Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon V - Episode 2.10 - Mother's Day - Review

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V - Episode 2.10 - Mother's Day - Review

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The Fifth Column and the Visitors went head to head in “Mother’s Day”, the awesome season (and hopefully not series) finale for V.

Erica and The Fifth Column fool Anna and the World into thinking that they have taken Lisa hostage. The plan is to get Anna away from her security in order to assassinate her. Erica is on the FBI team helping Anna find Lisa. I’m still shocked Anna hadn’t worked it all out. I know she was suspicious but I think by now, it’s all quite obvious.

After questioning Jack about his involvement with the Fifth Column, Anna sends a tracker after Lisa and locates her at a warehouse. She fools the World into thinking she will happily sacrifice herself for her daughter. Once finding Lisa, Anna gives a speech to her about how human skin has changed her and has made her feel human emotion. Lisa misses the opportunity to kill Anna and falls back into her arms turning her back on the Fifth Column. Why Lisa, WHY?!

Back on the ship, Diana refuses to go back into her cell and instead, wants to return to her place as Queen. She gathers the Visitors on board the Mother-ship and gives a speech to them about living side by side with Humans. Of course, Anna is having none of it and kills her! Anna gives a strong speech reminding the Visitors that she is the Queen. I was a bit gutted to see Diana die, she was a brilliant character and I didn’t really feel like she brought as much as she had the potential too! But, it was an epic scene and it certainly reminded us that Anna really does have no emotion. I love the scenes when Anna is giving her speeches to the Visitors, I find them so powerful.

Anna, clearly aware of what Lisa has been up to behind her back, orders a regretful Lisa to be taken away by security. We watch another egg hatch and see a fully live V with no skin (I loved it). Anna orders skin to be put on the Visitor to look exactly like Lisa.

Sadly, Dianna wasn’t the only death in this episode. Ryan makes one last attempt to save his daughter, Amy. However, she is having none of it after losing her trust in him. Amy then kills him. Just like that. My mouth dropped. I did not see that coming. Total shock. I was also in complete and utter shock when Tyler died! Anna sent the fake Lisa to Tyler, who, after engaging in some sexual activity, killed him. The real Lisa was forced to watch from her cell. I just can’t get over Tyler dying. I really disliked him but that was one character I didn’t think they would kill, it made for some awesome television though.

After hearing Erica on the phone to Tyler, the FBI reveals to Erica that they have known all along about the Visitors. Again, complete shock! It turns out the FBI know all the secrets about the Visitors and also know that Anna is evil. They sense that something is wrong when Anna and Amy start sending bliss down to the Human race. The episode ends with Humans under the influence of Anna, including Jack.

Overall, the episode was brilliant. So many shocks and unexpected occurrences! All I will say that’s negative is that I feel like that could have been done over two episodes to allow the story to flow a bit more. But asides from that, brilliant. As far as I can tell, both Ryan and Tyler died. But can you kill a V just by simply breaking their neck?

I’ve really enjoyed this season of V, the actors have delivered a brilliant performance throughout the season and the characters have developed in a way that fits nicely with the show. I just hope ABC sees the following the show has and gives it a chance with a season 3. I’m sensing it all depends on how well Body of Proof does. I really think V deserves another season! We can’t be left with that many questions!

Thanks for reading the reviews this season and hopefully I shall be back for a season 3 ;)

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