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How I Met Your Mother - Season 7 - Creators say Barney, Robin, Ted storyline will "take a few episodes to explode"

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The final moments of Monday’s How I Met Your Mother could have been interpreted many ways. As Victoria boarded a bus out of Ted’s life, she left him with parting words, “There is a reason it didn’t work out between you and me. It’s Robin. She’s so much bigger in your world than you realize.”

Your post-episode confusion is exactly what creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas intended.

“We chose our words carefully as we always do, and it’s all right there,” Bays tells EW exclusively. “Obviously we’re not telling the whole story right away because there’s still a lot of story left, but I think Robin had always been an integral part in Ted’s life. If you look at all the moments that he’s kind of come close with girls, Robin has always kind of been there at the moment where it fell apart. If you look at him and Zoe, if you look at him and Stella, it’s definitely a monkey on his back that he needs to figure out how to move past, or, not move past.”

Read more at EW

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