Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Sight Unseen - Episode 1.06 - Lucas - Promotional Photos + Press Release

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Sight Unseen - Episode 1.06 - Lucas - Promotional Photos + Press Release

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Press Release
When Lucas (Alec Santos) comes to Tess’ (Dolly Lewis) apartment in the middle of the night claiming he just needs a place to crash, Tess is quick to realize something is up. Tess unearths a bombshell when she visits a crime scene with Jake (Daniel Gillies) and finds disturbing clues that suggest Lucas may be implicated in the murder of a famous painter. Torn between her loyalty to the Homicide Division and the need to protect the only family she has left, Tess says nothing to Jake but instead uses Sunny (Agam Darshi) to watch over Lucas via a nanny cam while she gets to the bottom of the case. Meanwhile, Sunny invites Kye (Ennis Esmer) into her home to help with her DIY, but he stumbles onto a piece of her hidden past breaking her fragile trust. (#106).


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