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Question of the Day - What is your favourite Plot Device?

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Welcome to Today's Question of the Day. And please don;t forgot to submit your questions using the form below.

Today's Question of the day comes from Ricky Terry.

I'm curious what people here think about plot devices. For example: "Time Travel", "Deus Ex Machina", "The MacGuffin", "Shoulder Angel", "The Object", "Red Herring" "The Deathtrap" "Cliff Hangers" and "Plot Twists" As a huge fan of Lost, I've seen all of these used in the series' 6 year run at some point, and I liked it sometimes, and didn't at other times. I'm not familiar with many of the other shows that utilize some of these devices, so let me know what you guys think about your favorite shows using these or not, and what is your favorite plot device. Mine is "Time Travel" I love it.

Being a Lost/Sci-FI fan myself I have to admit that I'm a sucker for Time Travel plots/devices. Not many shows/films manage to do it well but here are a few from memory that I think do it well.

Terminator, Millennium, 12 Monkeys, Frequency,The Time Machine, Donnie Darko, Primer, Butterfly Effect, Time After Time.

I'm sure I've missed a bunch of good ones out.

So what about you? What plot devices do you enjoy and what are some good examples of them.

You can see previous Questions of the Day here.

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