Episode three of Ordinary Joe is a bit quieter than the first two episodes. Now don't get me wrong, we get some interesting history in all three versions of Joe's life, but this one spends some time on the supporting characters in all of the stories. The entire episode also takes place during all of the Jennys' birthday. Read on for some teasers.
Cop Joe
This version or the Blue Joe has the least amount going on in this episode. It is another character in this version of his life who we learn a lot more about and I don't know if it will do them any favors in the likable department. Joe and Amy take a big step in their budding romance that comes on a little quickly. He also continues his work on the Diaz shooting. Jenny isn't really a big presence here, but she is around.
Nurse Joe
Of all the versions of Joe and Jenny, this one is the one I am rooting for the most. We get a glimpse of what caused the chasm in their marriage and it is honesly neither of their faults, they were just being caring people. As mentioned above, it is Jenny's birthday and this green version spends the most time acknowledging that. Jenny is still pondering the Atlanta move throughout the episode as well.
Rocker Joe
Ugh, this guy. I countine to find his choices so infuriating and that just grows once again in this episode. As does my disdain for this version of Jenny. The red Joe and Jenny leave me feeling so much sympathy for their respective spouses as they both act like selfish teenagers. There is more I could say, but I will let you decide once you watch the episode.
Other Tid-Bits
* We meet a very influential person for Jenny in all three versions. I like them in two of those.
* Eric has a little bit more to do this ep, but they need to step it up because they are seriously wasting the greatness that is Charlie Barnett.
That is it for me! Comment below with your theories for the next ep!