The season premiere of Chicago Fire packed a punch and set up a lot going forward as we usher in season 10... Let's discuss!
I'm out of Air
As promised, the premiere quickly answered what happened with squad 3 and it first it looked hopeless when the boat became completely submerged and sunk to the bottom of the lake, but this actually bought more time by creating a new air pocket for them. Severide is able to rig an electrical panel to blow a large hole in the hull, giving everyone an escape route. When Severide was about to exit thinking everyone was out, he realized he was missing a man and saw a lifeless Cruz floating above him. Thanks to his lungs of steel, Severide was able to grab Cruz and make it to the surface. Speaking of the surface, at the same time Squad was saving themselves below, Casey had sprung into action and made his way to the site. Whilst he didn't do much to bring them to the surface becuase he literally had no way to, he did help pull Cruz into the rescue boat and administer CPR. Eventually Cruz came back to us and that meant we did not lose any members of our beloved rescue squad.
Some might call this a cheap way to take the air out of the cliffhanger, but I am thrilled we didn't lose anyone. There was still a ton of emotion from waiting for Cruz to come back to us to Stella waiting on the dock helpless to save the love of her life. I am happy the show went for the best resolution of keeping squad intact, because there is enough doom and gloom in the world and on the TV front. Once that was resolved, we jump two weeks ahead and set up the coming storylines that will affect our crew.
Moving On and Up
Chief finally got the promotion he has richly deserved and is the deputy district cheif. This means that he will oversee more houses and thus will need to move to headquarters. The house is thrilled for him, but the realization that he won't be there is a tough pill to swallow, especially for Stella. She doesn't want the dynamic of 51 change even though she will eventually move to another house due to her own promotion (I highly doubt that is happening and the show will pull some TV magic to justify her staying, but I digress). Chief himself is having trepidations about moving and even asks Hill if he can be based out of 51. That does not go over well due to a pushy Alderman who will not look kindly on the optics of him not being at HQ. In the end, the move is still on with the promise that the 51 family will always be intact because of what Boden made.
Watching this unfold was quintessential 51, with family and heart at the forefront. I do expect some cloudy skies ahead because I don't think Boden can physically let the house go, it will be too hard for him to lift himself out of the puzzle and be at peace with that decision.
As the episode closes, he speaks to Stella again and tries to put her at ease saying both of them leaving will be huge, but the house is always going to be a family. This doesn't feel over, so we will have to see how they will write themselves out of a corner that has been created. As careers heat up, so do relationships and we got some good moments from several pairings.
Stellaride, Brettesy and whatever the heck Violet and Blake are
Now if you read my preview, I omitted anything having to do with Stellaride because if I did say something, you guys would've figured out he was fine. While I know most social media sleuths figured that out months ago, I couldn't give away the goods to those who didn't, so that is why I was mum on anything having to do with them. Now that the episode has aired, I can gush! Seeing them after the rescue was what my Stellaride loving heart needed. I knew Stella would smother Kelly with love and it was adorable (RIP the remote though). We also learned that Kelly is dragging his feet about telling his mom about the engagement. Once he did, I totally got why. She had to bring up the Benny of it all. Kelly has worked so hard to not let his father's mistakes define his future. He is NOT Benny and has fought for his happiness with Stella. I hope this season sees the culmination of that when they get married.
Now on to Brett and Casey. They were more in the background but that didn't stop them from being adorable. Their moments were just what the doctor ordered after a season 9 filled with angst and longing looks. I also cracked up when Hermann and Mouch talked about them thinking they were slick. We also got worried Brett when Casey made his crazy rescue, that was amazing if I do say so myself. Watching Casey up there being a boss and in total control of the situation is still a treat to witness, ten seasons in. But Brett is asking for a lot if she thinks he will never do that again, and I think she knows that, it just felt good to say.
Oh Violet and Gallo. The back and forth is going to be a headache for their and Ritter's burgeoning business venture. They clearly care for eachother, as evidence by Violet being shaken by Blake falling through that roof AND her knowing his handwriting from a birthday card. These two need to get it together, but at least their back and forth is fun... for the time being. We should all feel bad for Ritter while they figure it out.
Odds and Ends:
* The episode planted the seed that 61 is being stretched thin and it isn't just there, ambos are going on non-emergent calls too often due to there not being enough personnel around the city. Brett handled her queen call like a boss, but this is story that is unfortunatley true to life as to what is going on in healthcare. Brett told Casey that she has an idea, and I am eager to hear what it is.
* Cruz was clearly shaken by what happened and him finding out that Kelly would've died along side him had they both not made it up haunted him the rest of the episode. There is no way this call wouldn't stay with him. It'll be interesting to see where this goes and if they continue to pull this thread. No matter what he is going through, he has the perfect partner in Chloe and I wish we saw more of her. I also loved that the baby shower finally happened thanks to the ever thoughtful Hermann, because those two deserved it. Also, with him visiting Otis's statue, who is holding out hope they incorporate his name into the baby's? I know I am!
* The three amigos are going to brew beer..... No doubt Molly's will be the first to have it on tap.
* How scary was it when Stella and Gallo went through the roof? I was holding my breath.
Whew! A lot happened. Feel free to discuss below in comments and don't miss next week!