted Ruby dead from the second she made her tree ninja entrance.

  19. Yes m'amn, quote and speech. got it. :-D

  20. Well, it's one of the quotes I'll never get. I've come to believe it refers to some widely known song or something, but for me it's as dumb as it gets.

  21. It comes from a famous Bob Marley song from the 70's. You should check it out. You might like it.

  22. 49 Prison quote. Dean is a jail-bird at heart.:)

    250 AHBL quote. The lightheartedness before the tragedy.

    251 The blues brothers. the first time we see them in suits.Aww!

    I should love the Bobby quote but somehow it doesn't grab me as it should; go figure!

    252 I shot the sheriff has to get it.

    253 I love that quote from Nightmare and how Dean tries his best to honour it.

    254 I didn't particularly like Hollywood Babylon but I do think Sam's delivery of
    that line is funny. The film did suck. :)

    255 Sam's quote. That's my Sammy, not Carver's version!

    256 In true Dean fashion he wants to die surrounded by hot chicks.

    I hope you get it Dean; beats being blasted by some slimy fugly!

    257 I like both these quotes a lot, but I can't betray the chick-flicks. :)

    Dean going to fight the wolf tickles my fancy!

    259 I love this line where Dean calls Sam his 'Beautifil Mind' brother and the
    sentiment that is behind it. We go out together.Yes Dean!

    Dean's speech in ALBL

    261 The Benders quote for me. Snarky Dean while in a difficult situation is irrisistable.

    262 The brooding shoulders scene is one of the few I like about that episode

    263 I can't decide between these. Like them both. Clowns kill and creepy gramps.I'll give it to clowns as they are an accepted part of SPN now. :)

    264 I really like these two as well. Love Crowley's quote, but the brothers being freaks together gets it.

  23. I just checked them at 5AM and shake my head at some that are losing.. :(

  24. Yes, it is from a song. The lyrics go something like, "I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy." I've heard it once. Haha!

  25. I hated everything about Bela AND I wasn't online at the time.

    Back during Season 3, I just watched the show each week and didn't chat w/anyone about it. I thought Bela was fine in her very first episode, but afterwards, I kept wondering why she kept showing up. In the episode where she (unbelievably) steals that hand from Dean's INSIDE coat pocket, I was over her. Haha! I chuckled when Dean mentioned how she sold the one thing that could have saved her life and told Sam they were leaving. When she was coughing up water, I was hoping she'd die. I couldn't stand her.

    I did like KC's Ruby though. I never trusted anything Ruby said, but she was, IMO, a better fit for the show. Bela had no heart or soul so it wasn't surprising she wasn't better rec'd. Our main characters put their lives on the line on a daily basis for strangers so I'm not sure why Kripke & Co. thought a ruthless, cold character like Bela would be well-liked. She was too much of a departure from all the other characters on the show.

    I do like LC's Maggie on TWD!

  26. Fight the faeries was just a really memorable quote and funny moment. I voted for it. When I think of it, it always makes me laugh. I loved CYHIYB! The entire thing was funny to me. I also enjoyed Robo!Sam's 4th kind quote. That entire conversation was hilarious, IMO!

  27. I agree about RoboSam, this ep is one of my favorite of the series..Jared was awesome with the straight face delivery. I read somewhere that the Fight the Fairies was embellished by Jensen and that does sound like something he would do.

  28. Well, thanks, it's good to know. I don't really get the song either (now that I've heard it for the first time), but of course I've enjoyed some other really good Bob Marley's songs.

  29. RoboSam was the best thing about CYHiYB. However those two quotes were ones I could not stand. I love the wackadoodle quote, when he tells UFO hunter he sucks at his job, and his conversation with Patchouli right after that. I prefer when RoboSam is slightly confrontational and saying things real Sam never would to people. I find these two quotes very juvenile in comparison.

  30. Yeah, it's going to be a rough end to some of my favorite quotes today. Oh well, at least they got into the contest to begin with. "No chick flick moments" is still my favorite quote in the entire series.

  31. I like this episode a bit more now than I did the first time I watched it. I still think introducing fairies as more powerful than angels and demons was a mistake that could come back to bite them. I am glad we have not revisited that again, which makes me a little more positive about it.

  32. What do you mean by she "shot Sam and Dean while they were sleeping"? She shot Sam yes and that's why I have no idea why he would lust after her. She stole the Colt while they were dreamwalking. The only people I remember who shot both Dean and Sam, when they just woke up, was Walt and Roy.

    I had no problem with Bela's selfish attitude. I found it refreshing and a good foil for the other characters. However I do think it got old that she was continually besting Dean and Sam. That should have been downplayed a bit, and it was later on when fans were howling about it. I think the biggest reason why people hated Bela is because she made the brothers look dumb. If they had tempered that I think she would have stayed around as a character. Personally I wouldn't have minded seeing her in season 4.

  33. I'm glad you tried it even if the quote love doesn't make sense to you. :-)

  34. #55 - This is my favorite serious Sam quote. I hope it makes it into the final four now that my beloved "no chick flick moments" is leaving. It had such a punch and yet was still short and sweet. This is the perfect way to do brother speeches and I hope more of them are like this.

  35. Well, now I've heard it once too. I guess it has been widely popular for other areas.or demos.

  36. Well, I do try to understand. Sometimes it buffles me how different other people's tastes are, and I try to understand them when they are a majority. You know, when choosing episodes or songs there is always so much to appreciate in them, even if you dislike some bits. But I initially thought choosing a quote was simpler: you euther like it or dislike it. I've learned that choosing a quote has also a lot of nuancing: you might have liked or disliked the scene, the character, the acting, the pop references made, the implications, or even some song that relates to it. But I find it harder to persuade any one that it might be better or worse, I mean if it doesn't work for you it just doesn't. At least it feels better when you have an explanation of why others do like it so much.

  37. In her last episode, she entered the room where she thought Sam and Dean were sleeping and shot them both in what would have been their heads had they actually been sleeping there. Thankfully, they knew she was on her way to murder them so they left before she could do it.

    I think Dean may have left her a message or he may have even called her. I do remember him telling her that if she had been honest w/them, they would have tried to help her but since she was a mean-spirited witch (my words not his), she was on her own and would likely die. It was a good scene. I think that's when we also see the FBs of the sexual abuse she endured by her father. For me, it was a little too late to flesh our her character and give her some depth. I love a good villain, but most villains or bad guys - at least good ones - are written w/some depth and layers. Bela was very one-dimensional. She was always looking out for herself and would sell anyone out to the highest bidder. That's why I think her schtick could work for one episode, not multiple episodes. I saw her and immediately thought, "How is she going to screw over the boys this week?"

    I think it would have been fine if Bela bested the boys but Kripke never tried to make that besting believable. For instance, how in the world did she steal that giant monkey hand from Dean's inside jacket pocket? They didn't show it to us b/c there was no believable way for her to do that. Dean went to the trouble of putting it there b/c he didn't trust her, so he wouldn't have taken off his jacket in her presence. And his tux was . . . not tight . . . but fitting. He would have surely felt her putting her hand in the inside of his jacket and taking out that HUGE monkey hand or whatever it was. Haha! And after screwing them over, she randomly calls Dean and he gives her his location? Really?!?!?! Why would he do that? She had shown herself to be completely untrustworthy at that point so that made no sense to me. Why would he even answer her calls? Why does she have his number? And then why would they leave her in the room w/them while taking that dream root? Again, she's a known liar, manipulator, and all-around bad person. Why show her where the colt has been hidden?

    Much like this past season, I didn't find their reactions or actions around her to be genuine or believable. Yes, the boys can make mistakes but the Bela stuff was OTT. Plus, it didn't help that she had no redeemable qualities. The main characters are too good to hang around the likes of her.

  38. Oh, yes, it is very popular song! Did you like it?

  39. Awesome post. More than any other fandom I have been in, people approach Supernatural from so many different angles that there is very little fans agree on. It makes the fandom diverse, interesting, passionate, and contentious. We all bring so much SPN baggage to everything that it makes these contests more fun usually. I rarely feel the same way as most of the fandom, especially when it comes to drama elements, but it leads to some great discussion. For me, I grew up with the song so the quote has a special place in my heart. However, I will never like the fairies quote that so many others love. It was overdone even the first time I saw the episode although it definitely stuck out.

    I thought quotes would be fairly easy for me to judge what would win and what wouldn't but it has been surprisingly difficult. I am usually about 95% right with these big summer contests but a few here have stumped me. I think you are right that a whole host of factors play into which quote people vote for. A lot of these tie to big emotional moments that play on people's feelings so even if the quote itself is nothing special, the sense memory behind it is powerful. There's also going to be times when what episode it is in or who said it may also influence people's votes. We found out in the big song-to-scene polls that it is often hard for people to separate their overall feelings from what we are specifically looking at.

  40. Patrick Maloney8 July 2013 at 22:40

    Hah! Ruby grew on me, though I will say I did like Katie Cassidy

  41. Well, actually not much. I get the music is quite the style of Marley's, that I usually enjoy, but the lyrics sound too kryptic to me. Supposedly it has a very deep sense, but it's really obscure, so I don't get the message or don't really want to try, because it's not transmitted in a way that makes it interesting for me to find out. Anyway I'm not an expert on popular songs, I usually get to like one only when it comes attached to something else that I like or if it's just supremely beautiful or brilliant or it touches me in a special way..This one is a bit of a disappointment, but probably it's just unfamiliar and sort of unappealing for a first taste.

  42. Thanks for your detailed reply. There are many moments that I feel in the minority in these polls, but I'm actually kind of glad with today's results, most of them are good for me. I also don't like the fairies line very much (and really love the Big Bad Wolf quote which got beaten by it), but the quote that I'm saddest to lose today is the one from Simon Said, although I also find brilliant the "brooding shoulders". There are just some magical moments in SPN like these two, it's just hard to have them facing each other so soon.

  43. I also am sad to see the Simon Said quote out so soon. Many of my favorites have been booted this time around.

  44. You are right on my wavelength. I never did like Ruby. Was pissed when she was the one who survived season three.

  45. This. It's the writers' fault that Bela didn't work. They had to write the Winchesters as stupid in order for her to win. When she should've had to work HARDER to get what she wanted from them. That would've been more interesting to watch and truer to the Winchester smarts.

    Either way, I'm over it now. Lauren Cohan kills it on The Walking Dead. I love show!Maggie a million times more than comic!Maggie.

  46. I know the original version, but thanks to this song, it's the first thing that comes to mind when I hear that line:

  47. I think the song is about the social injustices towards blacks in that time period. Not to say it's not still around, but this was out in '73? Yeah, still pretty tense that close to the 60s. Add in the irony that the Sheriff is named "John Brown", someone every Kansan is VERY familiar with, since he was an abolitionist who tried to raid a federal weapons depot to arm the slaves so they could rebel against their masters.

  48. I didn't even remember the brooding shoulders quote because I've blocked that episode out. I hated anything fourth wall breaking or meta fandom on this series.

  49. I thoroughly despise TMatEotB, so I feel you. It lead to Chuck and the books and nothing good has come from them. However I did think teh brooding shoulders quote was funny.

  50. It's definitely about social justice like most of Marley's songs. I like how it talks of a man who killed out of self defense because the system was corrupt.

  51. I always think of the Eric Clpaton version because that's how I heard it first. Or at least the first time I remembered it.

  52. I think they could have done a better job of balancing them out. I would love them taking turns one upping each other with everyone shown as intelligent and capable.

  53. I cannot tell you how much I wanted Ruby to be dead, not just in another body. She had a couple of great lines but other than that, she annoyed me from teh start.

  54. I've still got the cassette tape version of Clapton's Greatest Hits, with a lot, of my favs on it, Leila, Sheriff, Wonderful Tonight, etc.Great stuff. :)

  55. I just got my cassette tapes moved over to digital last year. There are a couple of kids' ones I used in my classroom that I still cannot find though. Very sad.

  56. I have a really big collection of casettes, mostly stored away now though.

    My sons are great fans of the seventies and eighties music ( I'm so thankful they dislike the modern stuff ) and they have nearly everything in cd's although they're just about old-fashioned too.:(

  57. I'm going to have to listen to it now! I'll be back to let you know what I think :-)

  58. That definitely would have been better than her always outsmarting them and S/D acting like morons around her!

  59. I hear ya . . . but it was a comedic episode so it was fine to me.

  60. It is one of my favorite S6 episodes too. I found it funny from beginning to end.
    I'm sure Jensen did embellish the line :-)

  61. I'm thinking Kripke purposefully wrote her horribly. I always thought that after learning she was forced on him by Dawn O.
    Given how she was written, it was not at all surprising to me that she was not well-received by the audience. Bela had no redeeming qualities. Beyond her first episode, I found nothing entertaining about her. She just got on my nerves.
    But I love her Maggie!

  62. OK. That would be interesting to know.


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