It's been a rollercaoster of a week in regards to renewals and cancellations. Good shows have been cancelled, terrible ones renewed and not knowing if cancellations are going to stick (I'm looking at you B99). Here is your opportunity to vent those feels.
By only using an image, meme or animated GIF in the comments below, tell us about your feelings for each show or an overall summary of the week. Multiple comments are welcome if you have a few you want to post.
To use GIF's you can try GIPHY and use the link like in the image below and post it into the comments to get a preview (example below), then post your response.
NBC bring back B99
It's as easy as that. Either upload your image in the comments below or post a link to where the image is online and DISQUS will show your image for everyone to see. Or just post the picture and tell people to guess the show you are talking about, let's have fun with it.
It's that simple. It's time for you to PICTURE THAT!