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Castle - Season 4 - Jennifer Beals to guest star in two parter

12 Dec 2011

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Jennifer Beals will join the cast of the ABC drama for a two-episode arc during February sweeps, has learned exclusively. She will play Sophia Conrad, a smart, commanding and sexy CIA operative.

Sophia joins Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) in the search for a fellow CIA agent who has gone rogue and is now the key suspect in Castle and Beckett's murder case. But Beckett soon becomes distracted by the fact that Castle and Sophia have quite a complicated history.

Beals' two-parter is slated to air in February.

Read more at TV Guide


  1. Okay, I am really excited for this and I can't wait! Plus, Castle's two parter episodes are always amazing.

  2. I love her.

    Random fact: According to some list on IMDB, she is black. 

  3. Castle has said that, statistically speaking, sooner or later it would be the CIA... 

    Can't wait to see Beckett's expression when it finally really is!

  4. oh I like her. this sounds great.

  5. THIS IS AWESOME! I love Jennifer Beals **.

  6. anyone else thinks that this sounds a lot like jealous Kate?

    And yeah. Finally Castle will be right about his CIA theories xD

  7. Historical_Materialist12 December 2011 at 19:15

    This will fun.  I miss Chicago Code.

  8. She's biracial. Her father was black and her mother was white.

    I'm excited about this. I like this show's two parters and I loved Jennifer Beals in The Chicago Code.

  9. We're getting a CIA theory Come true!!

  10. YES! Jealous Beckett is always great!

    And Jennifer Beals is a very good actress, so YAY

  11. Interesting. I'd really like to know more about this history they have, and I've been waiting for an episode where a potential romantic interest for Castle is seen in more than one episode at a time. I mean, Becket's two previous boyfriends on the show had multiple appearances in a row. And Castle was notably jealous during each of those appearances. So far, that's been extremely unbalanced.

  12. Hmmm it is looking like there is much more to Rick Castle. I was wondering why Rick was able to do so many things that are similar to spycraft. Now we learn of this CIA babe.

  13. Always love Castle's two-parter episodes and hopefully this will bring out enough of jealous Kate to finally bring them together.

  14. I agreee the two parter episodes were always great!!

  15. Complicated history? Oh dang, does that mean jealous Beckett will be back?? I'm sure Castle will be thrilled that it's finally the CIA :) Can't wait, their two-parters are always amazing!!

  16. That's sounds like a great story line, can't believe we'll have to wait for February for that.

  17. Awesome.  Beals was so great on The Chicago Code I've been hoping she'd take a similar role elsewhere.  This will definitely do for now.

  18. I'm beyond excited and I don't even watch Castle. But for Jennifer Beals I totally will be.  I was so pissed when Chicago Code got cancelled it was actually a good show! I need them to do a L Word reunion or movie or something. I need more Jennifer Beals in my life.

  19. I love Jennifer, I bet she's gonna be an amazing character.

  20. should be interesting.. I love her!

  21. Oh man! Another 2-parter? Can't wait! :D

  22. Loved her on The L Word and Lie To Me. Excited to see her on Castle.

  23. Can't wait to see Jennifer and her hotness. She was great in the Chicago Code.... I had to chuckle when I saw that the target of the case will involve a CIA agent as that is one of Castle's fave running theories about virtually any case... that and something mob related... lol

  24. This is gonna be good,can't wait!

  25. ** Does the happy happy dance **

  26. CIA agent? now if we have mob hit elsewhere, Castle's insane theories will be sane LOL. Can't wait!
    joke aside, I'm glad we will finally be able to learn sth about Rick Castle.
    May be some day we will know who his father is and why his 2 marriages fail, things like that.

  27. Squeee! Jennifer Beals is one of my favorite actresses!

    By complicated history, I assume Castle and Sophia may have been involved at some point. I'm totally a Caskett shipper, but hmm...

  28. Can't say I am fussed one way or another about her guest role.  Still, as it's Castle I'll be watching regardless.


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