Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Big Brother 12 - S12 Ep.12-13 - PoV - Eviction - HoH - Saboteur - * SPOILERS *

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Big Brother 12 - S12 Ep.12-13 - PoV - Eviction - HoH - Saboteur - * SPOILERS *

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Hello again, welcome to Big Brother 12 – In this edition, I’ll recap the eviction episode, give a little insight to the Brendon/Rachel relationship, who could be the new saboteur and then, Spoilers for those who want to read them. Let’s get to it.

We again see a recap of the damage that Andrew provided to the relationship of Hayden and Kristen but we also see the nice bond that they have formed. Kristen begins to suspect something is going on with Hayden because he seems to be too relaxed while being up on the block and she thinks he knows he is safe but how? Very simple as she starts to connect the dots that maybe he’s in an alliance with Enzo and Lane. This could be her biggest piece of information to use against Hayden to try and break up a secret alliance that no one but the 4 in it, know about. However, Kristen does raise some suspicion with a few people but she just doesn’t seem to hammer it enough to make people take notice. If I was in Kristen’s shoes, I would have went to everyone and told them that she KNOWS he’s in an alliance with those guys and they might even have Matt(which they do), that way, everyone will start talking about it in their own side conversations and make some connections of their own. But Kristen did not even suspect Matt in the alliance and hence, she didn’t have a lot to go on.

Matt, Britney and Ragan are all hanging out in the HoH room while everyone is downstairs and Britney decides to put on some of Rachel’s hair extensions and act like her, DIVA Style. Matt joins in the fun a little too with some hair and the policeman’s hat. What they don’t see is Brendon and Rachel on their way to the HoH room. As they walk in and see what Matt and Britney are doing, we are led to believe that all hell is about to break loose but then, Rachel starts laughing because she thinks they are just having fun. You stupid B*tch, they are making fun of you. Rachel definately is not as smart as she likes to think she is. Remember the quote, “I’m not just a dumb girl with big boobs, I am smarter than almost everyone in the house.”? NOT TRUE, she’s pretty much a dumb girl with big boobs.

I’m personally completely over the relationship of Brendon and Rachel because as I’ve been saying, this relationship has no real chance of surviving. I like to say, “The worst TV Break-Up of All-Time” is coming and BB continues to push that in the way they edit the show. However, if it was just editing, I might back down a little bit from that statement, however, from watching the live feeds and BB After Dark, these two have no real chance. Rachel has already been questioning her relationship with Brendon and she doesn’t want to move to LA to be with him. On the flip side, Brendon can’t stand hearing stories of how many guys she’s slept with or how she gets so crazy drunk that she blacks out and doesn’t remember anything. Brendon is completely smitten with Rachel and I believe his feelings are real, however, I don’t think Rachel fully returns those feelings and it’s going to hurt Brendon pretty bad. The only bad part to me is that we’ll probably have to wait to Jury House to see it happen and not in the game. I don’t see both surviving much longer.

Back to the game, we see the live eviction where Kristen believes she has 3 votes, those being Kathy, Lane and Ragan. Kristen has been pushing Britney very hard to keep her in the house and make a new ally. Britney was completely buying this as well but her only problem was, she wanted to make sure that Rachel would only put up Kathy as a replacement nominee. Britney went and talked to Rachel and asked what she thought while Kristen and Hayden tried to create a new 4 person alliance with the leaders of the house. It makes me laugh when they go up, try to do anything to be safe and turn around in the DR and laugh how they’ll put them up next week if they are dumb enough to believe them. I LOVE IT!! At the last minute, Rachel mentions to Britney that if she uses the PoV, she is considering putting up Lane and that’s enough talk for Britney to NOT use the PoV. At the live voting, no such fireworks for Hayden or Kristens speech ala Andrew’s from last week but in a non-shocking 6-1 vote, Kristen is evicted from the BB House.

Kristen gives everyone a hug in the house as she is the last person that does not make it to Jury House, so she won’t see Hayden for a couple months. We also learned that Kristen has/had a boyfriend outside the house. We are shown Kristen’s friend(all hot, btw) watching the show but we also see her boyfriend watching too as she’s making out with Hayden. He’s obviously not very happy and I was feeling sorry for him before he opened his mouth and I came to know that he’s a jerk. Julie does ask Kristen what she’s going to do with that situation and she says she’s going to get away from it for a little bit and figure things out. WOW Kristen, no job, no money, no boyfriend, no life? Maybe she really is going to be as bad off as she said. One final blow for Kristen’s exit was Rachel blasting her in her goodbye message and of course, we get a “you can’t get between me and my man, Brendon” that she’s said in EVERY SINGLE GOOD BYE MESSAGE, guy or girl. PSYCHO!

The power is up for grabs, in what might be the most important HoH contest so far. Not only will they be HoH, but they will make the decision of whether or not to open Pandora's box. The challenge is called "True Colors" The players are on the ledge of a giant paint can. The first person to fall, will be this week's only Have-Not. As the paint can rotates, the HGs are splashed with paint. Next a giant paintbrush starts smacking them.

In the vote for saboteur, it was close to a tie between Enzo and Ragan, with Ragan having the slight lead. He will be offered the "job" only if the new HoH chooses to open Pandora's box. If Ragan turns down the offer, the offer will be made to Enzo.

Until next time,

Eric Scot

The Animal House Radio Show

Monday Nights 8pm ET 5pm PT













Matt has won the HoH competition after Ragan once again jumps off a competition he probably had a real shot to win. Ragan knows that he’s safe and keeps the target off his back for another week. Brendon is ticked because “All these competitions are geared towards small people.” Matt decides to nominate Brendon and Rachel for eviction. While we’ve heard that Brendon would be the first one out of the house, the house is shifting towards evicting Rachel and even some possibly trying to side align with Brendon. Could we see the end of Rachel and Brendon this week as they are both targeted? Or will Rachel continue her rouse of a relationship with Brendon to try and force Brendon to use the PoV on her instead of himself if he wins it? That would be HORRIBLE if he wins PoV and uses it to save her to “prove his love” because she will take it and run and she won’t look back at him. I can’t stand her!

Matt has opened Pandora's Box and unleashed the new Saboteur in the house.  Ragan has accepted the assignment and has already begun his reign of terror on the house.  A new Saboteur message was shown to the HG's just last night and some were not very happy about it until someone finally said, 'At least it gives us something to do." HA - Quote of the Season!!

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