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Fringe - POLL - Who Is In The Coffin?

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I think everyone here can agree that this last episode of Fringe had quite the startling ending. The promo's were even more startling. Walter speaking out of half of his mouth, Olivia's hair changed again, Broyles's eye not looking so good, a daughter perhaps, and then right out of the book of LOST, a coffin with no name. Now if you're a fan of theories, read on. If not and you would just like to participate in the poll simply scroll down and vote.

Alright over the seasons Fringe has showed us the difference between characters in many different ways; hair color, hair style, clothing; etc. This promo tried two of those on Olivia for us.

Her hair looks different and her clothing isn't the way she normally dresses. In the, "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide" Peter remarks that she only ever wears black. Besides her vest she's not waring black. Conincedence maybe, mabye not. Perhaps the different look is simply to distinguish between future Olivia and our Olivia.

Now to move on to the child of Peter and Fauxlivia. Now we know that on the other side Fauxlivia gave birth to a boy. However there are a number of different variables (Daniel Faraday is getting red) that you have to consider. One, Peter and our Olivia have been together for a while now so maybe they had a child and it is a girl. Two, if the universes merged then I suppose some strange thing could cause a sex change. That would be kind of weird though. Three, maybe it's not a girl at all, maybe it's just a boy with long hair.

Next up on the over analyzing list is Broyles. If you haven't seen the promo photo yet here it is. He doesn't look so good. Perhaps if the two universes merged and Broyles merged with his other self, who's dead, he got this half dead eye thing. I don't know about that one, just a theory.

Now the biggest question of all, who is in the coffin? It reminds me of the, " Who Shot JR?" from Dallas a bit. Anyway you have to ask yourself a question who's coffin would peter be lighting up? In my mind the only candidates(thank you jacob) are going to be the Olivia's, Peter's children, or the Walter's.

But let's take a closer look to see who we can eliminate as possibilities.

We can see Peter(obviously), Broyles(to the right of Peter), and from the looks of it a Walter(center front). Also we can see some military men watching the coffin on fire to the right of Broyles. The only person I can think of who would get that sort of an attendance, like John Scott, would be Olivia or another Fringe agent.

I could go on and on but for the sake of my own sanity I won't. All that I know for a fact is that someone is going to meet a (delicious strawberry flavored) death in the finale. Now it's your guys turn to decide who you think will die. Vote below!

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