Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Glee-Episode 3.03- Asian F- Review

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Glee-Episode 3.03- Asian F- Review

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E! Online called tonight's episode of Glee, 'the best Glee EVER' do you agree? Before I get into that tonight's episode entitled Asian F dealt directly with Mike Chang's A- he received on his Chemistry Test, or now known as an Asian F. This introduced Mike's very strict Father who finds his sons love for dance, Glee club and his girlfriend to be distractions from his sons future, to become a doctor or lawyer from Harvard University.

This starts the number one conflict of the episode, should Mike follow his dream of being a dancer or should he forget it all to please his father. The dilemma is represented in a very beautiful, stylized way that I have never seen Glee approach before. Mike's big scene opens with him dancing in real time to no music where every scrape of the floor and exhaled breathe is heard. This technique made for the viewer to be very present within his movements and it also helped to build emotion when Mike is seen battling his father's voice, who was sometimes reflected through the mirror and then disappeared. The same technique was shown with Tina as she encourages Mike to keep dancing. His expression of love and passion for dancing is what made her fall in love with him. This whole sequence was very well done and a great insight into Mike.

The other big dilemma of the episode came from Mercedes whose feeling like she is not appreciated in the Glee club. Encouragement from her boyfriend has her trying out for the role of Maria, which puts her in direct conflict with Rachel, who believes she already has the role (which she totally should). This causes a great and heated argument with not only Mr. Schue but with the whole Glee club, including Rachel. Amber Riley acted the crap out of her performance, truly she was wonderful to watch.

But who else is sick of the writers pitting Rachel against Mercedes? Anybody? Nobody? Just me? Seriously though enough with this yo-yo of hating each other, to being best friends to hating each other again, it is no longer believable. I understand what they are trying to do with Mercedes but it is no longer plausible because the truth? Rachel deserves the lead role, not because Lea is a Broadway star, simply Lea is the better singer and a better performer the latter appeals to Rachel. The absolute essence of character is never better portrayed then through Rachel. It's time that the writers stop writing Rachel as some bad guy for wanting things to much, because she's already made it very clear she always wants things to much, but this time it is warranted she is the better Maria.

This leads Rachel to do something drastic and crazy * rolls eyes* and she decides to run against Kurt for student president that not only puts her at odds with Kurt, but also with Finn. There are a lot of Gleeks out there that do not like Finn or find him to be a supportive boyfriend, but I think he is doing things right, he should feel compelled to vote against Rachel and he shouldn't give that up. The reason I say this is because there is no way Rachel is going to win the election, it's not possible not with the way she has been written from season 1, she's not liked by anyone other then the Glee club, and that's all on the writers. He needs to stick to his guns and explain to Rachel that she is suited to find greatness in a different way, and that she should not steal the spotlight from someone like Kurt who can make a difference for the school.

Tonight's episode also featured an insight into Emma's life where we get to meet her parents, ginger supremacists (what?)who do not understand Emma's issues and refer to her as Freaky Deaky, an incredibly hurtful and tactless nickname. We also get to see Emma as a child where we discover that her parents are kind of racist to every race except those who are ginger. Flashes of a young Emma wiping down her cup of water, handed to her by a Latino, with a hand wipe is just enough insight to know where her disorder comes from.

This leads to an emotional scene with Will and Emma where she prepares to pray, for God to cure her of her disorder so that she could be normal and happy and move on with her life with Will, possibly marriage. The scene was beautifully acted by Jayma Mays, truly touching and heartbreaking.

The Music:

First up was Mercedes singing Spotlight by Jennifer Hudson. She killed it, Amber's range is very enjoyable with songs like this one. It tied in great with the story line, a good audition song. Was it up to par compared to Rachel's extraordinary performance of Somewhere from last weeks episode, no, not even close, but it was still the perfect performance for her, and defiantly showcased that she could play Maria.

Brittany-Girls (We Run the World) originally by Beyonce. First off how amazing of a dancer is Heather, i mean she killed it, she is so fierce. The song was used perfectly as a way of recruiting people to vote for her in the presidential election, girls do make up the greater population of schools, so why not speak to that. As for her vocals, Heather doesn't have a strong voice, its good, but the music directors cheat it by layering her voice with back up vocal's, this becomes apparent when Naya sings and the background is suddenly silent. But a great performance for Heather, I hope in the future they decide to showcase her vocals without an extensive dance routine.

Mike Chang-Cool: I don't know who the original is and frankly didn't try to find out, I did not like the song at all. For Mike? it was perfect it showcased just enough of Harry's vocals but nothing drastic. It was a great audition piece, but like Heather they rely on his dancing as more of the focal point, rather than his singing. Mike is a great character, and Harry plays him the right way. So overall the performance was good.

Mercedes, Ensable: It's all Over-Dream Girls. Early reviews of this episode made a point of mentioning that the transition from scene to song were very well done. Well they lied about this one. Vocally Amber is on fire hitting amazing notes perfect placement of vibrato, and esthetically the audience understands that they're watching a 'scene' from Dream Girls. The problem was the transition didn't make sense, the lyrics did, the set up didn't. The lyrics are about Mercedes as Effie feeling unappropriated and overworked by Mr. Schue and the Glee kids and that was demonstrated, but the random costume change was weird, but how cute did Finn look with his hair slicked back,how about Puck's vocals, pretty amazing. Overall it was a good performance, but awkward transition. Also what was with Chris' ridiculously high range, anyone else cringe? I love his voice but they need to let him singing in his lower register.

Out Here on My Own- Fame: Another Diva Off between Rachel and Mercedes. As I already stated this is over played and just tired, but Lea and Amber singing together is always amazing and they always get the best songs. My point earlier about this storyline is demonstrated perfectly in this scene with the performances between the two of them. Rachel is singing the lyrics as she feels them, the lyrics are represented as something she has faced and will overcome, Mercedes attacks the lyrics like she did Mr. Schue, she refuses to lose and to be wrong. Don't get me wrong I love Mercedes but they need to stop pitting these two against each other, they should be working together.

Lastly Fix You- Coldplay. This is my favorite Coldplay song of all time, so imagine my excitement when i hear they're singing it. First, episode wise it fit perfectly the lyrics speak for themselves and Mr. Schue singing them to Emma was so beautiful. This last scene felt like a back to basics episode of Glee for me, i miss the big group numbers. My only complaint is Matt Morrison voice, I don't like that they tried to make him sing in a falsetto when that's not his vocal range, but I'm picky about what I hear, clearly.

Overall the episode gets 3.5/5, great music and great performances, the storyline for some characters could've been better. Also anyone else surprised by Mercedes jump to Shelby's currently unnamed Glee club? I didn't think so.

Acting performance of the episode goes to Jayma Mays, she played Emma's distraught and avoidance of her tragic flaw so beautifully that you don't even pity her, but hope that she finds her happiness.

Performance of the night- Fix You, I love the song and I love what it symbolized it was well done and was beautifully arranged.

Close second goes to Mercedes for Spotlight I could not stop tapping my feet, its a great jam and Amber's voice is heaven.

Earlier I asked if you all agreed with E!Online as this being the best episode of Glee ever? This is a difficult question to answer because depending who your favorite character is and what you'd like to see the question is completely subjective. For me? More Finchel and wayyyy more Quick, i look forward to seeing the development of these couples, especially Quick. What do you guys think? Let me know
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Notice: No Glee for three weeks, stupid Baseball.

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