Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Nikita-Episode 1.09-One Way- Recap

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Nikita-Episode 1.09-One Way- Recap

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Tonight's episode of Nikita is without a doubt the seasons best, so far. Everything about this episode is the definition of who Nikita is. Viewers got to see for one thing, Nikita and Michael working together and some insight into Michael's past. If nothing else the episode show cased just how great Shane West is, something clearly lost on all those years in ER. As we find out before Michael was asked into Division he had a family, a wife and a beautiful daughter. The moment you set eyes on them you know that it isn't going to end well, and it doesn't. Michael thinks he is helping out a friend escape the powers of his country when really he just sets Michael up and literally blows up his whole world. Which brings us to the reason Michael is on the hunt, he is waiting to get his revenge on the man that killed his family. Nikita being well Nikita know's what Michael is going to do, and instead of stop him she instead helps him out.
Michael and Nikita's past has been alluded to in the past episodes, and if the picture above is any indication they sure have chemistry. And the good kind, the one riddled with angst and sexual tension-sure to leave viewers wanting more-i sure did and do. Shane and Q clearly have great chemistry as well and it needs to be explored like 2 episodes ago-once again i'm watching the scene above and practically yelling at the screen 'Make Out!' If there is one thing that fans should be looking forward to, it is without a doubt Michael and Nikita's past, and even more their future. The show is so going to go there and i cannot wait for some slow motion sex scenes that are sure gunna be spicy.
The end of the episode sets Nickel? Mickita? back about 50 steps compared to the 3 steps we were given. Nikita betray's Michael by calling the cops on him. He sees it as a betrayal i see it as she saving his life, which she did. We also got to see the real manipulative side of Percy-man is ruthless and i can't wait till he gets his.

The Moment of the Episode: Without a doubt the scene where Michael is in the airport bathroom talking to Nikita over ear pieces. He says he has nothing left to live for, to which Nikita replies 'you have me'. Maybe it's the shipper in me, but this was so great because not only did she mean it, he believed her-he just needed to get his revenge.
Looking forward too: Michael and Nikita relationship it needs to happen and when it does it is going to be EPIC

Overall this episode is 5/5 without a doubt i loved every second of it and i cannot wait to see what happens next.

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