Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Homeland - Episode 3.02 - Title Revealed

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Homeland - Episode 3.02 - Title Revealed

23 May 2013

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Episode 3.02 of Homeland will be called "Uh... Oo... Aw..."

Source: STV Episode Database


  1. This sounds like a sitcom title.

  2. Sounds like a title that's going to cause every TV site out there to disagree on the spelling. It doesn't have any definitive correct way of spelling. I hate when this happens.

  3. More monkey sex scenes with Carrie and Brody.

  4. Brody and Carrie won't be seeing eachother anytime soon...

  5. Blindfolded monkey sex then?

  6. Maybe it's phone monkey sex? (If it is, it sounds like somewhat disappointing phone sex - what with the "aw" at the end.)

  7. Maybe that's when zombie Nazir arrives to the scene. Crazier things have happened on this show! ;)


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