This week’s episode was focused more on character than action. Jason finds himself having to work to a mission designed by (I’m guessing) the only other team leader who is absolutely not a fan of Jason Hayes.
Because of this rivalry, we were treated to scenes of epic childishness and unprofessionalism. Both men were aware that the plan was being evaluated by the people (politicians) charged with giving the mission the green light, and they couldn’t stop themselves from bickering.
Honestly, if it had been my decision, I would have said ‘no’ and walked away without even watching them run the mission drills. I wouldn’t have trusted those two to handle a mission with the potential to cause an international incident.
On of my favorite scenes in the episode was in the cage between Ray and Jason. For me it was one of the more real moments in the episodes. Jason is venting about Beau Fuller, and Ray forces him to consider the situation from Beau’s perspective. The path to Team Leader has different challenges for an African American man vs. a white man. It’s a reality Jason hasn’t experienced, and Ray made sure he, at least, considered it.
It’s a conversation/perspective that television tends to shy away from. Most of the time the shows with diverse casts shy away from characters’ cultural differences. I love the idea of a production cast solely on whose audition was best.
But once cast, shows, especially something like a cop show, can only benefit from adding this kind of depth to the characters. It was refreshing to see it handled here and in a real way. It felt very much like a conversation best friends would have.
Finally, Jason’s dealing with Nate’s death was brought up again. Of course his best friend sees the subtle indicators that this Nate’s death is different and needs to be faced. Ray strongly suggests that he talk to someone; anyone.
Jason takes the advice. After discovering that the mystery women was someone Nate helped get to a safer life, he goes to see her, and she’s the person he finally decides to talk to.
Clay discovered that he’d been designated to deliver the notification of Brian’s death to his family. In a way it was odd, because we got back story on a character that is no longer on the show; although it was great getting more screen time with Michael Irby.
Discovering the truth behind the picket fence impression that Brian had cultivated about his family life was interesting. However, I wish they did a better job of showing how all of this affected Clay.
From his perspective, it felt a little too superficially handled. The show put itself in a position where they have to get fans to like this unlikable character, but, for them to be successful (with me at least), I need to see the character change and grow. I felt like I didn’t see that here. I suspect we will see the resultant change in the character, but I wanted to see it come about.
I liked the touch that they delivered the notification to the woman at the diner who had looked out for Brian as a little boy. I assume they did the same with the man running the halfway house.
I thought it was a good episode, but I think I’d put it at the middle of the bunch so far. What did you think of the episode?