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Doctor Who - The Entire Series 5 Recap

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Here we go, or should that be Geronimo(?), with the new series ending last Saturday here in the UK I figured it was about time I went back and watched it all over again and brought you the chaotic mess of thoughts that would follow.

Two things before you read all of this, I thought David Tennant was brilliant but I thought his departure was drawn out and by the end of it almost wanted him gone. This is no reflection on him though more on the production, I mean 20 minutes of his last episode were dedicated to his regeneration. I also really wished people wouldn’t judge Matt Smith on his first seconds in The End of Time yet so many people did.

So, without further ado…

The Eleventh Hour

My Thoughts: It had been a long wait for this. Many had criticised his ten seconds on screen, many others hadn’t. Yet love him or loathe him (or indeed wait to give him a fair chance) Mr. Smith was finally on our screens and I blooming loved it. Fish custard, the corner of your eye, the Raggedy Doctor, Jeff’s laptop and that pesky crack all came from the first episode, as did the silence which is still yet to fall. I liked Prisoner Zero, especially when it got things wrong as the lady with the two children. However, the floating eyeball of the Atraxi plagued me, I just wasn’t so much of a fan. Whilst I did really like his first appearance what I’ve never been a particular fan of is the whole, I’m the Doctor, look me up I’m marvellous. I always feel a bit uncomfortable for the actor having to say that (look for me to totally contradict myself in a much later episode.)

Favourite Scene: If you want a serious scene then my favourite is when Amy traps the Doctor's tie in the car, the slow realisation, acceptance even that her imaginary friend is real sets this fairytale in motion.

If you want something funnier then it has to be fish custard, “You’re Scottish, fry something,” and everything else the food scene included.

Favourite Quote: “Amy Pond there’s something you’d better understand about me because it’s important and one day your life might depend on it, I am definitely a mad man with a box… haha yeah” – The Doctor

I could have chosen all manner of witty lines as with many of the future episodes but as I’m a sucker for characters I couldn’t help but pick this. It almost sums up the whole series, his little laugh at the end is both childlike and maniacal like a crazy old wizard, it’s the first occasion where you see the weary age in such a young face. Perhaps interesting that it is The Doctor’s existence that ends up relying on the fact that Amy remember the mad man with a box.

Any Other Business: Did we ever find out what Moffat was referring to when he said we’d go back to the first episode and wonder how he got away with putting something so obvious in?

The Beast Below

My Thoughts: Watching this series back has really reaffirmed my love for, what I have and will refer to as, my favourite of the New Who series. Especially this episode, I’d forgotten how truly great I felt having watched this, in an odd way. This is obviously their first adventure together for the Doctor and Amy with TEH being too disjointed to count. The Smilers are great, another prime example of taking a relatively normal thing and making it terrifying. Some complain they were underused and perhaps they were. However, once in a while it’s better to under then overuse something, Daleks anyone? We’ve had statues and the corner of your eye and now we get, essentially, clowns. I love Matt Smith’s giddy joy at the giant tongue one minute and the anger at Amy for making a choice on his behalf the next and of course Liz 10 makes this a superb watch. The mask, the glasses of water, the porcelain mask all make her as enigmatic as you like and so utterly watchable. There may not be an explosion round every corner but sometimes you just do not need that.

Favourite Scene: Without a doubt, and whilst it’s a long scene, it’s the scene that says to me Matt Smith is the Doctor and watch him roar. Otherwise known as the scene when Liz 10, Amy and the Doctor go to the Tower of London. The whole horrific realisation of what is going on aboard Starship UK is brilliant and Sophie Okonedo is a brilliant addition to the cast, perhaps the Doctor should bring royalty along some time. When she sits watching her own video you can only imagine what she has been through. More importantly it establishes the relationship between the Doctor and his latest companion, this Doctor does angry, he does potentially killing, he is old and young at the same time and this leads me on to…

Favourite Quote: “Nobody talk to me, nobody human has anything to say to me today!” – The Doctor

Any Other Business: Nice to see The Demon Headmaster (Terrence Hardiman) from my childhood in work again.

Victory of the Daleks

My Thoughts: were indeed a bit of a mixed bag on this. On paper a WWII Dalek story should work wonders but this is one of the weaker stories for me. It suffers a lot from RTD Syndrome, which in my world was how so many stories written by RTD got so close to being brilliant but then were ruined right at the end (flying busses anyone?) The episode would work better from the start had we not known the Daleks were there, we were one step ahead of the Doctor and I didn’t like that one bit. That aside, Daleks offering tea, well how could you refuse? I even like the new Daleks (and I’m not in the merchandising industry) I’m particularly fond of the Supreme Dalek’s long, low drawn out voice. Despite being rainbow coloured there’s something horribly calculating in it. I can even cope with Spitfire’s in space, I mean if we’re going to send any planes in then those are the ones. My real problem lies in “Please Mr. Robot, believe you are human and instead of being a delightfully destructive bomb you will fight your programming and become human.” It was so close to working on so many sides.

Favourite Scene: The Doctor going crazy on the old school Dalek, the old man’s frustration as he lashes out at his oldest enemy. They have the upper hand from the very beginning and this is not how the Doctor likes it. Once again, this is something that will crop up for him at the end.

Favourite Quote: Surely it has to be, “Would you care for some teeeeea?” - Dalek

Any Other Business: Amy doesn’t remember the Daleks, has her knowledge been sucked through the cracks or are we to believe that this is another mystery that will be answered in series 6?

The Time of Angels

My Thoughts: I’m always surprised to find people, especially those who like spoilers, don’t end up liking River Song. The very fact that she knows the Doctor’s future is massively intriguing. She can fly the Tardis and beat him at his own game. The totally random cameo of Mike Skinner aside, I thought this was a brilliant opener to a very highly anticipated return of both River and the Weeping Angels. The opening sequences of many of these episodes are so close to flawless, for example the museum/River Song stuff sets the scene so well that when The Doctor finally says “Hello Sweetie” in a slightly “why would you use Old High Gallifreyan to write that” kind of way you can’t help but suppress that giggle. His frustration at the “boringers” when River uses the stabilisers further showcases the childlike, easily angered old man all at once.

Once again the Doctor is willing to run away from that which scares him. It was Captain Jack once and this time it is River. I almost never want to find out about River Song because the mystery could, but hopefully won’t, end up being better than the answer. The Doctor’s disgruntlement at her diary and at the fact that one woman knows more than he is fascinating.

The church having moved on is inspired! But the best part of this episode is Amy being trapped with the image of the angel. It’s so quiet but so very brilliant and just so tense and then so funny at the same time with Amy winking to stop herself from blinking. Oh, and the Doctor bites Amy. Most importantly, right at the end of the episode the angels try to goad the Doctor… mistake.

Favourite Scene: That bit where Graham Norton appeared.

Favourite Quote: This episode doesn’t really have a quote as I wasn’t entirely sure how to write The Doctor’s impression of the Tardis.

Any Other Business: How many times is this series going to include the words perception and filter? Was there a sale on recently and I missed out on a good offer?

Flesh and Stone

My Thoughts: Don’t get me wrong, if what I’m about to say sounds like I didn’t like it I did, yet certain things weren’t right. Perhaps my biggest problem with this episode was the concept that such malevolently evil creatures could be duped by a scared, blind girl who only had to pretend like she could see them.

On the other hand I loved Amy’s countdown, a special mention as the dust streams out of her eye, I loved *that* scene that seemed so out of place and then eight episodes later it turns out it is. The Bishop threatening to reveal River’s real identity to the Doctor. The numerous life jokes he makes to Angel Bob. Then of course there is the inclusion of the crack in this episode and the introduction of it sucking people out of existence and the Doctor’s giddy inner geek coming out as he figures out there’s an angel in Amy’s mind.

Like with so much Dr Who, one enemy is scarier than loads, one angel is evil, one Dalek is horrifying but as a big group I start to find these things less so. Yet, to almost contradict everything I say I really enjoyed seeing the stone angels move, perhaps story wise it’s not so full of sense, but it looked great. And of course… the Tardis in Amy’s bedroom. Hah!

Favourite Scene: That scene in the forest the one that had people discussing it for two months, continuity error? Something more? That’s what writing is all about.

Favourite Quote: “Yes you’re right if we lie to her she’ll get all better.” – the sarcastic Doctor. I know despite all the intriguing River lines this one gets me every time. The Doctor is temperamental, things get to him.

Any Other Business: That eye that everybody saw behind River Song in the control room, was it just wishful thinking or was there more to it?

The Vampires of Venice

My Thoughts: I can’t quite place my finger on what I didn’t like here. I just came out of the end of it feeling a little bit empty.

I like Rory and I like the three of them together, Im just not sure that I like them together in this one. The jury is out. I loved Rosanna, it all felt very Shakespearean when she was on screen even when she was caring for her young under the water. Once again, what lurks beneath the water, another very common fear for many taken and made scarier.

I’ll say something for this episode; it’s very funny like the scene in the father’s house when they all sit around with their hands over each other’s mouths whilst he thinks.

Favourite Scene: The tiny exchange when the Doctor tells Amy to go back and Rory thanks him but we all know the Doctor does not want to do this.

Favourite Quote: “You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you’re around.” – Rory

Any Other Business: More perception filters… but most importantly actual silence, the Senora mentions it specifically and sadly (but also brilliantly) we still don’t know exactly what that is and is it interesting that Rory and the Doctor experience the silence but Amy does not.

Amy’s Choice

My Thoughts: Marvellous! This one was everything I hoped it would be. I mean, I didn’t like the granny aliens, for once he didn’t take old people and make them mortifying but everything else just worked. The previous episode set up her choice very nicely by making it seem like it was a choice between the two of them and her dilemma throughout is therefore brilliant.

I’d also like to compliment them all on being able to do fall asleep acting very well. Even when in an upright position. There’s not a lot more I can say about this but as it’s almost entirely fictional it works so very well and is poignant and witty all at once. Jolly good.

Favourite Scene: A cliché perhaps but the scene when Rory dies stands out. “What is the point of you?” from Amy to the Doctor, her immediate realisation that she loves him, her rash decision that that world is the dream and most importantly of all the Doctor’s expression before they drive into the house via the camper van.

Favourite Quote: “There’s only one person in the universe who hates me as much as you do.” – The Doctor. I think the real genius here is how tragic it makes the sentiment when you realise who the Dream Lord is.

Any Other Business: Not today.

The Hungry Earth

My Thoughts: I’m always wary of two parters, they never have that great a reception. For the most part though I quite liked this one. I like when you get a snapshot into people’s lives, when it’s clear they have been living before, like when the Grandad and Nasreen Chaudhry share the quick kiss and there’s all that history between them summed up in a second.

Once again, the Doctor, fixated on saving the day makes a mistake and lets Elliot out, Elliot who is so very key to this whole story. His childlike curiosity and intelligence through the episode is what makes his scenes alone with the Doctor so very touching. When the Doctor says he misses home “So much” he says so very much in so few words.

After the sky goes dark and the Silurians attack my almost favourite scene is when the Doctor and the prisoner have their chat together and she tries her “last of her species” defence. The Doctor is tired and he has no time for these games.

Favourite Scene: Amy being dragged underground. This is the man whose last companion had her mind wiped, who travelled alone for a long while to meet his previous incarnations final days and suddenly he’s lost another one and even his sonic can’t do a thing.

Favourite Quote: “Excuse me I’m making perfect sense, you’re just not keeping up.” - The Doctor

Any Other Business: What a way to end, live dissection and “one of you will kill me.” Such promise…

Cold Blood

My Thoughts: The thing that struck me most with this episode was how my promise the trailer from the previous week had. The concept of a tight little dialogue driven drama with the people on the surface going almost stir crazy on top try to figure out who will kill the alien whilst waiting for the Doctor to save the day below is what the episode should have been. It wasn’t.

There’s a big kerfuffle and then someone kills the Silurian prisoner. Then there’s the almost execution that seemed like it might just work but all the tension that built up in the first episode seems to have dissipated. The discussion between the two races is a very good moment along with the resolution and the idea that they pass the word on the surface as prophecy or religion would be nice to see a nod to it in the next series.

Its worth mentioning that Meera Syal is awesome in this. She does giddy-but-dignified-so-should-I-really-behave-like-this very well.

Favourite Scene: The triple whammy I suppose, dead Rory, a frazzled Tardis piece and then the saddest of all, Amy’s complete lack of memory of the man she finally remembered how to love two episodes previously.

Favourite Quote: “From the clothing, the human female seems to be more resistant to the cold than the male” - Silurian

Any Other Business: Nice to see a bit of voiceover at the end. This series seems to have played with its style quite a lot and mostly, with great results.

Vincent and the Doctor

My Thoughts: I did not like this episode. What ruined it most was their taking Van Gogh forward to see that his work was indeed appreciated, to hear that ramble about how great he was, only for him to still go mad. The brilliance of all these historical figures is their tragedy. It totally changes his story to think that he knew how good he was. The only redeeming quality was that it was perhaps the Pandorica that sent him mad (or indeed the thought of the Tardis and potentially Amy exploding) as we subsequently discover.

The invisible creature was all well and good and I appreciate the concept which worked for me. However, the execution made it seem too much like the monster was deliberately attacking, e.g. outside the Tardis. Perhaps, the fact that I didn’t enjoy it means I want to nitpick more but this is just how I felt.

The curator’s expression as he entertains for just a second the notion that the man who hugged him could possibly have been the man himself was a nice touch. I also liked how the Doctor and Amy used his paintings to find the key places in his life.

Favourite Scene: I very much enjoyed the scene at the beginning with the Doctor and the curator. Matt Smith must have felt a bit like he was seeing his future.

Favourite Quote: “Then why are you crying?” - Vincent.

More for the fact that she is crying for Rory without knowing it just like she will for the Doctor.

Any Other Business: As you can tell I was not so much a fan of this one. I apologise for the negativity on this subject and as I’ve protested, I like character driven programmes. Just not this episode.

The Lodger

My Thoughts: What surprised me about this episode was how one of the most ridiculously over exposed celebrities in life at the moment (James Corden) didn’t totally grate on me and make me feel horrible. Instead this was mostly my cup of tea (strong with a little milk). In fact it’s a very witty character drama and is just lovely with the Doctor and trying and failing to appear human and lacking in Amy it was all very succinct. Apart from (and call me heartless) the lovey dovey resolution to the entire situation which took me back to the Daleks episode ever so briefly.

I enjoy the way the Doctor is showing his forgetful, older side more these days. This is very much the calm before the storm of the finale. Oh and that creepy painting…

Favourite Scene: The Doctor trying to gel his hair, trying on aviators and trying to fit in in general. He is, after all, still an alien. And an honourable mention goes to the headbutting scene.

Favourite Quote: “Look what’s that, hmm it’s an unfamiliar and pretty obviously poisonous substance, oh I know what would be really clever, I’ll stick my hand in it.” - The Doctor

Any Other Business: Curiously, I didn’t trust the cat that kept appearing. Also curious, the Doctor wasn’t around to teach her in person but taught Amy to fly the Tardis from his remote location. There’s one for the Amy Pond is River Song theorists.

The Pandorica Opens

My Thoughts: Convenient that one of my favourite things in the ep with “opens” in the title is the opening. It was very slick and well, who wouldn’t want a Van Gogh of the exploding Tardis?

The build up in this episode is brilliant; the oldest planet in the universe, the Doctor’s friends coming together to all of the Doctor’s enemies coming together. The slow methodical opening of the Pandorica, Stone Henge, the CyberHead and then the final reveal… (read this doing your best Dalek impression) “Ready for you.”

The more I heard the lines about the trickster, the good wizards and how the enemies of the Doctor were gathering together, the more apparent it became that this was indeed the one thing you should never ever put the Doctor in… a trap. But I was still amazed and gripped by the episode.

And no, I did not approve of the Doctor doing his big stage show bit to all of the spaceships, those bits nearly never work for me.

Favourite Scene: The end. River exploding in the Tardis, Amy killed by the memory of her lover and the Doctor, oblivious to such events, being trapped for all eternity. The desperation of the whole situation was tremendous and sterling work from Matthew.

As an aside, from the moment Amy gets shot, the heartfelt music, the slow motion, the panning across aliens really reminded me of Lost when they used to do the happy montages at the end of episodes.

Favourite Quote: “I hate good wizards in fairytales they always turn out to be him.” - River Song

“…but you’ve been a soldier too long to believe there are gods watching over us. There is, however, a man.”

Any Other Business: What a pickle. Imagine if his enemies had had the foresight to part the Doctor and his screwdriver.

The Big Bang

My Thoughts: I would just like to start this bit by saying “no” to all those people. As in no, it does not need a whole load of action scenes and things blowing up for it to be the finale. I’m not against action, I like action, I think there have been some spectacular action sequences but it’s not an obligation that there has to be one in every episode. (Irrespective of the fact that the Tardis is exploding at the start and explodes during it but you appreciate the sentiment I hope.)

In fact my only real criticism is that I’d have liked the Doctor to have been in the box a little longer, if only he could have fulfilled his “mad man in a box” quote from the first episode.

The opening impossible sequence with the Doctor already out of the box making it possible for him to be saved was always to be the case. Moffat was after all the one to coin the phrase wibbley wobbley timey wimey and it was all handled very well.

I loved that moment on the stairs when the damaged Doctor appears to them all, the fez, River Song and the Dalek, the CGI for once being pretty darned cool. The revelation that *that* scene from the angels stories was indeed something more and that the Doctor could be written out of time itself. Then there are the goosebump inducing final few moments.

I also loved the myth about the Lone Centurion and the desert penguins. Marvellously well written all round and nice to see some dialogue and character and even mystery in the final episode. Orient Express, yes please.

Favourite Scene: The Doctor and little Amelia, as he recounts the tale of the Doctor and the Tardis for the last time. That moment when, as River mentions in Flesh and Stone, we feel that he is to at last become but a fairytale in one little girl’s dreams. Oh he tells that story like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do.

Favourite Quote: Just about every line from (the written) “Stick around Pond” to “Raggedy man I remember you and you are late for my weddinGAH”

Any Other Business: To those who were confused, the voice who said “silence will fall” will be revealed in the next series as will the silence itself. I think the biggest thing though is what could possibly make the Daleks, those totally, 100% evil killing machines find it appropriate to beg for mercy… three whole times. (this was the scene mentioned earlier on and is the only occasion I don’t really mind the whole “check your records thing.”)

I love Matt he’s grown into a marvellous old but young, forgetful but brilliant weary but full of life Doctor.

I love Amy, as they said in one of the confidentials, she’s not afraid to scream.

The guest stars have been pretty brilliant this series and Rory's not bad either.

I love that there are unresolved issues which makes it feel like one big adventure.

As with any series this had great and less great episodes but I think I’d have to call it as my favourite!

Until the Christmas Special…

Now that it’s been over a week, how do you feel about it? The highs? The lows? The great? The not-so-great? What silence?

Leave your comments below or head over to the forums to discuss wildly how wrong my opinion has been or just how jumbled my thoughts are.

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