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The Walking Dead - Interview with James Allen McCune

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How did you enter the show? Did you participate of any audition or were you invited to join the cast?
James Allen McCune: I did! It’s actually a pretty interesting story. I had always intended on getting on TWD, and there’s a huge amount of people I know who did extra work on the show as zombies, but I always declined offers to be a zombie because I wanted a part more substantial. (Not that being a Zombie isn’t important, they’re the reason I have a job after all) I had been meaning to ask my agent about it, and it just so happens that the one time I remember to hit him up, they were having an audition for a character named Jimmy the very next day. Usually you have to be picked to audition for parts, which I wasn’t, but my agent thought it wouldn’t hurt to slip my tape in. I really lucked out, I never had a call back or met any of the casting directors. We just submitted a tape of me reading and supposedly Frank Darabont picked me. I just hate more than anything that I never had a chance to thank him face to face.

Tell us a little about your character, Jimmy. What can we wait of him in this new season of The Walking dead?
JAM: Well as the posters can tell you, Rick and his group show up on a farm this season. It’s in the middle of nowhere and the man who owns the place is named Hershel Greene. He has three daughters, Patricia (Played by Jane McNeal,) Maggie (Played by Lauren Cohan,) and the youngest is Beth (Played by Emily Kinney.) Jimmy is Beth’s boyfriend, and he has been taken in by the Greene family. The farm is pretty shaken by these people just showing up on their doorstep, but I guess you could say that Jimmy kind of sees it as an opportunity to make new friends. The chance to meet new people and fit in somewhere kind of left in the apocalypse, so these new people are almost a way out of the stagnant world he’s been forced to live in.

Source: Full interview @ Walking Dead Brazil

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