Outlander - Doldrums - Review: "Water Water Everywhere"
18 Nov 2017
JH Outlander ReviewsThere are a lot of transitional sections in Voyager, the book this season is based on. I can’t imagine it’s made the writer’s jobs easy. For me, though, they’ve been pretty successful. The focus of the beginning of the journey to rescue Ian is a months long ocean crossing. This meant that there was no momentum on the Ian rescue story.
Just before the ship sets sail, Jamie gets an unpleasant surprise when Fergus shows up with a wife, Jamie’s stepdaughter, Marsali.
Did anyone else think some of Jamie’s displeasure was rooted in his awareness of Fergus’ experienced eye? Does he believe Fergus won’t make a good husband?
I did love tiny little Marsali going head to head with Jamie, who stands about a foot taller than her.
Jamie battles seasickness. I want to thank the director for that lovely shot of him spitting up. Mr. Willoughby, rather cheerfully, tries to convince Jamie to give him an acupuncture treatment. His description of the consequences of not accepting the treatment was a hoot.
It never occurred to me that the wind could stop in the middle of the ocean. As near as I can remember, there’s always, at a minimum, a breeze.
Apparently the wind does stop on the ocean and when that wind is, essentially, your ship’s motor, it is a bad thing.
The greatest source of tension was the crew’s superstitious reaction to the lack of wind and the spoiling of some of the water. They were convinced that their troubles were because someone on the ship didn’t touch the horseshoe before the voyage started.
Claire’s initial reaction to this was a little odd considering that she was almost killed because of a community’s superstition.
She did take the Captain’s warnings into consideration, but the way that scene played out, I didn’t get the impression that she remembered her time in the thieves hole and how close she came. I am, however, more than willing to put that down to her re-acclimation to the times.
The crew spent a huge chunk of their time looking for a scapegoat (or Jonah), and the captain was more than willing to flip a coin and find someone to blame.
It all came to a head when one of Jamie’s Ardsmuir men, Innis, couldn’t remember whether he’d touched the horseshoe or not. So, no scapegoat needed.
Mr. Willoughby was the first to notice the coming improvement in the weather. He distracted the sailors with the story of his life.
What man isn’t going to be on the side of someone who refuses to allow himself to be castrated? (Though he almost lost his audience when he divulged his true opinion of European women.)
You know you’ve got your audience hooked when none of them notice that, after several weeks without any wind at all, their hair is being blown about their heads. It was my favorite scene of the episode.
They finally get back underway only to be chased down by a British ship, The Porpoise. They’re being overrun by an epidemic of, what Claire identifies as, Typhoid. Claire is a doctor with a 20th century inoculation and a stubborn desire to do her job. She has to help.
She confesses to Jamie that she’s taken an oath. This is, of course, a concept Jamie understands well. Plus he’s met his wife.
Both believe that it’s merely a short visit, but The Porpoise presses Claire into service as it makes haste to Jamaica with her on board. This is going to go over well with Jamie.
There was a lot I liked about the episode. One of my favorite elements was the way that Willoughby’s story was told. What were your favorite elements of the episode?
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