Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Le Vol des Cigognes (Flight of the Storks) - Wallpaper + Sneak Peek

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Le Vol des Cigognes (Flight of the Storks) - Wallpaper + Sneak Peek

5 Jan 2013

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Blogger limits uploads of pictures below 1600x900 pixels, here's the full 1920x1080 version.

If you want to know more on this 3-hour miniseries airing on January 21 & 28 on Canal+ (DVD release on Jan. 31), click here. I'll post a thread full of pictures from this two-part TV movie in a few days.

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  1. That first wallpaper/poster is very cool

  2. Yeah! It's incredible! The scene in the trailer was cool too! Is this French and English language? If not I hope there are subtitles...

  3. Wow,that first shot is outstanding!

  4. Indeed! I think we would have to find it somewhere,unless you get canal+,i know i don't.

  5. I certainly don't you want to build a teleportation devise and travel to some random person who live's in France's apartment to watch it with me?

  6. I'm game,maybe we should ask Bunky Bunk since he lives on that side of the world! :)

  7. Yes french !!! I'm glad to know both languages ; ppppppp
    I think we can find them somewhere ;) I'll try to find some !

  8. You can check in the website, but I really think it's like me, I can't watch videos from CBS site because it's said that the video isn't available here :)

    Come to my house !!! :pppppppppp

  9. I'll bring the popcorn! ;)

  10. Cool !!! I'm waiting for you :pppp lol

  11. Cool !!!! LOL ! I'm waiting for you !


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