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FRINGECAST: Case File S04005- "Novation"

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It’s been a long wait, but at last, It’s Fringecast time again!

Make your way to iTunes or to our feed right now, and grab the long-awaited podcast about the oft-delayed fifth episode of Fringe, “Novation”.

Peter’s back at last! Hooray! So what happens now? If you have any theories or suggestions E-mail us, get in touch via Twitter, or leave a message on our Facebook page. You can also find our website by going to and clicking on the ‘Podcasts’ page. If you’d like to give us a call and maybe have your message played on the show, you can get hold of us at 442-777-FRNG. That’s 442-777-3764.

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See you next week!

The Fringecasters

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