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In Memoriam - Peggy Kennedy

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A heartbreaker to report tonight: according to Deadline, casting director Peggy Kennedy has died, a week after being diagnosed with cancer.

You probably don't know Kennedy's name, but you know her handiwork. She started out as a casting assistant on memorable series like L.A. Law and Chicago Hope, before leaving an indelible fingerprint in the business when she partnered with Debi Manwiller to become a well-known team in the casting circles.

How well-known? Well, Kennedy and Manwiller cast two of my favorite series of the last decade - 24 and most recently, Human Target. For those two shows alone, and all the wonderful talent she introduced me to through them, I certainly owe her a debt of gratitude.

She will be missed.

Brittany Frederick

Twitter: @tvbrittanyf

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