Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Locke & Key - Fox Orders Pilot

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Locke & Key - Fox Orders Pilot

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Fox has officially ordered a pilot based on the comic book series Locke & Key.

The comics focus on Nina Locke and her three children who try to move on with their lives at the family home, Keyhouse, after surviving a horrible experience.

Mysterious keys are hidden within the mansion's walls and are being sought by a villainous character who has links to the Locke family's past.

Fringe producers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have signed up to executive produce the television show, which has been written by The Sarah Connor Chronicles scribe Josh Friedman.

Fox is also developing shows including a legal comedy drama, JJ Abrams's latest project Alcatraz, and a remake of the British comedy Outnumbered.

Source: Digital Spy

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