The Church of the Returned
Since returning, Adrian, a Flight 828 passenger, capitalized on the popularity and the mystery behind Flight 828's return and started his own church, The Church of the Returned. He's making people believe that the Flight 828 passengers are some kind of saints or angels. A member of this church with a very sick husband so thoroughly believes in that that she contacts Saanvi to ask her to help her husband. Saanvi doesn't think she can do anything, but goes anyway, and discovers that, yes, she can't do anything for him. But Saanvi has a total Doc Martin moment when the woman, Alice, unaccepting of what Saanvi's saying, goes crazy and decides to hold her hostage with a gun until she cures her husband. But Saanvi can't, and convinces Alice's husband of that, who then tries to convince Alice, but Alice ain't having it

Ben shows up pretending to be the healer she believes them to be, keeping up the charade long enough for Alice to put her guard down and Mick to sneak up from behind and take her into custody. He tells Adrian what happened to shame him, but he has no shame, just lots of dollar bills from his congregation.
Jared is terrible again and bringing Mick and Lourdes down with him

Zeke the Cal Whisperer
Mick invites Zeke to move in with her because she has an extra room since Ben moved back home, it looks like. Zeke isn't quite ready to rejoin the real world, so he accepts. After having some flashbacks to a sweet moment with his sister, he gets the first calling of the episode. He sees himself, or someone, being attacked by a wolf. Cal, again, hones in on someone else's calling but doesn't want to talk about what he sees. When everyone tries to get answers from him, he says no. After all that's gone down since coming home from Flight 828, Cal doesn't want to do this anymore.
Zeke also still doesn't want anything to do with all of this, but mostly he just doesn't want anything to do with his family. But, Grace has a heart-to-heart with Zeke about the importance of him getting back in touch with his family. He thinks his return is a fluke and he's not special, and then she reminds him Cal wouldn't have risked his life to save him if that were true. So Zeke tries to help Cal, who turns out is afraid he's making things happen by drawing them. Zeke challenges him to draw something and make it happen, so draws something and it doesn't happen. This makes Cal feel better that he's just predicting the future, like that's not also still a big deal. He finally feels comfortable enough to draw what he saw. Isn't just telling them an option? Imagine having to wait there for 15 minutes for really important information, especially when it turns out he saw a wolf attacking Mick. Just as he finishes, Mick is at the docks where a van is pulled out of the water and there's a body in the passenger seat. When she opens up the door, the passenger springs to life, howling at her, but is held back by the seatbelt. If Cal had just told them, they could have warned Mick about that quite a bit earlier.