Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Game of Thrones - Casting News - Rose Leslie is Ygritte!

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Game of Thrones - Casting News - Rose Leslie is Ygritte!

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Well the news everyone has been waiting for is out... Rose Leslie will play the role of Ygritte in Game of Thrones.

You know nothing about the casting of Ygritte! Until now: HBO is ready to unveil the final significant player added to the Game of Thrones second season cast.

Downton Abbey actress Rose Leslie has landed the key role of a Wildling woman that Jon Snow meets during during his adventures beyond the Wall. Ygritte is described as “strong-willed, witty, skilled in battle and survival in the wilderness. An unconventional beauty, skinny but strong with red hair (which the Wildlings consider ‘kissed by fire’).”

Source : EW InsideTV
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